Wordt onderstaande mail niet goed weergegeven? Klik dan hier. Innovatie update nr. 1 - 13/03/14 Consument kan kleding straks online aanraken Innovatie Update Geachte lezer, Hieronder leest u onze nieuwe Innovatie Update. Tal van nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van fashion, textiel, tapijt en 3D printen nemen we hierin op. Mocht u aanvullingen hebben of collega’s die deze Innovatie Update ook graag willen lezen, laat het ons weten. Vriendelijke groet, Rens Tap INHOUD Event “High tech innovatie en duurzaamheid managen” Fashion ● Consument kan kleding straks online aanraken ● Ebay heeft straks virtuele paskamer ● Ready-to-wear LED light-up mini-skirts on New York Fashion Week ● Fashion and technology, together? ● How does your wardrobe look like updated by technology Textiel ● Can carpets power our phones in the future? ● Innovative manufacturing companies show way 3D printen ● Herziening van regels bij 3D-printen ● Zensah Challenges Traditional Apparel Manufacturing with 3D Printing Concepts ● ‘Kleding printen is dichterbij’ ● Nobody saw it coming, let alone in 3D... ● ‘3D-printen is de toekomst, voor iedereen?’ ● By end of 2014 Electroloom launches personal 3D printer for clothing ● Debut of 3D on the runway ● Dress of Lady Gaga's in 3D printed ● Hema stapt in 3D printing ● 3D printed knickers are downloaded as couple produce underwear Event “High tech innovatie en duurzaamheid managen” De alumnivereniging EHTSV (AVE) van de Saxion Hogeschool (v/h Instituut de Maere en v/h Hogere Textielschool) organiseert op zaterdag 5 april a.s. in Enschede een symposium over de vraag hoe je high tech innovatie en duurzaamheid moet managen. Textielregio Twente heeft zich door de jaren heen ontwikkeld tot een vooraanstaande regio op het gebied van innovatie en nieuwe materialen. Welke eisen stelt dit aan huidige managers en aan toekomstige generaties? Vooraanstaande sprekers uit bedrijfsleven, onderwijs en overheid zullen het thema toelichten en met elkaar in debat gaan. Op de sprekerslijst staan o.a. burgemeester Peter den Oudsten van Enschede, Wim Boomkamp, voorzitter College van Bestuur Saxion Hogeschool, Ivo Matser, ceo Twente School of Management, Martin Gritter, HR directeur Koninklijke Ten Cate en Gerard van Vliet, directeur Nederlands Centrum van Commissarissen en Directeuren. Meer informatie over het programma? Klik hier Fashion Consument kan kleding straks online aanraken Met de tactiele tablet kan de consument straks ook plaatjes voelen. Kleding kunnen aanraken is dan niet langer een argument om niet online te shoppen. Op het jaarlijkse Mobile Worlds Congres in Barcelona presenteerde Fujitsu afgelopen week de ‘tactiele tablet’. Lees meer. Ebay heeft straks virtuele paskamer eBay is de nieuwe eigenaar van softwareontwikkelaar PhiSix. Deze ontwikkelaar is gespecialiseerd in 3Dvisualisatiesoftware. De verwachting is dan ook dat eBay zijn marktplaats op korte termijn voorziet van een virtuele, 3D-paskamer. Lees meer. Ready-to-wear LED light-up mini-skirts on New York Fashion Week Tuesday at New York Fashion Week, editors were treated to a different kind of show: ready-to-wear LED light-up skirts, blazers and evening dresses by wearable technology company, CuteCircuit. Courtesy. Ravers and tech enthusiasts rejoice: The future of fashion may be a tap on the iPhone away. On Tuesday at New York Fashion Week, editors were treated to a different kind of show, one that merges runway with technology straight out of the movie 'Tron' or 'The Jetsons' with ready-to-wear LED light-up skirts, blazers and evening dresses by CuteCircuit. Read more. Fashion and technology, together? Wearable devices that measure our every step, heart rate, and calories like the Jawbone UP, FitBit and Atlas Wearables, and smart watches that act like our smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy Gear and the much-anticipated iWatch are everywhere these days. Wearables are gaining popularity by the minute, as they were all the rage at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Read more How does your wardrobe look like updated by technology Sure, Google (GOOG) is making eye-computers and Nike (NKE) bracelets will watch you sleep, but there are plenty of other things happening on the wearable-tech front. Just take a look at the number of design patents filed in recent years. Watch this in the future: Self-lacing shoes, Smart purses, Body-scan and Computer camouflage. Read more. Textiel Can carpets power our phones in the future? In today's digital society, you can have the world at your fingertips. At least, that is, until the battery on you smartphone runs out and you're left wondering how to survive the journey home without Candy Crush. But now a group of scientists believe they have solved this problem with a new material that may mean laptops and phones could be charged on the go. The 'photovoltaic-piezoelectric' flexible fibre, harnesses energy through impact, meaning electricity can be generated from movements such as footstep on a carpet. Read more. Innovative manufacturing companies show way Manufacturing in Australia is not dying and it certainly isn't dead. Write it off at your peril because there are thousands of success stories around the country. Ontera Modular Carpets is a Sydney-based manufacturer and it's doing brilliantly. The company has been around for about 25 years and has more than 100 employees. Its core business is making carpet tiles for commercial markets such as offices, aged-care facilities and educational institutions. Due to Ontera's innovative processes, it has just about halved the amount of water and energy it requires to manufacture carpet tiles. There are thousands of manufacturing companies like Ontera working away, developing new designs, new products and new production processes, and looking for new markets and new ways to access them. Very often this means discovering a niche area, getting to know the market and using that knowledge to inform and refine the product development. It is about being smart and flexible about how to go about production and marketing. More often than not it will find partners to work with along the way. Governments have important roles in boosting innovation by domestic manufacturers. They can remove some of the barriers that make it so difficult for businesses to partner with the smarts in our universities and in CSIRO. Innes Willox is the chief executive of the Australian Industry Group. 