EDXL - 101 Welcome to the OASIS ‘Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) 101’ Webinar Follow up questions or comments: ~ Elysa Jones – Chair, Emergency Management technical committee (TC) - ejones@warningsystems.com ~ Thomas Ferrentino - Co-Chair, Emergency Management Adoption TC – tferrentino@verizon.net ~ Werner Joerg - Co-Chair, Emergency Management Adoption TC – werner.joerg@iem.com ~ Dee Schur, OASIS staff – dee.schur@oasis-open.org EDXL - 101 Attendee Tips: To reduce/expand your control panel, click on the orange arrow located on the left tab of your control panel. To send a question, type your question in question box – Attendee Tips: we will review questions at the end of the webinar. To open other browsers either click on square on ‘left tab’ or select view from top menu, then choose windows. The webinar will be downloadable in a few days at http://www.oasis-open.org/events/webinars/ EDXL - 101 About EDXL-101 Webinar (Dee Schur) Outline: - EDXL Overview (Elysa Jones) - EDXL-CAP (Jacob Westfall) - EDXL-DE (Don McGarry) - Validating EDXL Implementations • NIMS-STEP (Camille Osterloh) - References & Resources (Werner Joerg) - Q &A (Dee Schur) Future: More webinars to cover other EDXL topics → Next: Elysa Jones EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview (1) (Elysa Jones) Topic: Introduction to the EDXL family of EM Standards with focus on EDXL-CAP and EDXL-DE Purpose: Inform the audience about the existence of EM Standards, their benefits, practical uses, creation and testing Audience: vendors, developers, end users, special interest groups EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview (2) History Partnership for Public Warning (PPW) OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) DHS/Science & Technology Office for Interoperability and Compatibility EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview EDXL Process Not a Language All About Data Practitioner Driven Standard Development Free and Open OASIS Process Common Alerting Protocol Distribution Element Other Content (3) EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview Features Practitioner driven Vendor reviewed International Standard Benefits Cross geographical messaging Cross discipline messaging Emergency communication (4) EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview Current EDXL Standards EDXL-Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) EDXL-Distribution Element (DE) EDXL-Hospital Availability eXchange (HAVE) EDXL-Resource Messaging (RM) EDXL Standards Under Development EDXL-Situation Reporting (Sit-Rep) EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) (5) EDXL - 101 EDXL Overview (6) Adoption EM Adoption Technical Committee (EMA-TC) Coordination with other OASIS-TCs Coordination with other Standards Development Organizations (SDO) International reach → Next: Jacob Westfall EDXL - 101 EDXL - CAP Common Alerting Protocol (1) (Jacob Westfall) Overview: CAP is a message format for exchanging all types of alerts and warnings over many different networks. Features: Extensible Markup Language (XML) with Digital Signature support Simple to use, easy to implement Transport and system independent All-Hazards All-Media EDXL - 101 EDXL - CAP Benefits: Easy to implement Promotes well structured messages Extensible and adaptable Adoption: International adoption since 2004, ITU-T 1303 WMO support including NWS and EC USGS for earthquakes and tsunamis Next-generation EAS / IPAWS (2) EDXL - 101 EDXL - CAP (3) Implementation Guidelines: Validate messages using the schema and additional constraints in the specification Follow message structure guidelines Ensure alerting policy and non-technical concerns are addressed Start early with a trial and offer public feed for testing and feedback Watch out for Date, Update/Cancel, Area EDXL - 101 EDXL - CAP Implementation Examples: CAP 1.2 Specification, Schema, Examples http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/ National Weather Service http://www.weather.gov/alerts-beta/ DM-OPEN / IPAWS http://www.fema.gov/disastermanagement/ CAP Cookbook http://www.incident.com/cookbook/ (4) EDXL - 101 CAP Message Lifecycle <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <geocode> <alert xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1"> <valueName>profile:CAP-CP:Location:0.3</valueName> <identifier>NBMASASui10286</identifier> <value>1301006</value> <sender>DAllport</sender> </geocode> <sent>2009-07-17T23:49:40.0436089+00:00</sent> </area> <status>Exercise</status> </info> <scope>Public</scope> <info> <code>profile:CAP-CP:0.3</code> <language>fr-CA</language> <msgType>Alert</msgType> <event>Routier - Fermeture de route</event> <info> <responseType>Monitor</responseType> <language>en-CA</language> <urgency>Immediate</urgency> <event>Roadway - Roadway Closure</event> <severity>Minor</severity> <responseType>Monitor</responseType> <certainty>Observed</certainty> <urgency>Immediate</urgency> <audience>Doug Allport</audience> <severity>Minor</severity> <onset>2009-07-18T12:00:00+00:00</onset> <certainty>Observed</certainty> <expires>2009-07-19T12:00:00+00:00</expires> <audience>Doug Allport</audience> <senderName>Doug Allport</senderName> <onset>2009-07-18T12:00:00+00:00</onset> <headline>Routier - Fermeture de route - Doug Allport, Exercise</headline> <expires>2009-07-19T12:00:00+00:00</expires> <web>http://www.gnb.ca/0113/index-e.asp</web> <senderName>Doug Allport</senderName> <category>Transport</category> <headline>This is a test Road Closure Alert</headline> <eventCode> <description>Free form text