EarthLink Cloud Workspace Typical Business Challenges How do I minimize IT capital expenditures & reduce IT operating expenses, without sacrificing services? How do I protect my clients data, and ensure compliance with security laws? How do keep my mobile workers better connected to our systems? How do I affordably improve productivity for all my employees? How do I get my limited IT staff refocused on strategic revenue generating initiatives? How do I keep IT costs at a consistent predictable rate? Security & Compliance are Mission Critical Cyber attacks have nearly tripled in the past year. “Approximately 80 percent of small businesses that experience a data breach go bankrupt or suffer severe financial losses within two years of a security breach” - Small Business Computing Magazine “2011 proved to be another tough year for companies attempting to defend sensitive information from cyber attack. Rate of personal records being compromised roughly tripled from 12 million in 2010 to 30 million in 2011.” – Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Business Trends Support Virtualization Dedicating Resources to the Value-Add… “IT can no longer ignore the increasing clamor of requests to provide access to corporate resources from smartphones, tablets and other consumer-owned devices.” - Global Leader of Workplace Enablement Services, Accenture “It’s generally accepted that ongoing IT operations consume 80% or more of IT staff time leaving, no more than 20% of time for value-add project work. This fact has always frustrated IT executives as well as their business peers who continue to have more and growing demands.” - Five Top Issues facing CIOs in 2012 A Solution to These Challenges: Hosted Virtual Desktop solutions represent a very attractive solution for businesses of all sizes. “Hosted virtual desktops will be the biggest and most interesting opportunity for SMBs rethinking their desktop deployments with virtualization. In this kind of model, cloud service providers and carriers do all the heavy lifting of installing the back-end infrastructure to support virtual desktops, and customers access the virtual desktop images as a monthly service.” - Our Hosted Virtual Desktop Solution EarthLink Cloud Workspace: A customized cloud workspace environment for you to control your business applications and data with secure access for all your employees from anywhere, from any device, via any internet or private MPLS connection. Your virtual office wherever you are. EarthLink Cloud Workspace Delivers value to your business: • Significantly reduce operating costs and eliminate capital expenditures • Increase employee productivity. • Eliminate complex security challenges • IT infrastructure that’s centralized, consistent and agile. EarthLink Cloud Workspace - Features • Supports mobile and telecommuting workforce • Secure, instant access to files, applications and email from any Internet connection, public or private MPLS • Connect with any company owned or personal device • Highly secure infrastructure • Stop your data from “walking” away on employee laptops • SSAE 16 SOC 2 compliant process controls and infrastructure • Certified security experts, infrastructure monitoring 24x7 for immediate remediation from viruses, and other malicious intruders. • Business continuity • Fully redundant data storage and routine back-up • Disaster Recovery protection • Cost effective Fortune 500 IT experience • 24 x 7 technical support • Fixed monthly fee per user EarthLink Cloud Workspace - Features • Customization • Customized workspace environment • Custom applications • More than 250 best-in-class applications, only pay licensing fees • Unlimited installation and management of applications • Customized directory permissions security policies for all your employees on an individualized basis Cloud Workspace Case Study Business Situation: • Student Transportation Industry • Small IT Staff • One office location • Rapid Expansion Plans Business Challenges: Cloud Workspace Results: • 40 acquisitions • 150 new offices • Integration of business apps • Minimize IT investments • $300 million revenue business • Supports 5,000 end-users • Running ~ 50 applications • IT staff of 4 • IT saving of $7.6 million annually EarthLink Cloud Workspace Our Competitive Advantages: • Delivers a fully integrated solution: infrastructure, applications, security and management • Plug & Play – no internal software development required to get started immediately • Nonproprietary software, easy to import and export applications and data • Easy to integrate new applications – no software developer required • Customize your own applications • More than 250 best-in-class applications already hosted, immediate accessible for no additional charge (only pay for licensing) Let EarthLink Cloud Workspace help you… • Significantly reduce operating costs and eliminate capital expenditures by eliminating on-site servers and software and their maintenance. • Increase employee productivity by empowering mobile workers to stay always connected with any device from any internet connection • Eliminate complex security challenges to protect your clients confidential information with a SSAE 16 SOC 2 compliant process and infrastructure. • IT infrastructure that’s centralized, consistent and agile for bestin-class technologies supported by industry-leading controls EarthLink Cloud Workspace Business Applications Cloud Workspace Application List 1099 Convey Desktop Edition AbstractExpress ACE Audit ACT! by Sage ACT! 