Fakulta záhradníctva a krajinného inžinierstva

Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering
Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering was founded in
1995 as a result of a project of the Agricultural University and the split
of the Agronomics Faculty that provided education in the field of
Landscape Engineering and the specialization Horticulture.
Faculty is primarily focused on the education of professionals focused
on horticultural production, fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable
and flowers protuction, on garden design and landscaping, renovation
and maintenance of green areas, planning and landscape creation,
soil, air and water protection, ground design, waste management,
construction and restoration of rural areas.
Faculty of horticulture and Landscape
Ing. Klaudia Halászová, PhD.
email: klaudia.halaszova@uniag.sk
doc. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Faculty Development
email: dusan.igaz@uniag.sk
doc. Ing. arch. Roberta Štěpánková, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Science and Research
email: roberta.stepankova@uniag.sk
Ing. Katarína Rovná, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Foreign and Public Relations
email: katarina.rovna@uniag.sk
Ing. Marcel Kliment, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Education
email: marcel.kliment@uniag.sk
• Department of Biometeorology and Hydrology
• Department of Planting Design and Maintenance
• Department of Landscape Engineering
• Department of Landscape Planning and Ground Design
• Department of Fruit Production, Viticulture and Enology
• Department of Vegetables Prodiction
• Department of Garden and Land Architecture
Faculty staff
• Academic staff
– Professors
– Asociated professors
– Research Assistants
• Number of students
Scientific work
• Faculty research activities are closely related to the focus
of departments and degree programs, which are included
in the Agricultural and Forestry sciences.
• Study branches:
6.1.10 Horticulture
6.1.11 Landscaping
6.1.17 Landscape and Garden Architecture
Study programs
Bachelor Degree
Landscape Engineering
Land Consolidation and Geographic Information Systems
Establishment and maintenance of sports grounds
Garden and Land Architecture
Biotechnics of Park and Land Design
Master Degree
Landscape Engineering
Garden and Land Architecture
Biotechnics of Park and Land Design
Doctoral Degree
Landscape Engineering
Landscape and Garden Architecture
Focuses of Faculty research
impact of climate change on different agricultural production;
changes in concentration of greenhouse gases;
growing technology of fruit trees, vines and vegetables;
biotechnics, dendrology;
use and application of GIS in agriculture, garden and landscape architecture
and landscape planning;
register of the renewed land registration and land consolidation;
the impact of waste on components of environment;
function and dendrological structure of the verdure, natural and artificial
vegetation in urban areas and landscape;
research of functional areas of the city regarded to the application of
renewal of historical gardens, renewal of rural settlements;
protection of natural resources, protection of soil and water resuorces;
hydromelioration: irrigation, revitalization of small streams, small wastewater
Centre of Excellence for integrated river
basin management
• Project No.: ITMS 26220120062 in 2010, became part of
the Centre of Excellence for integrated river basin
management in a changing environmental conditions
(CEIMP) together with partner organizations Institute of
Hydrology and the Technical University in Zvolen. The
project is cofinanced for a period of 2.5 years by the EU
– as part of the implementation of activities was built monitoring
system of soil water regime wired 15 automatic hydrological
stations and 4 meteorological stations;
– special equipment: Photogrammetric equipment for close
photogrammetry including lenses, Baro Diver and Diver for
measuring the depth of water, vacuum pycnometer, Total Station
with integrated GPS, GPS Penetrologer, etc.
Laboratory of Explantate Cultures
• The laboratory provides experimental basis for development of recent
and perspective scientific activities focused on ecological
technologies which are contributing to the sustainable production of
quality horticulture products, on quantification of mass and energy
flow data, quantification of water regime indicators in plants in
drought conditions and the regulation and the modeling of these
• It provides practical teaching in the field of analytical work and
laboratory technics for the subjects „Telary cultures and
micropropagation of horticulture plants“ and „Reproduction and seed
growing of woody plants“.
Aims in the field of research and education:
– Micropropagation of horticulture plants, their acclimation and preservation
of cultures for research and education.
– Research of the influence of abiotic and biotitic factors on the growth and evolution
of horticultural plants.
– Modeling of water regime in horticultural plants in drought conditions.
Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae
• Scientific journal for horticulture, landscape engineering, architecture
and ecology. It contains original papers thematically oriented and
related to above mentioned fields of science and research.
The journal is issued twice a year.
Important partners
• Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Technical University in
Zvolen, Constantin the Philosopher University, Technical University in
Košice, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Academy of
• Mendel University in Brno, Agro-physical Research Institute in St.
Petersburg, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
Switzerland, University of Adelaide Australia, University of
Wageningen Netherlands, University of Reading UK, Geographical
Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University of Life
Sciences, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana Institut für
Baumpflege Hamburg Germany, Universytet przyrodniczy, Poznaň,
University of West-Hungary Sopron, Botanical Garden of Vilnius
University, Lithuania, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, National
Botanical Garden N. N. Griško Kyjev, University of Novi Sad,
Research Institute of Vegetable Crops, Skierniewice, Agricultural
University of Plovdiv, University of Pécs, National Research Insitut in
Cairo, Corvinus University Budapest, ect.
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