CSCW Evaluation Techniques Presented by: Christopher Edwards Overview of Presentation Evaluation Techniques Understanding Ethnography Using Ethnography in CSCW Understanding Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology and CSCW Technomethodology Conclusion Evaluation Overview Olson and Olson. What are we Evaluating? Evaluations Techniques… Internal/External Validity Conclusion Characteristics of Groups Individuals Differ in: Skills Ability Knowledge Personalities Motivations Agendas Characteristics of Organizations System comprised of people and technology Social Technology Physical Technology Comprised of multiple actors Dependency on Communication Information Processing Entities Characteristics of Task Tasks involve different types of material Physical, Digital or Ethereal Ease or Difficulty of Task Differ on Core Activity Subtasks – Tightly Coupled/Loosely coupled Characteristics of Environment Physical Environment Distance between Group members CSCW technologies designed to overcome Contextual Time • When in the day the interaction occurs • Effects on Distant Group member Characteristics of Technology Increasingly Varied Technologies to Support Conversation • Auditory/Visual • Back channels/gestures Technologies to Support Shared Work • Objects that support work • Fit of Tool to Material Process Technology Deployment How and Why Process Analysis Why outcomes were affected •Progress of Task •Communication process •Examined through time scales Outcomes The initial outcome of using technology Quality of work Measure outcomes at every level • Group Outcome • Organizational Productivity Conceptual Framework for CSCW Studies Group Organization Task Environment Technology Process Outcomes Tools used to evaluate CSCW technologies The Survey Set of questions Fixed Alternatives Statistically Analyzed Wording of questions problematic Interview Structure of interview Formal and structured Unstructured Analysis can be complicated Experimental Controlled Setting Specific Task Conditions Assignment of Participants Useful for making inferences about causality Case Study Examines a single or small number of cases Exploratory research Ethnography Method adopted from Anthropology Describing Culture Used originally to describe other cultures Misunderstood method Many other Methods Diaries Analytic Field Studies Quasi Experimental Longitudinal Studies Historical Studies Internal and External Validity HIGH Level of Internal validity Laboratory Experiments Field Experiments Surveys Ethnographies LOW Level of External Validity HIGH Conclusion to the Overview Different factors influence use and evaluation of CSCW software Framework of CSCW studies Evaluation Techniques Validity of Techniques Short Break Reconvene in 3 minutes *Upcoming – Understanding Ethnography Using Ethnography Ethnography and CSCW Ethnography Understanding Ethnography Sociology Adoption Using Ethnography CSCW Ethnography in Design (Hughes) Understanding Ethnography Ethnography is loosely applied to qualitative research Home is originally from Anthropology Aim to describe cultural interpretation Understanding Ethnography Understanding culture “from an insiders point view” Three sources of data Participant Observation Interviews Collection of representative artifacts Sociology Adoption Originally used to study distant cultures Chicago School of Sociology Studies focused on exploration of groups in urban settings Cultural comparisons in USA Family of Ethnographic Techniques Class Participation Time In Pairs (Saul and myself included) Everyone gets a Handout For a total of 5 Minutes (2.5 Minutes each) Each member of the pair (one at a time) asks the other questions from the sheet Debrief of Class participation What answers were given…. Obviously not a long term ethnography study Depending on your relationship to this lab – differing perspectives Understanding Grouplab culture (to some extent) Ethnography and CSCW Prominence of Ethnography in CSCW Insufficient attention to social context New problems for design of collaborative character of work and activities Ethnography and system design • Problem of scale • Pressure of time • Role of the ethnographer Concurrent Ethnography Design is influenced by on-going ethnographic study Sequenced process Ethnographic Study Debriefing Meetings System Prototype Systems Development Concurrent Ethnography in action London Air Traffic Control Centre Four week Ethnography Each stage of fieldwork was intended to target designers issues Small research team What ethnography provided Quick and Dirty Ethnography Brief Ethnographic Studies Duration relative to the size of the task Selecting aspects of work setting of importance to design Outline of project Meetings Short Focus Studies Debriefing Meetings Scoping Document Quick and Dirty Ethnography in Action Ethnographic investigation of software engineers Challenges of Large scale setting Working in Industrialized Environments Acceptance into the setting (*Key to Ethnographic research) Evaluative Ethnography Ethnography used to verify formulated design decisions Initial outline Design or Specification Short Ethnographic study Debriefing Meetings Amended Design Or Specification Evaluative Ethnography in action Fieldwork in Building Society Using research for IT developments Routine of work Finding what customers wanted Outlined limitations of model that had been proposed Re-examination of previous studies Previous studies are re-examined to inform design Ethnography used for many decades Many studies related to work and occupation Can be informative Re-examination in action Inform preliminary design of Shared Object Service Using previous Ethnographic studies on: Social work, police work and invoice processing in a multi-site fast food company What common service should support Summary of Ethnography Understanding Ethnography Ethnography and CSCW Uses of Ethnography Concurrent Quick and Dirty Evaluative Re-examination Big Break Time 5 Minutes Reconvene in 5 Minutes Upcoming – Ethnomethodology Understanding Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology in CSCW Ethnomethodology Understanding Ethnomethodology Confusing Ethnography and Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology in system design Incorporation of Sociology and Computer Science? ‘Technomethodology’ Understanding Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology literally means “People’s Methods” A Shift from ‘other’ Sociological Methods Social Life is potentially Chaotic Social Actors Members methods for making sense Understanding Ethnomethodology Garfinkel “Documentary Method” Example of Documentary Method Garfinkel “Indexicality” Disrupt Technique Example in class Understanding Ethnomethodology We can observe other members methods of construction Development of Conversation Analysis Confusing Ethnography and Ethnomethodology Ethnography is a form of investigative fieldwork Ethnography focuses on the “Member’s Point of View” Ethnomethodology is a specific analytical technique Confusing Ethnography and Ethnomethodology Confusion arises because: Ethnomethodologist is likely to use ethnographic techniques ‘Analytic mentality’-selection of phenomena and topics for investigation Ethnomethodology in HCI and CSCW Observations of work activities and interactions help design process Understanding temporal organization of activities and interactions and implications to design Learning from Ethnomethodologists Division of Labour Field Observation conducted by ethnomethodologists Act as proxy for end users Hand off requirements to computer science people Ethnomethodology for Critique and Design Ethnomethodology has provided: Critique of the design Failure to support the work Technology doesn’t allow people to engage in their work Outlines organization of work and communication in the real world Two Paradoxes Paradox of system design Large scale activity Paradox of technomethodology Transformational nature of technology Analysis of practice not invention Technomethodology Develop a stance in which ethnomethodology and computer science play equally significant roles Foundational relationships Technomethodology Trying to exploit generalizations from ethnomethodology Abstractions from both disciplines Means by which such working practices arise Dialogical interfaces Conclusion Understanding Ethnomethodology Confusing Ethnography and Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology and system design Technomethodology Conclusion of Presentation Overview of Evaluation Techniques used in CSCW Ethnography Ethnomethodology Technomethodology My thoughts CSCW has been unfortunately caught in a battle between sociological techniques CSCW design should incorporate work context issues It was this clear….