1 PLESE SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILES 2 SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN MINES ENGR. MUHAMMAD KHALID PERVAIZ PRESIDENT INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS PAKISTAN Safety Management System The organizational structure, processes, procedures and methodologies that enable the direction and control of the activities necessary to meet safety requirements and safety policy objectives MINE Means any excavation on surface, or sub-surface, where any operation for the purpose of searching or obtaining of minerals has been or is being carried out. MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY OF A MINE UNDER THE MINES ACT 1923 1. OWNER The immediate proprietor or lessee or occupier of the mines is being the under the is to be the owner of mines. 2. AGENT Any person appointed or representative of the owner in respect of the management of the mine or any part thereof and as such superior to the Manager under Act. 3. MANAGER A person appointed by the owner or agent to be a manager of mine have a prescribe qualification and responsible for control, management and direction of the mine. ACCIDENTS Accidents are unexpected events of damage or injury. SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN MINES is based on • Identification of hazards which is done by two methods. INDUCTIVE METHOD • based on available / observable data • Predict what can happen in doing so and assess how a component of the part of a system will contribute to the success or the failure of a system as a whole. DEDUCTIVE METHOD • Based on identification of the failure of the components which contributed to the failure of system on the basis on inquiry. POTENTIAL DANGERS MATERIAL ENGINEERING • The method of mining. • Fall of roof and sides; • Obnoxious and inflammable gases; • Drilling and Blasting; • Mucking and Transportation of Materials and Minerals; • Electric and Mechanical Break Downs; • Use of Tools; • Hauling of men-material and machinery; Material Engineering… Contd. • Inadvertent entry/fall of men-material in disused galleries etc; • Mine Fires; • Coal Dust and Methane Explosion; • Rock Burst; • Coal Bumps; • Creeping of Pillars. • ORGANIZATIONAL ENGINEERING - CAUSES • Absence of self-guards; • Absence of strata or roof supports; • Hand tools in unfit conditions; • Lack of adequate instructions-guidelines or rules on accident prevention r; • Non-isolation of men riding passage and transportation from material and machinery; • Lack of adequate instructions and guidelines on work procedure; ORGANIZATIONAL ENGINEERING – CAUSES….. Contd. • Lack of technical supervision or inspections while work in progress; • Incorrect organization of work process; • Non-adherence to prescribed work and procedure; • Poorly designed structures and equipment; • Use of low grade materials and many other causes. THE PURPOSE OF INQUIRY IS TO:• Find facts; • Identify the causes; • Fix the responsibility; • Take into account the remedial measures to stop re-occurrence of accidents or dangerous events; • Suggest changes in the management practices; procedural or system; THE PURPOSE OF INQUIRY IS TO:• Suggest changes if any in the legal or administrative system; • Ensure that the compensation proceedings are initiated on the report of the Inspector and disbursement made through the Compensation Commissioner concerned under a speedy trial. ACCIDENTS ANALYSIS DETAIL OF FATAL ACCIDENTS FOR THE YEAR 2008 (DISTRICT-WISE) Districts Sargodha Fatal Accidents 09 Khushab Mianwali 12 05 Chakwal Jhelum 19 05 Total 50 D IS T R IC T W IS E F AT AL AC C ID E N T S IN P U N J AB F O R T H E Y E AR 2008 12(24%) 12 ( 24.0%) Kh u s h ab Khushab 9(18%) 9 Sargodha ( 18.0%) Sar g o d h a 5(10%) 5 ( 10.0%) M ian w ali Mianwali 5(10%) Jhelum 5 ( 10.0%) Jh e lu m 19(38%) 19 ( 38.0%) C h ak w al Chakwal DETAILS