GIS Department - City of Hutchinson, Kansas

Geographic Information
GIS: is a collection of computer
hardware, software, and
geographic data for capturing,
managing, analyzing, and
displaying all forms of
geographically referenced
Simply put, GIS is a
container for interactive
GIS Breakdown
Important GIS Terminology
GIS: Geographic Information System
Spatial: Of, relating to, involving, or having the
nature of space.
Database: a comprehensive collection of related data
organized for convenient access, generally in a
Analysis: The separation of an intellectual or material
whole into its constituent parts for individual study.
ATTRIBUTE: something attributed as belonging
to a person, thing, group, etc.; a quality, character,
characteristic, or property: Sensitivity is one of his
information provided:
GIS Breakdown
Field Collection and Digitization:
Step one
GPS: A system of satellites, computers, and
receivers that is able to determine the latitude and
longitude of a receiver on Earth by calculating the
time difference for signals from different
satellites to reach the receiver.
When we GPS we are collecting points,
polygons, and lines with our GPS equipment and
assigning them a latitude and longitude
coordinate and attributing them accordingly for
analysis, querying (a statement of expression
used to select features from a database),
navigation, and map design.
Digitization: To put (data, for example) into
digital form. We use the aerial photography (if we
do not GPS) to draw (digitize) boundaries,
building footprints, fire hydrants, water meters,
etc… (Hence Digitization)
information provided:
Photo provided by:
GIS Breakdown
After GPS or Digitization
After each item or items are GPSed (hydrants,
water lines, brine wells, street signs) they are
brought back into the office and uploaded onto our
computers (taken off the GPS equipment and
placed onto our computer or if digitized no
uploading is required because it is already on our
Once uploaded we use ArcInfo (our mapping
software), Microsoft Access, Trimble Pathfinder,
or Microsoft Excel for additional attributes, further
modifications if needed, analysis, querying, and
GIS Breakdown
Each item or items that are
GPSed or digitized are
called layers and are
attributed for analysis,
manipulation, and so on (as
stated in the previous slide.)
Anything you can think of,
water meters, council
districts, city zones, sewer
lines, street center lines,
well houses, hike-bike trail,
building footprints, is a
layer (dataset.)
Photo provided by:
GIS Breakdown
Layers, Layers, Layers
When working with these layers we have the option
of working with one or many.
For example, we can either work with the parcels,
street center lines, city limits, and water lines all
together or one at a time (depending on what the
department or individual is asking for.)
Basically, a layer is either a point(s) hydrant(s), a
line(s) hike-bike trail, or a polygon(s) building
footprints and each is attributed accordingly and
combined with other layers to design a layout or a
We have over 150 layers we maintain, update, and
several others that are in the process of being built.
GIS Breakdown
What you see vs. What we do
We are not mapping makers, that is only our end
What most of you do not see is that 90% of our
layers (datasets) require maintenance and are a
constant work in progress.
Zones change, water lines are added, hydrants are
added, water meters are removed, subdivisions are
built, crimes are committed everyday (that need a
reference point and attributes), streets are paved,
sewer lines are added, and so on.
Here are a few visual examples of what you see vs.
what we do.
GIS Breakdown
What you see vs. What we do
Photos provided by: City of Hutchinson and
GIS Breakdown
What you see vs. What we do
Photos Provided by:
GIS Breakdown
What you see vs. What we do
Photos Provided by: City of Hutchinson and
GIS Breakdown
Static vs. Dynamic
Static: pertaining to or characterized by a fixed or stationary condition.
Dynamic: characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress: a dynamic
Depending on a departments budget, their accessibility to
computers, laptops, or PDA’s most departments use static
Static maps are very good for static purposes. Such as, a
quick print out of an area, an area or boundary that does
not change much, and etc., but if you need information
about the depth of a manhole, when the last time a hydrant
was serviced, when a particular valve was exercised, and
so on then static can only do so much.
Of course you can look up all this information, but if you
have all of the information in a dynamic map then it’s
only a click away.
GIS Breakdown
When points, lines, and polygons are GPSed or
digitized and attributed then GIS makes it
possible for them to be dynamic.
With the click of a mouse you are able to see the
length, diameter, upstream and downstream flow
of a sanitary sewer system, you are able to zoom
into an area and see where you property lines are
located, what your house is appraised at, what
voting precinct, council district, and school
district you are in, and so much more.
Without GIS, dynamics would not be possible.
GIS Breakdown
We collect the data (GPS or digitization.)
 We upload the data from our GPS.
equipment onto our Computers.
 We analysis, maintain, manipulate, edit,
and built data with our mapping software.
 Data is constantly being updated and
 Finally, we deliver a static or a dynamic
map to you.
GIS Breakdown
Everything is spatial: Whether it be yourself sitting at a
desk, a hydrant, property lines, subdivisions, water lines,
sewer lines, crime scene, parking lot, or whatever, it’s all
spatial and GIS works by linking information-data-to a
geographic location (Longley, Maguire, and Rhind pg. 2.)
The power of GIS lies in the fact that using computer
technology and conceivable kinds of information can be
linked to any geographic location (Longley, Maguire, and Rhind pg. 2.)
Look at it this way, in a GIS, maps become super maps.
When you look at a road on a static or a traditional paper
map, you learn roughly where it goes, its names, and that’s
about it. Click on that same map in a GIS and you can find
out how many lanes the road has, when it was built and by
which construction company, the composition of the road
surface, and when the potholes in it are scheduled to get
filled (Longley, Maguire, and Rhind pg. 2.)
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Check Us Out
 GIS is in the Information
technology section
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Additional Information
GIS Department
 IT Director: Todd Davis (620-694-2602),
GIS Supervisor: Andy Henry (620-664-8106),
GIS Technician II: Tracy Roberts (620-664-0260),
GIS Technician I: Allen Shafer (620-664-0238)
Also check our website at
GIS Breakdown