
The RF Technology Day in the Netherlands takes place on the
2nd of April. The goal of the seminar is to show the diversity
of applications, innovations and knowledge in radio frequency
technology. The event is organised by trade association FHI and
twenty participating companies.
2 april 2014
This year’s topic is ‘Trends in Radio Frequency’,
the participants will show which new technologies have come
available, which applications have come available and which
new technologies will come next. Knowledge and practical
developments are central in both the plenary and parallel
sessions of the seminar. The entire range of the market, appliers,
developers, suppliers and institutes, are brought together at the
RF Technology Day. Vision, experience and capabilities will be
shared with colleagues.
A visit is crucial for:
• Development engineers
• System architecs
• Hardware engineers
• Technical and R&D
• Test engineers
• Project managers
• General managers
• Professors
• Employees of
knowledge institutes
Visitors will receive specific, technological information and you
will be shown the newest technologic possibilities. The plenary
sessions focus on the combination of knowledge with practical
Parallel sessions may focus on components, development and
test- & measurement. Furthermore, the Huygens Laboratory
provides the possibility of a tour through the lab where they will
show several test setups.
Twenty exhibitors will show the latest developments in radio
frequency technology. The RF Technology Day also offers a great
opportunity for networking and finding contacts to improve your
applications and your knowlegde.
For a free visit to the RF Technology Day Netherlands,
please register at
Target industries are:
• Data-/ Telecom
• Developers
• Medical technology
• Aerospace & defence
• Industrial automation
• Agricultural industry
• Research institutes
• Education / Universities
• Energy suppliers
RF 2014
09.30 - 09.55
Gebruik van HF technologie bij Elektron Paramagnetische Resonantie (EPR)
EPR wordt gebruikt bij onderzoek van materialen en (fysische, chemische of biologische) processen waarbij het magnetisch dipoolmoment van elektronen een
rol speelt. De aanwezigheid van deze elektronen wordt waargenomen doordat zij in een statisch magneetveld in resonantie worden gebracht met microgolven.
Voor een goede analyse is een hoge resolutie nodig. Deze kan worden bereikt door de combinatie van een hoog magneetveld en een hoge microgolffrequentie.
Deze presentatie behandelt een tweetal EPR-spectrometers, respectievelijk werkend met een frequentie van 95 GHz ( ~ 3mm) en 275 GHz ( ~ 1 mm). Het
95 GHz-systeem is gebouwd met golfgeleiders; bij 275 GHz wordt grotendeels een zgn. pseudo-optisch systeem toegepast. Beide systemen kunnen zowel met
continue als gepulste microgolven worden gebruikt. Enkele speciale aspecten van de systeemopbouw zullen worden toegelicht.
Jos Disselhorst en Dr. Huib Blok, Huygens Laboratorium, Universiteit Leiden
10.00 - 10.30
Slimme radio, een frequentieruimte-multiplier?
Slimme radio oftewel cognitieve radio zoekt zelf zijn tijdelijke plek in het frequentiespectrum. En wel op een zodanige manier dat de reeds aanwezige
gebruikers van die frequenties daar geen hinder van ondervinden. In theorie een prachtige manier om zonder storing dezelfde frequentieruimte beschikbaar
te stellen voor meerdere gebruikers. Een echte frequentieruimte-multiplier. John Derksen, Hoofd Spectrummanagement van Agentschap Telecom, gaat
in op de meest recente ontwikkelingen rond cognitieve radio en op de vraag onder welke voorwaarden slimme radio zijn belofte kan waarmaken. Voordat
het zover is, zijn er nogal wat uitdagingen te overwinnen. Hoe komen we uit de huidige kip-ei-situatie? Geldt hier de tragedie van de commons ook? Welke
technische uitdagingen zijn er nog op te lossen? En... wie durft?