OF FATAL ACCIDENTS FOR THE YEAR 2008 (MINERAL-WISE) Mineral Coal Ord. Stone Rock Salt Lime Stone Silica Sand Gypsum Sand Stone Fire Clay Total:- Fatal Accidents 26 04 06 03 01 01 06 03 50 M IN E R AL -W IS E F AT AL AC C ID E N T S IN P U N JAB F O R T H E Y E AR 2008 26 (52.0%) C OA L 1 (2.0%) SIL IC A SA ND 1 (2.0%) GYPSUM 4 (8.0%) ORD. ST ONE 3 (6.0%) L IM E ST ONE 3 (6.0%) FIREC L A Y 6 (12.0%) SA ND ST ONE 6 (12.0%) ROC K SA L T DETAILS OF FATAL ACCIDENTS FOR THE YEAR 2008 (CLASSIFICATION-WISE) Classification Fall of Roof/Stone Miscellaneous on Surface Surface Machinery Explosive Haulage Electricity Suffocation by Gases Fall of Side Foot Slipping Sundries Underground Total:- Fatal Accidents 15 06 04 03 02 05 04 05 04 02 50 C L AS S IF IC AT IO N -W IS E F AT AL AC C ID E N T S IN P U N J AB F O R T H E Y E AR 2008 15 ( 31.3%) Fall o f Ro o f /St o n e 5 ( 10.4%) Fall o f Sid e 3 ( 6.3%) Exp lo s ive 5 ( 10.4%) Ele ct r icit y 4 ( 8.3%) Fo o t Slip p in g 2 ( 4.2%) Hau lag e 6 ( 12.5%) M is c. o n Su r f ace 4 ( 8.3%) By Su r f ace M ach . 4 ( 8.3%) Su f f o cat io n b y Gas e s PURPOSE OF THIS LECTURE The purpose of the Mine Safety Program is to promote safe mining practices through program services: inspections at surface and underground mines, with a focus on accident prevention; certification testing; mine rescue; and safety training MINE SAFETY INSPECTIONS & ACCIDENT PREVENTION The Inspectors conduct safety inspections at all mine sites and investigate accidents reported by mine operators. Information collected during these investigations is analyzed and used to prepare recommendations for prevention of similar accidents. The Department utilizes Special Alert Bulletins to share this information with the mining industry. CERTIFICATION TESTING Mine Safety staff conduct certification testing for a variety of underground and surface mining positions and assist in the training that helps prospective applicants acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become certified. Certification is an essential part of promoting and maintaining the safety and productivity of Ohio's mining community. MINE SAFETY TRAINING Sr. No. Name of Course 01 First Aid Course 02 Timber man Courser 03 Shot Firers Training Course 04 Mine Ventilation Training Course 05 Six Days Training Course 06 Manager Permit 07 Gas Testing Course 08 Haulage Operator Course 09 Mine Electrician Course 10 Mine Rescue Training Course 11 Mine Surveyor Training Course 12 Mine Sirdar Training Course Detail of Samples collected by Mines Sample Testing Laboratory Khushab from different mines during the year 2008 SAMPLES Gas Dust Humidity Light Temperature Ventilation PH. of Water 438 129 438 438 438 144 91 Total Noise 96 2212 MINES RESCUE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MINES MINES RESCUE & SAFETY STATION KHUSHAB MINES RESCUE & SAFETY SUB STATION C.S.SHAH MINES RESCUE & SAFETY SUB STATION MUNARA MINES RESCUE & SAFETY SUB STATION MAKERWAL OBJECTIVES OF MINES RESCUE & SAFETY STATIONS IN PUNJAB • To provide prompt rescue facilities to the persons involved in accidents or disasters in mines. • To train mine workers in the field of mine rescue. • To hold refresher courses for teams employed by individual mine owners. • To hold periodical exercises in mines and to acquaint workers with the changing conditions of the mines because of development work. • To hold tests of competency in Rescue Operations and to grant certificates to the successful persons. BENEFITS i. Availability of timely and efficient help in cases of mine accidents. ii. Proper knowledge of mine rescue work. iii. Availability of efficient and trained workers to deal with emergencies. iv. Possibility of saving lives which is not possible otherwise. v. Reposing confidence in the mine workers in their profession. DEMONSTRATION FILM OF RESCUE & RECOVERY THANKING YOU 38