BIZARRE DESIGN Tussen de Bogen 35 1013 JB Amsterdam Tel/fax 020 6276844 HOW TO PAY THE ORDER TOTAL IN ADVANCE : I have enclosed as payment in full : cash total € : Bank transfer € : WITH AN INITIAL PAYMENT : I enclose +/- 10% of the order : cash total € : Bank transfer € : I pay the rest when the order is ready : cash total € : Bank transfer € : ( Bizarre Design will send you the bill, and the order is send to you when the payment is received ) BANK INFO : ABN AMRO Bank tel. nr. : 0900 0024 Postbus 6382 1005 EJ Amsterdam Holland acc. nr. : 406092419 BIC : ABNA NL 2A IBAN : NL 70 ABNA 0406092419 WITH CREDIT CARDS : I pay with my credit card. Total € : Which card ? American express : Visa card : Account nr. : Expiration date : Extra security code : (digits on the signature strip) Address of registration : Signature : ( the payment is charged to your card when the order is almost ready.) Master- /Euro card :