Afzender: Ivo Willemsen Datum: 09-09-14 Onze referentie: Nieuwsbrief 17 Onderwerp: Hydrauliek Symposium 2014: “Hydraulics & Maintenance” Ter attentie van: Leden Uw referentie: Nvt Beste leden, 13 November aanstaande organiseert de Vereniging Platform Hydrauliek in samenwerking met de FEDA voor de zesde maal HET HYDRAULIEK SYMPOSIUM te Ede. Dit jaar staat het thema Hydraulics & Maintenance centraal. Inmiddels is het volledige programma bekend en zullen 20 (!) sprekers uit binnen en buitenland een zeer interessante dag gaan verzorgen. Tevens is er uitgebreid de gelegenheid om te netwerken tijdens het bezoeken van de inmiddels vertrouwde table top presentaties en de afsluitende netwerkborrel. Inmiddels zijn er al 21 bedrijven aangemeld voor deelname aan de table tops. Naast deze zeer informatieve en waardevolle dag zal de organisatie dit jaar tevens de extracten van de voordrachten en de presentaties digitaal beschikbaar gaan stellen. Bij binnenkomst op de dag van het symposium wordt deze informatie op een gratis e-reader aangeboden! GEEFT U ZICH NU OP ZODAT U VAN EEN PLEK VERZEKERD BENT!! De kosten van het symposium bedragen € 225,- ex btw. Hiervoor krijgt u: - Toegang tot het symposium - Gratis e-reader twv €70,- Bijwonen van boekpresentatie: “Medisch spoedgeval, Hydraulisch hogedruk injectie letsel, De Feiten” - Deelname aan lunch-buffet en koffie rondes - Bezoeken van table tops - Deelname aan afsluitende netwerkborrel Inschrijven voor deelname aan het symposium kan via de site van het symposium: onder de het kopje “Inschrijven”. Ook kunt u zich op deze site nog opgeven voor het presenteren van uw bedrijf doormiddel van een table top (klik op boven genoemde site op de pagina voor “Table top”). Het complete programma en overige informatie vindt u tevens bijgevoegd onderaan deze brief. Namens het de FEDA en de VPH hoop ik u van harte te mogen verwelkomen op 13 november aanstaande. Met vriendelijke groet, Ivo Willemsen Voorzitter Vereniging Platform Hydrauliek 06 66 182 114 Vereniging Platform Hydrauliek Voorzitter: Ivo Willemsen Tel: 06 5518 2114 Secretaris: M. Schutte Tel: 06 2252 5512 Penningmeester: P. Vos Tel: 06 2237 9123 Internet: KvK: 220570 Noord-Oost Brabant ING Bank Vlaardingen rekening: Correspondentieadres: De Manning 65, 2995 AG Heerjansdam Pagina 1 van 4 Dutch Fluid Power Conference November 13 th, 2014 The Netherlands Oil Management Lifetime Condition monitoring Revision and repair Hydraulics & Maintenance The 6th Edition of Dutch Fluid Power Conference takes place in the Netherlands on November 13th 2014 in Ede For the sixth time, the Federation Drive and Automation (FEDA) and the Dutch Fluid Power Association (VPH) will organize the Dutch Fluid Power Conference. The main topic for this year is “Hydraulics & Maintenance”, focusing on key points such as Engineering, Cost control, Durability and Safety. Several speakers from the Netherlands and afar will hold discussions of the following topics: Oil Management Lifetime Condition monitoring Revision and repair The conference provides an international platform and is the place to establish contacts between professional experts and practical operators within the sector. Therefore, this conference will add VLJQLğFDQWYDOXHIRUHQJLQHHUVPDLQWHQDQFHPDQDJHUVSURGXFHUVVFLHQWLVWVWHDFKHUVDQGVWXGHQWV along with anyone who is interested or involved in maintenance relating to hydraulics. Due to the international presence of the conference, all presentations will be held in English. Like previous years, the Hydraulics Conference 2014 will be held in the Congress Centre CineMec in Ede, the Netherlands. How to subscribe for this symposium? Participation costs per person € 225,- ex VAT which includes: ō$FFHVVWRWKHV\PSRVLXP ō$GLJLWDOUHIHUHQFHERRNHUHDGHUZLWKDOOOHFWXUHWH[WV ō/XQFKEXIIHWZLWKWHDFRIIHH ō1HWZRUNLQJHYHQW <RXFDQUHJLVWHUDQGğ For more background information about the FEDA or VPH you can visit the websites or TOPIC Hydraulics & Maintenance list of presentations (in alfabetical order of speaker name) Hose life during operations and best practice in handling, storing and inspection Permanent condition monitoring of hydraulic hose Developments regarding the lifetime improvement of hydraulic sealing systems How to maintain your hydraulic system on a military mission Sample preparation for reliable hydraulic