John Derksen, Agentschap Telecom
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break & transition to parallel sessions
11.00 - 11.25
Experience with RF simulations in
antenna development
Grafeen: dé kandidaat voor de
nieuwe generatie (HF-)elektronica
For most of us antenna technology is a
magical realm. In this contribution a recent
development in the field of antenna technology
is presented. The presentation gives insights
in the design goals that were to be achieved
and in the problems that had to be overcome.
During the presentation it will be shown how
the RF behaviour of the new antenna was
simulated and how these simulations relate to
the actual end results.
Patrick Dijkstra, DARE!! Development
Grafeen wordt algemeen gezien als hét
materiaal voor de toekomstige elektronica
(sneller en zuiniger). Wat is grafeen en wat kan
het (met name op HF-gebied)? Welke hobbels
moeten genomen worden voordat grafeen
op grote schaal in elektronica kan worden
toegepast? Met ons fundamentele onderzoek,
waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van een unieke,
zelfgebouwde microscoop (een variabele
temperaturen STM) proberen we te begrijpen
hoe perfect grafeen gegroeid kan worden.
Dirk W. van Baarle, Universiteit Leiden
Miniature Ceramic Filters
One RF Measurement Science for
Multiple Instrument Form Factors
F technology applied in space and
ground systems
Determining which instrument form factor is
best suited for testing needs is dependent
upon several qualities: speed, performance,
cost, footprint, user interface, and more.
There is not one of these form factors which
is the best, so users need to choose based
on the most important needs for their stage
of the product lifecycle. By sharing the same
measurement science between these form
factors, engineers can now create synergies
instead of creating inefficiencies.
Gustaaf Sutorius, Agilent Technologies on
behalf of ACAL BFi
SSBV Space & Ground Systems provides
innovative space and ground system solutions.
The ground based activities include Earth
Observation and TTC modems. In the space
segment SSBV is involved in the development
of instruments and electronics for a new
generation of smallsat SAR imaging radar. RF
technology plays a crucial role in the front-ends
of all of these systems, which will be elaborated
in the presentation.
Laurens Bierens, SSBV Space & Ground Systems
on behalf of Electro Rent Europe
11.30 - 11.55
This presentation describes the design and
manufacture of surface mount miniaturised
filters offering performances up to 20GHz+. The
process of "prototyping before manufacture"
will be described, based on a realisation on high
dielectric constant ceramic substrate using a
2.5D solver together with full characterisation of
the x,y and z components of dielectric constants.
Manufacturers of these filters use Industry
standard MIC processing techniques.
Gavin Ripley, BSC Filters on behalf of Heynen
Passive Intermodulation (PIM), an RF
interference, challenging the radio
access network performance
Passive Intermodulation (PIM) is not a new
phenomenon. With multiple transmit carriers
and the use of multi-technology sites (GSM,
UMTS, CDMA and LTE) by several operators,
PIM issues are getting more serious and
more complex. This presentation gives
a full overview off the fundamentals of
intermodulation, problems caused by Passive
Intermodulation solutions to reduce PIM and
new testing techniques to improve the radio
access network performance.
Johan Nordhall, Kaelus namens Livingston
RF 2014
12.00 - 12.25
Next generation High Reliability, Low
Loss PCB substrates
Testing & Troubleshooting for WiFi
802.11 embedded design
A user introduction to GPS theory
and simulation
The paper will cover the next generation of
low loss PCB substrates, focussing on Isola's
I-TERA® MT, which exhibits significant cost of
ownership advantages over traditional PTFE
and/or ceramic filled materials. The electrical,
thermal and mechanical properties will be
described along with the processing and other
advantages over traditional solutions.
Alun Morgan, Isola Group Europe on behalf of
Millions of IEEE 802.11 devices are in use and
they operate in the same frequency bands. This
makes the need for their coexistence critical.
Testing a new chipset, designing a new WLAN
module, or integrating a module into your latest
design, requires testing interoperability. This
presentation provides an overview for each
of the 802.11 standards, including 802.11/ac
160MHz@5GHz, PHY layer characteristics and
testing requirements.
