How to make a real Robot


Robotics in Education

Challenges Developing an Adequate


Dr. Antonio Soares

Florida A&M University

Electronic Engineering Technology


 Intro to Robotics

 Definitions

 Types of Robots

 Applications

 Education Packages

 Saturated Market

 Technology Crossover

 Lego and Boebot

Industrial Robots

Degree of Freedom



 Mechatronics

What’s New!!!

 Complexity

Industrial Robots

 A machine that resembles a human being and does mechanical routine tasks on command.

 An industrial robot is a re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

What is Robotics?

 Robotics is the art, knowledge base, and the know-how of designing, applying, and using robots in human endeavors.

Types of Robots

 Mobile Robots  Crawling Robots


Mars Explore

Types of Robots

 Stationary Robots  Autonomous Robots

Industrial Robot

EET Robot (Mechatronics)

Humanoids Robots

HONDA (ASIMO) – Biped Robot Fujitsu – Biped Robot

Pet Robots

Sony (AIBO) – Toy robot

Robot Applications

Machine loading

Pick and place operations




Assembly operation



Medical applications

Assisting disabled individuals

Hazardous environments

Underwater, space, and remote locations

Industrial Robots

 A manipulator (or an industrial robot) is composed of a series of links connected to each other via joints. Each joint usually has an actuator (a motor for eg.) connected to it.

 These actuators are used to cause relative motion between successive links. One end of the manipulator is usually connected to a stable base and the other end is used to deploy a tool.

Industrial Robots

Painting Robot

Industrial Robot Arms




End Effectors

Power Source








(Human waist)

Supports the manipulator.

Acts as a counterbalance.


(The brain)

Issues instructions to the robot.

Controls peripheral devices.

Interfaces with robot.

Interfaces with humans.

End Effectors

(The hand)

Spray paint attachments

Welding attachments

Vacuum heads



Power Source

(The food)




Manipulator Body

 Typically defined as a graph of links and joints

A link is a part, a shape with physical properties.

A joint is a constraint on the spatial relations of two or more links.

Robots degrees of freedom

 Degrees of Freedom: Number of independent position variables which would has to be specified to locate all parts of a mechanism.

 In most manipulators this is usually the number of joints.

Robots degrees of freedom

what is the degree

A Fanuc P-15 robot.

Reprinted with permission from Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc.

1 D.O.F.

2 D.O.F.

3 D.O.F.

Robot Joints

Prismatic Joint : Linear, No rotation involved.

(Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder)

Revolute Joint : Rotary,

(electrically driven with stepper motor, servo motor)

Robot Coordinates

 Cartesian/rectangular/gantry (3P) : 3 cylinders joint

 Cylindrical (R2P) : 2 Prismatic joint and 1 revolute joint

 Spherical (2RP) : 1 Prismatic joint and 2 revolute joint

 Articulated/anthropomorphic (3R) : All revolute(Human arm)

 Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA):

2 paralleled revolute joint and 1 additional prismatic joint

Math Complexity

 In Order to Model the Motion of a Manipulator:

 Odometry Position Updates Using Wheals

 Kinematics

 Inverse Kinematics

 Complex PID Controllers

Math Complexity

 Kinematics

 Kinematics is the study of motion without regard for the forces that cause it.

 It refers to all time-based and geometrical properties of motion.

 It ignores concepts such as torque, force, mass, energy, and inertia.

Forward Kinematics

 Given the starting configuration of the mechanism and joint angles, compute the new configuration.

Advantages And Disadvantages

 Robots increase productivity, safety, efficiency, quality, and consistency of products.

 Robots can work in hazardous environments without the need.

 Robots need no environmental comfort.

 Robots work continuously without experiencing fatigue of problem.

 Robots have repeatable precision at all times.

 Robots can be much more accurate than human.

 Robots replace human workers creating economic problems.

 Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously.

 Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies.

 Robots, although superior in certain senses, have limited capabilities in Degree of freedom, Dexterity, Sensors, Vision system, real time response.

 Robots are costly, due to Initial cost of equipment, Installation costs, Need for Peripherals, Need for training, Need for programming .

Robots Taking Over?

• Design Limitations

•we design them, we code the tasks to be performed

• Emotionless Machines

•Cannot logically reason, and/or plan activities, unless the designer program it to do so.

• Ethical Issues

Educational Platforms

VEX Robotics Lego Robotics

Boebot From Parallax

Mechatronics – The Solution

Robotics is an interdisciplinary subject that benefits from mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, computer science, biology, and many other disciplines.


• For K-12 Robot Kits are Appropriate

•Plan in Advance

• Most of these kits are not easy to follow because they share applications

•For Higher Education

•Mechatronics with some Industrial robots is Advised

Let’s Talk!!!

FALL 2012 Technical Elective (All Majors)


Introduction to Robotics and Automation

Instructor: Antonio Soares