particle count analysis using light extinction particle counters Technical innovations by ultrasonic FODPSRQĠRZPHWHUV Modifying machinery and EU regulations Mr. Serkan Algan Condition monitoring as a maintenance tool Maintenance manager of the year 2014 Mr. Stuart Lunt Maintenance of hydraulics in relation to the performance of lubricants 2LO)LOWHU$QDO\VLV2)$RQFRQWLQXRXVO\ operating wind turbines Modular condition monitoring systems for determination the oil quality and the particle contamination &RPSRQHQWFOHDQOLQHVVRIĠXLGSRZHU Mr. Taco Mets Changing market requirements in relation to Environmentaly Acceptable /XEULFDQWV($/ V Local repair capability for hydraulic cylinder rods Fluid injection injuries "the facts" Mr. Martin Ruch ,PSURYHPHQWH[LVWLQJğOWUDWLRQFRQFHSW E\XVLQJE\SDVVğOWUDWLRQ Repair of pumps & motors and different types of damages Short time ageing test for hydraulic valves Oil condition monitoring & interpretation of the test results Mr. Marc van Uytven Mr. Ulrich Ammer Mr. Gonzalo Barillas Colonel de Graauw Mr. Matt Harle Mr. Leen de Jong Mr. Wouter Leusden Mr. Ton Merkx Mr. Gerrit Middelkoop Mr. Eliseo Pignanelli Mr. Jari Rinkinen Procurement and technical manager, Pirtek Europe Ltd Product marketing manager, hydraulic hose and ğWWLQJV(0($%DGHQ%DGHQ*HUPDQ\ Engineer manager, Freudenberg Sealing TechQRORJLHV*HUPDQ\ Head maintenance facility materiel command, Royal Netherlands Army %XVLQHVVGHYHORSPHQWPDQDJHU%HFNPDQ Coulter HIAC Owner, technical director at Ultrasonic Flow 0DQDJHPHQW2XG*DVWHO1HWKHUODQGV 3URGXFWVDIHW\FRRUGLQDWRU%RVFK5H[URWK %HQHOX[ Research manager, condition monitoring business unit, Parker Kittiwake, Littlehampton, UK Key note speaker, technical manager themepark Walibi, the Netherlands Technical director, Van Meeuwen Industries %XVLQHVVGHYHORSPHQWPDQDJHUDQGVHQLRU consultant, Plurel 6FLHQWLğFVWDIIFHQWUHIRUPHFKDWURQLFVDQGDXWRPDWLRQ=H0D*PE+6DDUEUXFNHQ8QLYHUVLW\ *HUPDQ\ Professor IHA-Department of Intelligent Hydraulics, Tampere University of technology, Tampere, Finland &RVWXPHUVHUYLFHPDQDJHU3DQROLQ$*3DQROLQ International Inc., Madetswil, Switzerland Mr. Guus van der Sluis Owner WMV Europe bv, Rijssen, the Netherlands Mr. Martyn Smart National training and health & safety manager, Pirtek UK Managing director at Triple R Europe N.V., $QWZHUSHQ%HOJLXP 'LUHFWRURIVHUYLFH%RVFK5H[URWK+RUE *HUPDQ\ Academic staff, Institute of Fluid Power Drives DQG&RQWUROV,)$6$DFKHQ8QLYHUVLW\*HUPDQ\ Lubricants technical advisor, Shell Lubricants Netherlands Mr. Thomas Voll Mr. Paul Weber Mr. Gerhard Weigand About FEDA ( 7KH)HGHUDWLH$DQGULMYHQHQ%HVWXUHQ)('$>)HGHUDWLRQ'ULYHDQG$XWRPDWLRQ@FRXQWVPRUH WKDQPHPEHUVDQGLVWKHPDLQWUDGHDVVRFLDWLRQLQWKHğHOGRIGULYHDQGDXWRPDWLRQWHFKQR logy in the Netherlands. The FEDA membership is open to all companies that have a relationship with drive and automation technology, which includes organizations and knowledge institutions active in this sector. About VPH ( 7KH9HUHQLJLQJ3ODWIRUP+\GUDXOLHN>'XWFK)OXLG3RZHU$VVRFLDWLRQ@ was founded in 1997. With this, the basis was laid for a platform where DQ\RQHLQWHUHVWHGLQRUKDVDIğQLW\ZLWKK\GUDXOLFVFDQEHPHPEHU At the moment, the association has more than 150 enthusiastic members. Together they pursue the associations goal ŃVHFXULQJDQGSDVVLQJNQRZOHGJHZLWKLQWKHğHOGRIK\GUDXOLFVń About Cinemec ( CineMec is a congress centre in the hart of the Netherlands where conferences, business days, movie events, company parties or receptions can be held. Located near highway A12 it is very suitable for business meetings, next to movies and cultural performances. FEDA: Karin van Reijn, e-mail:, T +31 88 400 84 10 Kirsten de Lange, e-mail:, T + 31 884 008 410 VPH: Peter de Ru, e-mail: , M +31 629 551 249 Route to the Cinemec Congress Centre: By car From the A12 motorway , coming from the direction of 8WUHFKWRU$UQKHPWDNHH[LWQR:DJHQLQJHQ(GH %HQQHNRP7XUQULJKWDWWKHWUDIğFOLJKWV From the local region It is the most convenient way to take the motorway $)URP%DUQHYHOGDQG$PHUVIRRUWWDNHWKHPRWRUZD\ A30 in the direction of the A12. From Apeldoorn of Nijmegen take the motorway A50 in the direction of the A12. Public transport Cinemec is located approximately 3,5 km from the railway station Ede-Wageningen where you can take a bus to Cinemec. For the timetables check, and CineMec Laan der Verenigde Naties 6716 JE EDE