M Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System T A I I S Computer and Automation Research Institute, HAS KNORR-BREMSE Research and Development Center Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungarian National Police Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 1 Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System Project Objectives M T A Built-in intelligent control and communication device for commercial vehicles On-board unit Adapted on-board system On-board system with a new architecture S Z T Development of the theoretical basis for the fleet management hardware and software systems Server center Architecture development Research and development of functions A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 2 Commercial fleet management system M Connections of management and communication systems T GSM satellite A Users GSM GPS S Z T Internet A On-board controller Fleet Management Center K I Information Center MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 3 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S APLICOM platform GPS receiver GSM modem Microcontroller I/O ports CAN interface Functions Position detection Vehicle and cargo safety Maintenance Remote diagnostics Driver analysis Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE APLICOM on-board unit BME ORFK 4 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S Z Position and navigation Recommended routes Dynamic navigation points On-line dynamic parameters • Expected arrival time • Distance from the destination • Recommended velocity T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 5 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S Z T A K Vehicle and cargo safety Velocity restriction Acceleration monitoring Axle loads Temperature of the brake disk Deterioration of the brake shoes Detection of punctures Estimation of road roughness Cargo hold temperature Door and tank-valve status Stowaway recognition Driver identification Black-box function I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 6 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S Z Operation and maintenance Management of maintenance (service) periods Monitoring of vehicle parameters, specification of intervals o Condition of brakes o Condition of shoes o Condition of air-drier cartridge o Oil, oil-filter, air-filter o Coolant level o Fuel level T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 7 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S Z T A K Remote diagnosis Error led status o ABS/EBS o ELC o ADC o ESP Pressures o brake circuits o air springs Error reading Battery voltage Axle loads I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 8 Commercial fleet management system Adapted on-board system M T A S Z T A K Driver analysis 150% 1. Fuel consumption 100% 2. Brake demand 3. Torque demand 50% 4. Lateral acceleration 0% 5. Tachometry 0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800 6. ABS activity Evaluation based on weight distribution 7. ESP activity 8. Monitoring of driving and resting time 9. Exceeding speed limits 10.Deviation from planned route I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 9 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M T A S Z GPS/GSM modulok, Érzékelők, jelinterfészek PC/104 CAN vezérlő PCMCIA WLAN, PCMCIA video frame grabber PC/104 hordozókártyán 3.5” egykártyás számítógép Tápegység in: 9-48V DC out: +5V, +DC T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 10 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M T A S Z T A K Application areas of the on-board computer Measurement, data collection Estimation of the kinematical and dynamical state of the system Environment recognition (lanes, traffic blocks) High precision positioning, navigation Modeling, system identification Control features Feedback control: stability enhancement, lane-tracking Reliability enhancement methods: fault tolerant control, fault detection and diagnosis Intelligent unmanned vehicle Flexible and mobile experimental system I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 11 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M T A Development of new features Adhesion coefficient estimation Tire pressure estimation Road surface evaluation S Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 12 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M Development of new features Inertial correction (INS/GPS) for accuracy improvement T A acc. gyro inertial navigation S GPS v,r,C dv, dr, eC Kalman filter Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 13 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M Detection and prevention of unintended lane departures T A S Z 12 front left wheel speed [m/s] T 10 front right wheel speed [m/s] 8 A 6 pressure of the right rear brake chamber [bar] 4 K 2 trigger from the vision system I 0 yaw rate of the vehicle [0.1/s] -2 60 MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME 60.5 61 61.5 62 ORFK 62.5 63 63.5 14 Commercial fleet management system Experimental on-board system M T Communication technologies Short-distance communication (depots, service stations) Long-distance communication (fleets) A TCP/IP On-board Data Logger S Z T A Communi GSM TCP/IP cation Centre Server K WLAN GPRS Vehicle SMS I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 15 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M T A S The main functions of the centre Vehicle and fleet recording Logistics Dynamic fleet management Navigation and trace Maintenance and diagnostics Fleet setup Fleet scheduling (Logistic) Trace Z Maintenance T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 16 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M T A Route plan and optimization S Z T Fastest route selection Cheapest route selection based on distances based on traffic data Dynamic route modification based on traffic data based on weather data Disposition planning based on vehicle-park based on deliverable goods A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 17 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M Design and implementation of GIS database T • building of map-graphs A S Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 18 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M Design and implementation of GIS database T • Complexity and reachability analysis • Icy roads, dangerous crossings A S Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 19 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M System structure T A S Communi cation Server DataBase (MySQL) Webserver (Tomcat) Java Middleware Browser Gateway A Diagnostics HTML GIS T Logistics Z Vehicle K Information system I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 20 Commercial fleet management system Server architecture M Advantages of the server architecture T The security of the stored and exchanged information is A guaranteed by the strict rules of the safety management of the database handler and Java environment. As a result of the database-centered architecture, the servers can be developed independently on arbitrary platforms by different groups and the updated modules can be inserted into the system without interrupting the operation. In the case of increasing demands the modules of the centre can be easily multiplied. Every user has individual web interface, which contains the services the user needs or has subscribed to. S Z T A K I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 21 Commercial management system A projekt főbbfleet eredményei,újdonságai Server architecture Szerver központ architektúrája T User request A DataBase Query / Modification S DataBase Z A SMS receiving / sending K I Fleet Management Functions Functional Server Req . User Interface (applet) M20 T Communication Server DataBase Connection DataBase Query / Modification MTA SZTAKI GSM M Functions and information exchange GSM information processing KNORR-BREMSE Vehicle SMS GPRS BME ORFK 22 Commercial management system A projekt főbbfleet eredményei,újdonságai Server architecture Szerver központ architektúrája T A Map download request Map Position DataBase changed Functional Server Notification Position request S Z Functional server T A K Communication Server I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE M20 Request for SMS sending SMS BME GSM M Cooperating modules in vehicle navigation Vehicle ORFK 23 Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System Expected utilization of development results Increasing details of functionality M T Basic Safety EconoDiagfeatures mical nosis package package package package S Z T A K Increasing detail of engineering solution A Load safety Administration Real-time intervention Function limitation Sound effects and visual information Communication Vehicle position I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 24 Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System M T A More information: Url: http://daedalus.scl.sztaki.hu/nkfp Phone: (361) 279-6000 Fax: (361) 466-7503 Contact person: Prof. Jozsef Bokor, academician S Z T A K I I I MTA SZTAKI KNORR-BREMSE BME ORFK 25