eVD4 - The Smart Evolution - Primary distribution

eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
Primary distribution circuit-breaker with
integrated protection, control and sensors
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Complete integration in a single device
Current and
voltage sensor
in each pole
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Protection and control
Equipped with Relion®
technology: protection
and control unit RBX615
with IEC61850 and Goose
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Medium voltage vacuum circuit-breaker
Innovation and a sound foundation
of proven technology:
 Since 1987, over 550,000 VD4 circuit
breakers have been successfully
installed in a wide range of applications,
 Based on Relion technology
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Reduce time from purchase to commissioning
Standard panel
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Version with eVD4
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Versions, specifications, standards
Fixed / Withdrawable for UniGear ZS1
switchgear and PowerCube units
Up to 17.5 kV rated voltage
Up to 2,500 A rated current
Up to 40 kA (3 s) breaking capacity
IEC 62271, EMC EN 50263 (2000),
EN60255-26 (2007)
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eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Sensor converts primary circuit current
and voltage into a signal
Rogowski coil measures current
Capacitive divider measures voltage
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Measurements are in class 1:
 1/5P Rogowski coil
 1/3P capacitive divider
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
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Absolutely linear voltage and current
Low potential signal is safer for people
and auxiliary equipment
Extremely low energy usage
Fewer raw materials used
Automatic sensor selection, depending
on relay configuration
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
RBX615 unit based on Relion® technology
The integrated unit provides protection,
control, measuring and monitoring
functions for substations. It also protects
overhead lines, cable lines and motors.
Protection functions adapt to any radial
and meshed network, regardless of
earthing layout.
IEC 61850 compliant; supports
communication between substation
equipment and messaging system
(GOOSE) in native mode.
Dedicated automatic configuration tool
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
RBX615 unit based on Relion® technology
GOOSE: Generic Object Oriented
Substation Event
Units based on Relion® technology
installed in switchgear communicate with
each other and, through a network switch,
with the substation’s control system.
Communication board:
Ethernet, two channels
Communication protocols:
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Native IEC 61850 (including GOOSE)
TCP/IP Modbus®
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
RBX615 unit based on Relion® technology
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Feeder 1: Non-directional overcurrent protection and non-directional
earth fault protection (current only)
Feeder 2: Non-directional overcurrent protection and directional earth
fault protection based on measurement of phase voltage values
(current and voltage)
Feeder 3: Directional overcurrent protection and directional earth fault
protection based on measurement of phase voltage values and
overvoltage and undervoltage protection (current and voltage)
Motor 1: Motor protection with measurement and protection functions
based on current (current only)
Motor 2: Motor protection with measurement and protection functions
based on current and voltage (current and voltage)
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Human-machine interface (HMI)
HMI allows the integrated unit to be
parameterized, and displays the
mimic diagram and certain values
Large, multi-page double display:
Single-line diagram (SLD) page (left)
+ Standard menu (right)
8 LEDs
Power supply: 48 ... 250 V dc/ac
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Specific connector for eVD4
Connects auxiliary circuit of the circuitbreaker and integrated unit with auxiliary
switchgear circuits
Two Ethernet ports transmit digital and
communication signals
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eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Performance improvements and integration advantages
Performance improvements by
component harmonization and
optimization leading to a MV system
simplification and to an increase of the
overall reliability.
The eVD4 offers specific advantages
compared with a standard MV solution
in all stages of the panel life cycle
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Advantages along the panel life cycle
Specification and ordering
Specification and flexibility:
No need to define any parameters for
the sensors
RBX615 pre-configuration can be
Supply management:
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A complete MV solution (CB, Relay and
Sensor) can be obtained with just one
single order and one single reference
Advantages along the panel life cycle
Installation, Less wiring, Flexibility
 The eVD4 is a ready to install solution.
The components are internally wired. All
the wiring is instantaneously connected
to the switchgear through the CB plug.
Less effort for engineering and wiring:
 The switchgear is highly standardized
 Less risk of errors and increased safety
and reliability
 Easier and faster engineering
 Shorter and reliable connections
Flexibility for last minute modification:
 The integrated solution is more versatile
and flexible.
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Advantages along the panel life cycle
Installation, Less wiring, Flexibility – Low Voltage
Standard circuit breakers
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Advantages along the panel life cycle
Testing, Maintenance, Spare parts
Easy and complete testing of the whole
measurements chain by primary injection:
 It is possible to test the whole measurement
chain by a primary injection in the CB
contacts, easily accessible without any
modification in the panel.
Easy maintenance, reduced Mean Time To
Repair (MTTR):
 Standard accessories with few variances,
readily available for easy maintenance.
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Self-diagnostic functions
System quickly repaired in case of failure (no
stops in production)
Optimization of the spare parts in stock
Advantages along the panel life cycle
Testing, Maintenance, Spare parts
Easy removable integrated protection and control unit:
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The unit is fixed in a docking unit by means of screws
Facilitates easy access and service
Advantages along the panel life cycle
Retrofit and revamping
Extremely simple and straightforward
solution for retrofitting and revamping:
Faster and easier revamping process
Flexibility thanks to sensors high range
of linearity and RBX615 programmability
No need to act on CTs and VTs as they
come with the eVD4
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Reduced effort for wiring and retesting
Advantages along the panel life cycle
Switchgear simplification and easy operation
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Easy to install
Less effort for engineering and wiring
Less effort for Factory Acceptance
Test (FAT) while increasing safety and
Flexibility and easier last minute
Extremely simple and straight forward
solution for retrofitting and revamping
Easy maintenance and reduced Mean
Time To Repair (MTTR)
Optimization of the spare parts in
eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
More than a product
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Not only a product: Training
Our specialized team helps you get the most out of the integrated circuit
Level 1 (Basic): circuit-breaker and basic maintenance
Level 2 (Advanced): advanced maintenance
Level 3 (Specialist): service activities
Integrated protection and control unit (RBX615)
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Programming control and protection functions (communication,
GOOSE, etc.)
eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Not only a product: Customer support
Complete set of documentation and marketing material:
All the information you may need on the eVD4 documentation
A specific eVD4 support line is available
Email : evd4.support@it.abb.com
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Technical drawings and electrical diagrams available in electronic
eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
What is coming next
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Integrated protection and control unit RBX615
New Features for the release 2.0:
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RS485 CommCard and Modbus RTU
Optical Ethernet COM card
HMI function keys
Automatic relay configuration recovery by the HMI (a backup of
the application will be stored in the HMI)
Automatic parameterization of the CB condition monitoring
function for an effective diagnostic of the CB.
eVD4 used with RIO600 to have flexibility in the number of I/Os
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eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
Protection Functions
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Protection Functions
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Protection Functions
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Protection Functions
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eVD4 - The Smart eVolution
Digital I/Os
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Digital Inputs
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eVD4: The Smart eVolution
Digital Outputs
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