Sheffield - E-Health Insider

Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Data Capture with Digital Pens
CCIO annual nursing conference
Richard Sargent – Programme & Project Delivery Director, Anoto Limited
Tom Dowden – Deputy Service Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Technology Overview
What do digital pens do?
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
•The vision
Freeing time to care
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Digital Pens
• Invented by Swedish company Anoto 10 years
• A pen that captures what you write when you
write on a form printed with a fine dot pattern
• Generates a “scan” of the form
• Can also convert your handwriting to text
• Captures date & time of pen strokes
• Sends data via secure Bluetooth or USB
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Solution Components
• BlackBerry mobile platform
• Scheduling visits
• Secure upload of digital pen data
• Messaging between carers
• Lone worker protection
• Digital pens and PaperIQ platform for
processing pen data
• Same technology but its the forms that
drive the team, department or
How it Works
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Paper .... the pleasure
• For many its the most natural way to
capture data
Physical attraction - writing on glass is
not the same
• No technology barrier
• Easy management
• The ultimate back-up
• BUT ... in slow decline!
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Paper .... the pain!
• Time and cost for
processing paper
• Physical storage
• Duplicate data entry
• Cost for lost records
• Comfort zone!
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The impact to date
Where are they being used?
Case studies
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Our Credentials : Police Service of Northern
• 4,500 officers equipped
with digital pens running
on the PaperIQ platform
• Largest deployment of
digital pens to date
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Our Credentials : Portsmouth Hospital Trust
• Reduce travel & manage workload of midwives
• Give midwives access to patient notes from the field
• Eradicate duplicate/triplicate data entry and errors
• Midwives use digital pens when taking patient notes
• The data captured is sent to the maternity record system
via a BlackBerry smartphone
• Halved midwives daily admin time from 98 to 48 mins
• Protection against mislaid, lost or stolen forms & litigation
• No significant change to current working practices
• Reduction in errors
• Increased patient facing time
• Annual savings of £220,000 from 120 midwives
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Our Credentials : Aneurin Bevan Health Board
Gwent Frailty Programme
 Multi Agency Collaboration
 Split into Work streams including
‘Information Sharing’
 Reduce Hospital admissions and
length of stay
 200 staff in 5 new Community Resource
Teams (CRTs)
 Respond to referrals requiring rapid
response within 6 hours
 Share information between all carers
 Empower the citizens receiving care and
enable them to be ‘happily
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Our Credentials : Aneurin Bevan Health Board
Gwent Frailty Programme
Return on Investment
 200 users in Phase 1 reported an average of 10 minutes
saved per patient visit.
 With an average of five visits per shift, this equates to
projected annual savings in excess of £600,000
 Carers no longer need to go to the office to pick up their
schedule or file paperwork, so ABHB expects to see
significant savings on travel expenses
 Main savings will come in medium term from reduced
hospital admissions and length of stay
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL
Remote working for community
midwives in Sheffield
Tom Dowden –
Deputy Service Manager, Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Neonatology
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
The challenge
• 100+ staff working across Sheffield
• No access to IT, just a car and a mobile phone.
Issues for The Trust
• Very poor knowledge of activity
• Large spend on photocopying
information for midwives.
• Reliance on clerical staff to
relay discharges and other
information on a daily basis by
• Midwifery time to improve data
collection (c. 3.5hrs per week)
Issues for The Midwives
• No access to even basic
hospital data
• Required to carry large
quantities of paper – H&S and
governance issues.
• Large amounts of time spent
‘communicating’ with hospital
and each other.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
The Specification
• Ability for Community Midwives to
exchange information securely with the
hospital while ‘on the road’.
• To include
Recording activity
Caseload management
Access to Trust documents
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
The Initial Solution
• Web based system accessed via a BlackBerry.
• Midwives maintain their caseload based on live data
from Patient Administration System (PAS).
• Activity recorded in ‘real time’.
• Data from another system (Evolution) re women
transferring home are available in real time.
• Referrals to Antenatal clinic made electronically.
• Direct access to results (ICE), outpatient appointments /
inpatient stays (PAS) and birth information (Evolution).
• Workload transparent to team and managers for
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
The next challenge
• Change in maternity tariff from payment by
results to payment for pathway package.
– Increased requirement to collect clinical data
• Desire to develop the scope of electronic
referrals available to community midwives.
• Ongoing requirements to collect specific
information for audit and CQUINS.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
• To electronically record clinical information
that forms the ‘hand held notes’.
• To ensure that the woman retains access
to her hand held record at all times.
• To do the above in a way that is:
– Straightforward and convenient for staff
– Accessible to all client groups
– As cost effective as possible
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
Why digital pens?
• Digital pen technology enables us to record the
information electronically while maintaining a
hard copy for the woman to keep.
• The technology is complementary to the
systems that we have already developed based
on BlackBerry.
• The solution is relatively straightforward for both
staff and client groups.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
Why Anoto?
• We initially began a conversation with Portsmouth
NHSFT as they were developing a set of maternity
records using digital pens.
• We found that we had both been working on opposite
ends of the problem, and had complementary solutions:
– Portsmouth had concentrated on the clinical patient records
and obtaining these in an electronic form through working with a
partner (Anoto).
– Sheffield had been working on a business focussed system,
with a locally developed maternity information system designed
with community working at the forefront.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
Where are we now?
• Completed replacement of legacy Maternity Information
System (Protos/Evolution).
• Deploying digital pens to all community midwives.
• Working towards replacement of hand held notes by
digital version within next two months.
• Objective of replacing all outpatient and inpatient
maternity records with digital notes by year end.
• Developing full integration between digital notes and
maternity information system.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals - Jessop Wing
Want to know more?
Come and visit us on our
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Thank You
Richard Sargent – Programme & Project Delivery Director, Anoto Limited
Freeing time to care
Copyright © Anoto AB - CONFIDENTIAL