Bernd Wessling, Tektronix on behalf of C.N. Rood
A short discussion about how the global
positioning system works, showing some
of the complex theory behind getting a GPS
fix on a receiver, and an introduction and
demonstration of some of the latest hand held
equipment that can be used for multi-satellite
GPS simulation (GPSG-1000).
Barry Hack, Aeroflex UK on behalf of
T&M Systems B.V.
Vijf gouden tips voor de perfecte
TETRA Site and Coverage acceptance
Tijdens de presentatie nemen wij u mee
terug naar de basis van de coaxverbinding
en bijhorende techniek. Vanuit daar gaan
wij systematisch op weg naar een perfecte
coaxverbinding. U zult persoonlijk ervaren
welke valkuilen en uitdagingen u hierbij
kunt verwachten. Uw keuze voor de juiste
kabel en connectoren is hierbij van cruciaal
belang. Daarnaast spelen de toepassing,
de omgevingsconditie en bijhorende
afschermingsmethode ook mee in uw
Léon-Marc Roefs, Simac Electronics
TETRA is the most successful mission critical
communication voice and narrowband
data mobile standard in the global PMR
market segment at the moment. Anritsu will
present latest news about Over-the-Air (OTA)
measurements for modulation quality and cell
parameter measurements. Along with this topic
GPS aided RSSI and BER based radio coverage
measurements for buildings, tunnels and free
space scenarios are presented.
Ferdinand Gerhardes, Anritsu GmbH
Harmful RF discharge in highpower vacuum systems: what is the
Multipactor Effect
High-Speed EMI testing with FFT
based real-time analyzers and
The Multipactor phenomenon is a harmful effect
since it degrades the transmitted signal, it
can damage and even destroy RF devices. The
design of Multipactor free components is critical
for industries like Space, Vacuum Electronics,
Radar, Satellite Systems and Particle
Accelerators. This lecture introduces the basics
of Multipactor and it’s dependence on several
factors. The fundamentals of Multipactor testing
will also be outlined.
Dr. Sergio Anza, Aurora Software and Testing on
behalf of AR Benelux
Door het gebruik van 2 technieken, m.n. FFT
én Time Domain Scan worden meettijden
drastisch verkort ten opzichte van traditionele
EMI ontvangers. Dit levert EMC laboratoria
een sterk verhoogde efficiëntie op en daardoor
een verlaging van de kosten voor EMC
approval. Deze FFT techniek wordt eveneens
gebruikt in high-speed oscilloscopen bij
productontwikkeling. Deze presentatie geeft een
overzicht van de theorie en techniek achter het
real-time EMI testen.
Jos Westhof-Jacobs, Rohde & Schwarz
12.30 - 13.30
Lunch break
13.30 - 13.55
Fast and Accurate RF component
characterization enabled by FPGA
To address the needs for increased performance
and complexity, RF instruments leverage
field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).
These FPGAs are typically closed with fixed
personalities designed for specific purposes and
allow little customization. RF instrumentation
with user-programmable FPGAs can bring
significant speed and flexibility advantages to
users as will be highlighted in a RF component
characterization application.
Guillaume Pailloncy, National Instruments
14.00 - 14.25
Prediction of Co-site interference in
complex RF environments
Predicting cosite interference and analyze
multi-antenna platforms in complex RF
environments such as commercial aircrafts,
UAVs or ships can be a challenging task. This
talk will demonstrate how software tools such
as CST STUDIO SUITE® and EMIT can help
engineers to analyze and mitigate interference
effects. A complete workflow starting from
the simulation of the antenna coupling to the
system co-site interference of the RF-Systems
will be presented.