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Sales Manager ActiveSync Adapt CRM Enterprise Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Standard Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop ADP Payroll for Windows AgFed Coop Buyer Alpha COM Amicus Attorney Amstat Premier ArcExplorer Architectural Desktop Attorney Client Version Atrium Bar Code 128 Bart for Windows BarTender Best Case Bankruptcy Blackberry Enterprise Server Michie's Maryland Primary Law Microsoft Access Microsoft CRM Microsoft Excel Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Frontpage Microsoft Great Plains Microsoft InfoPath Microsoft Instant Messenger Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Office Suite Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Paint MicrosoftPowerPoint Microsoft Project Microsoft Publisher Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Word Motorola iDEN SDK for J2ME Technology Movie Magic ScreenWriter Mozilla MYOB Premier Accounting MySQL Manager MySQL Studio Navision Attain Client NEOTERIS, INC Notepad NovaNet-WEB Backup Client ONet 98 Viewer optiCABS Oracle Database Server Organizational Unit Information Cloud Workspace Application List (con’t) BLive Business Alerts for Sage CabsConverter CallAttendant Office Cardscan Charter Aviation Software Comet Tracker Community Reinvestment Act Data Entry Consumer Loan Management System Contact Capture CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corporate ModelerClient CounterPoint SQL Creative Solutions Professional Suite Crystal Reports Enterprise Crystal Reports Professional Crystal Reports Standard CSReporter Cute FTP CyberQuery Dash Dreamweaver CS3 EasyBus Easy Translator eFax Messenger Plus Outlook Express PageMaker Palm Desktop Paradox Patron Edge PC Charge Payment Client PC Input for Windows PC Law PDF 995 PDFBlaster Peachtree Premium / Quantum Accounting Personal Financial Planning Pervasive SQL PGP Desktop Professional PocketMirror Point Practice Aid Manager Premiums and Discounts Pro Gold XP Pro Suite Product Designing Tool Production Status Report System Prophecy Mileage & Routing Proposal Master Active-X Controls ProSystem Tax Fx Pulse Franchise Office System PushMX Quatro Pro QuickBooks QuickBooks Point of Sale Quicken Home & Business Raiser's Edge Client RealFast Forms Reference Manager Electronic Filing System Entrepreneur Edition Cloud Workspace Application List (con’t) EP Budgeting EP Scheduling e-Print Esquire Office Professional Edition F9 FAS Asset Accounting Client FAS Asset Inventory Client Final Draft Financial Edge FireFox Flash Player FleetDirector FleetMax Client Server Flow FRx Financial Reporting Software Ghostscript GoChart Client GoldBox for SQL GoldLink Goldmine GoldMine Plus Accounting Handheld Contact Enterprise Hits SQL IfranView RemoteScan ReportExpress RMA RSS FeedReader RTA Fleet Management Sage Abra Suite Sage BusinessWorks Accounting Sage CRM SalesLogix Sage MAS 200 Sage MAS 500 Sage MAS 90 Sage PFW SalesLogix Salon & Spa Savings Bond Wizard SBI Nursery ScanExpress ScanShare Pro Scribe Insight for SalesLogix Searsboro Access/SQL App. Smart Suite SmartDraw Professional SmartDraw Viewer Snag-It Soft Paper Port SoftTime XP SpyWareStormer StarOffice StarShip Stellent Universal Content Manager Streets & Trips StudioMX Super Forms SuperForm Tax SureTrak Project Manager Illustrator ImageReady Inaport Cloud Workspace Application List (con’t) Income Tax Planner IntraSmart iReports for SalesLogix iOrderExpress iShadow iTimeZone Jaguar JInitiator Kodak Imaging KellerScan KVS Enterprise KVS Standard LeapFTP Legacy Planning System Litigation Toolbox Maintenance Manager Manager Plus MapPoint MarketingPilot MarketSharp CE MasterClips Medical Manager Medent Michie's Maryland Primary Tenant Pro Thunderbird Time Trak 5000 TimeSlips TitleExpress Total Connect Payroll Suite Total FBO Trillian TripMaster Turbo Attendance TurboLaw Tvalue UltraEdit-32 Professional Txt/Hex Editor UPLink ValuSource VersaTrans RP viaWARP ViceVersa ViewPrint VineyardsoftKnowledgeSync Visual Day Planner Volo View VolunteerWorks WebDrive WebEx Client WinCost Pro WindX WindX Plug-in WinZip WordPad WordPerfect Zetafax