3D printen Herziening van regels bij 3D-printen In de medische wereld worden 3D-printers al ingezet voor het vervaardigen van protheses. In de mode- en meubelindustrie worden prototypes veelal geprint in 3D en bij de Hema kunnen consumenten zelf sieraden laten printen. Het logische vervolg is dat er nu sites ontstaan die mensen die in hun woon- of werkomgeving een 3D-print willen laten maken, in contact brengen met (privé)- eigenaren van 3D-printers. 3D-printen levert niets dan voordelen op, zo lijkt het. Maar de kans is groot dat deze nieuwe industriële revolutie conflicten over intellectuele eigendomsrechten (IE) teweeg zal brengen. IE-rechten auteursrechten, merkrechten, modelrechten en octrooirechten geven de houder ervan een exclusief recht. Zonder diens toestemming is het in beginsel niet toegestaan beschermde vormgeving te kopiëren en te verspreiden, een merk te hanteren voor bepaalde producten of een beschermde techniek te gebruiken. Dit schrijft Marjolein Driessen in Het Financieele Dagblad. Lees meer Zensah Challenges Traditional Apparel Manufacturing with 3D Printing Concepts From the ski slopes to the catwalks, product designers are increasingly using 3D printing to create innovative product. The technology, which has long been employed by the aerospace, medical, and automotive industries for prototyping, constructs a three-dimensional object by printing multiple layers of a material, usually some sort of plastic filament. Desktop 3D printers are being used to develop concepts as varied as miniature drones, downhill skis, light weight trusses for the construction industry, and exoskeletons that enable paralysis victims to stand and walk. Read more. ‘Kleding printen is dichterbij’ In de toekomst hebben steeds meer mensen een kledingkast vol met kleding afkomstig uit 3D-printers. Dat zegt Aaron Rowley, oprichter van Electroloom, een startup die zich richt op kleding die gemaakt wordt met behulp van 3D-printers. Lees meer. Nobody saw it coming, let alone in 3D... There’s a wealth of know-how in fibres and yarns for technical textiles behind the small Dutch company Applied Polymer Innovations BV (API). Based in Emmen, it has brought together around 20 of the key specialists who have previously worked at now-vanished major European producers including Enka, Akzo Nobel, Acordis and Diolen. Today, it is largely involved in R&D and lab and pilot-scale activities. Established in 2008, the company has so far focused on the development of high-end applications employing biopolymers and the niche production of mono and multifilament yarns, such as those for tyre cord. One market, however, has come entirely out of the blue and is now taking on epic proportions for API – the sudden adoption of PLA as the polymer and monofilament of choice for 3D printing. Read more. ‘3D-printen is de toekomst, voor iedereen?’ Op de Webwinkel Vakdagen vertelt Anush Martorossian van Ground3d over de (on)mogelijkheden van 3D-printen in de modeindustrie. Volgens Anush Martirossian van Ground3d is 3D-printen de toekomst. Niet alles zal op den duur echter geprint (kunnen) worden. Dat is de conclusie van haar presentatie op de Webwinkel Vakdagen 2014. Lees meer. By end of 2014 Electroloom launches personal 3D printer for clothing 3D printed clothing and accessories have been primarily objects of art, self expression, and novelty. The Parametric Sculpture Dress worn by Lady Gaga or the exquisite designs of Iris van Herpen explore the boundaries of technology and imagination in fashion. Read more. Debut of 3D on the runway Imagine seeing a hot new dress or stylish shirt worn by your favorite celebrity on the red carpet but instead of rushing out to the mall or ordering it online, you simply click "print" and watch the clothing instantly show up in your home office! It's a real possibility with 3D printing moving in on the fashion world. Everything from shoes to underwear could be coming to a 3D printer near you. Read more. Dress of Lady Gaga's in 3D printed Lady Gaga invited her fans to get a sneak peek at her new album 'ARTPOP' , live from Brooklyn, NY. At stage Lady Gaga wore a 3D printed Parametric Sculpture Dress designed by Studio XO in London and printed by Belgian company Materialise. Read more. Hema stapt in 3D printing Warenhuis Hema gaat vanaf maandag 3D geprinte sieraden verkopen. Online kunnen consumenten kettingen en armbanden van roestvrij staal, nylon en 24 karaats goud personaliseren. Ook brengt het bedrijf 3D-geprinte telefoonhoesjes op de markt. Lees meer. 3D printed knickers are downloaded as couple produce underwear Knickers are downloaded as couple produce underwear on 3D printer. Mornings when you cannot find a pair of clean pants could be a thing of the past thanks to an Israeli couple whose revolutionary technology makes it possible to download a pair of new knickers through 3D printing. Tami and Udi Giloh have developed a woven fabric created on a hi-tech printer, and are in discussions with suppliers to lingerie retailer Victoria’s Secret over a possible marketing deal. Read more. Meer informatie? Wilt u meer informatie? Neem dan contact op met Rens Tap of Josien Feenstra. Contact Utrechtseweg 95 3702AA Zeist t: +31(0)30 232 0900 f: +31(0)30 232 0999 info@modint.nl MODINT MODINT is dé ondernemersorganisatie van fabrikanten, importeurs, agenten en groothandelaren van (sport)kleding, modeaccessoires, tapijt en (interieur)textiel. Uitschrijven | Gegevens wijzigen copyright 2014 MODINT