Dr. Frank Demming-Janssen, CST AG Germany
on behalf of Hi-Tech RF & Microwave solutions
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee break
RF 2014
15.00 - 15.25
15.30 - 16.00
Throughput test method for MIMO
Radios with Over the Air coupling
Small temperature sensor using
mm-wave data and power transfer
The challenge of Radiated testing of LTEAdvanced and IEEE 802.11ac devices. Network
Equipment manufacturers and operators need
to test the integrated design of set-topboxes,
access points, clients including the MIMO
antenna propagation, in a repeatable way.
This is only possible in a radiated setup with
a controlled multipath emulation. Recent
developments are making this test setup
available on every engineers desktop.
Fanny Mlinarski, octoScope namens Tucana
Many sensor applications require many small
wireless sensors, preferably combined with
low cost and long battery life. The Centre
for Wireless Technology has developed
a prototype of a very small (0.2mm^3)
batteryless temperature sensor. Both data
communication and power transfer are
achieved through a mm-wave (60GHz) radio
connection. In this presentation, the system
design for this sensor as well as some critical
aspects of the circuit implementation will be
Hao Gao, TU/e
Electrical fast transient / Burst
immunity test according new IEC
61000-4-4 Edition 3
The fast transient test (EFT/burst) is a test
with burst consisting of a number of fast
transients, coupled into power, control
and signal lines of electronic equipment.
Significant for this test is the high amplitude,
the short rise time, the high repetition
frequency and the low energy of the
transients. The new Edition 3 (2012) specifies
new capacitive coupling clamp and calibration
Frank Niechcial, EM TEST GmbH
Application of high power microwaves for the stabilisation of nuclear fusion plasmas
In ITER, the nuclear fusion reactor that is presently built in France, hot plasma will be confined and brought to conditions that nuclear fusion occurs. However,
the plasma is intrinsically unstable, which leads to an unwanted decrease of the fusion figure of merit. An active control system will be presented, based on
low-power microwave sensing and high-power microwave actuation of the plasma, with the view to locate and kill the unstable modes in the plasma.
M. de Baar et al. FOM institute Differ and TU/e
16.00 - 17.00
Drinks & networking
16.00 - 17.00
Rondleidingen en Demonstraties
Na afloop van het lezingenprogramma bestaat de mogelijkheid om een rondleiding door het Huygens Laboratorium te volgen. Tijdens deze rondleiding wordt
een viertal demonstraties gegeven. Het aantal plaatsen is beperkt, meld u voor de rondleiding met demonstraties aan via de website.
Demo 1
95GHz EPR Spectrometer
De opstelling van de 95 GHz spectrometer met de aansluiting naar de trilholte in de magneet. Het systeem is geheel met golfpijpen uitgevoerd. Om verlies in
transmissie te beperken wordt voor het deel naar de trilholte “oversized” golfpijp gebruikt.
Demo 2
275GHz EPR Spectrometer
De pseudo-optische componenten zijn geplaatst boven een supergeleidende magneet die het hoge magneetveld (tot 10 T) genereert. De magneet wordt
gekoeld met vloeibaar Helium. In de kern van deze magneet bevindt zich een trilholte met daarin het te onderzoeken preparaat.
Demo 3
MRI Scanner for Nanoscale Samples (MRI-AFM)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Atomic Force Microscopy (MRI-AFM) is a promising new technique to resolve the internal atomic structure of biological
nanostructures such as virus particles and proteins. MRI-AFM relies on the detection of the force between a small number of nuclear spins and a micron-sized
magnet that is attached to a soft cantilever. By exciting the spins with electromagnetic pulses, we can alternate the force on the magnet, which results in an
oscillation of the cantilever. By monitoring the cantilever oscillations while scanning it over the sample, we can map the density of spins in the sample in three
Demo 4
Making future electronics enter reality: Graphene
Graphene-based electronics are expected to make devices faster (up to THz-regime), smaller (nm-sized) and more efficient. We try to understand and optimize
the graphene synthesis process by real-time microscopy techniques (STM) in order to finally produce a perfect resource for future electronics.
For a free visit to the RF Technology Day Netherlands,
please register at
RF 2014
ar benelux