field</description> <valueName>profile:CAP-CP:Event:0.3</valueName> <instruction>More free form text here</instruction> <value>roadClose</value> <web>http://www.gnb.ca/0113/index-e.asp</web> </eventCode> <contact>NB DOT 888-555-5555</contact> <parameter> <category>Transport</category> <valueName>layer:CAPAN:eventLocation:point</valueName> <eventCode> <value>45.2449203344103,-66.11091613769532</value> <valueName>profile:CAP-CP:Event:0.3</valueName> </parameter> <value>roadClose</value> <area> </eventCode> <areaDesc>1301006 - Saint John</areaDesc> <parameter> <geocode> <valueName>layer:CAPAN:eventLocation:point</valueName> <valueName>CAP-CP:Location:0.3</valueName> <value>45.2449203344103,-66.11091613769532</value> <value>1301006</value> </parameter> </geocode> <area> </area> <areaDesc>1301006 - Saint John</areaDesc> </info> </alert> Issuer interfaces with form, IVR, custom application, etc. Issuing Application produces Aggregator Distributor Recipient collects and shares converts to common and proprietary protocols interfaces with common products and services; e.g. Television, cellphone, ... EDXL - 101 CAP XML EDXL - 101 CAP XML with XSLT EDXL - 101 EDXL - CAP Additional Info About Profiles Additional requirements/constraints applied to existing specifications (e.g. CAP) IPAWS (US Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Profile) Defines event codes and location code references and requirements, in support of Emergency Alert System and other legacy systems CAP-CP (Canadian Profile) Defines event codes and location code references and requirements in support of national needs, including automated translation → Next: Don McGarry EDXL - 101 EDXL - DE Distribution Element (1) (Don McGarry) Overview: EDXL-DE facilitates the packaging of content and provides a standard set of elements in a header to describe that content in order to facilitate message delivery. Features: Ability to package both XML and binary data Ability to use region-specific terminology XML with Digital Signature and encryption support Transport and system independent Simple to use, ability to scale EDXL - 101 EDXL - DE Benefits: Easy to implement Promotes well structured messages Extensible and adaptable Adoption: FEMA DM-OPEN Platform LAFD Operational Information Sharing Pilot DHS DNDO messaging Next-generation EAS / IPAWS (2) EDXL - 101 EDXL - DE Implementation Guidelines: Check out the DE Basics whitepaper Use the EMA-TC wiki for tips & technical support Start simple with packaging and “direct” addressing Build out or reuse ValueLists for terminology Follow message structure guidelines Keep it simple and add on capabilities as needed. Validate messages using the schema and additional constraints in the specification (3) EDXL - 101 EDXL - DE (4) Implementation Examples: DM-OPEN http://www.fema.gov/about/programs/ disastermanagement/framework/index.shtm LAFD / EDXL Sharp http://edxlsharp.codeplex.com ICBRNE https://icbrne.info/icbrnewiki/ → Next: Camille Osterloh EDXL - 101 Validating EDXL Implementations (1) (Camille Osterloh) 1. NIMS STEP (Supporting Technology Evaluation Program) Overview: The NIMS Support Center assists the responder stakeholder community with standards and technology integration, evaluations, exercises, and training activities relating to NIMS and Preparedness. The purpose of NIMS STEP is to provide an objective evaluation of commercial and government software and hardware products to assist in the implementation of NIMS. EDXL - 101 Validating EDXL Implementations NIMS STEP (2) Program Features: Managed by the National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) within FEMA 4-Tier Evaluations against NIMS Concepts and Principles & OASIS Technical Standards Incident Management Test and Evaluation Laboratory (IMTEL) accredited by A2LA Benefits: Awareness of NIMS concepts and recommended standards. Feedback from end-user representatives and test engineers. Publication on the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB) website. Supports Emergency Managers and Responders in decision making. EDXL - 101 Validating EDXL Implementations NIMS STEP Recommended Technical Standards: Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Emergency Data eXchange Language – Distribution Element (EDXL-DE) EDXL-Hospital AVailabilty Exchange (EDXL-HAVE) EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) (3) EDXL - 101 Validating EDXL Implementations 2. Other Validation Tools Free & Open Source: EDXL Sharp CAM 3rd Party: XRay2, XMLSpy, etc. STEP Test Tool: XML Validation and Checks Business Rules, Cardinality, etc. (4) EDXL - 101 Vendor Registration Program Guide https://www.nimsstep.org EDXL - 101 https://www.rkb.us EDXL - 101 Comments and Questions National Incident Management System Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (NIMS STEP) Website - https://www.nimsstep.org Camille.l.Osterloh@saic.com Office: (606) 274-2019 Test Manager, NIMS STEP → Next: Werner Joerg EDXL - 101 References & Resources (Werner Joerg) About OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org EM-TC: http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency EMA-TC: http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency-adopt Emergency Member Section: http://www.oasis-emergency.org/ (1) EDXL - 101 References & Resources EDXL General: Official EM Standards: http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency#technical EMA-TC Wiki: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/emergency-adopt/ Disaster Management: http://www.fema.gov/ about/programs/disastermanagement/index.shtm Publications • Distributing Emergency Data Using Messaging Standards, (E. Jones, IAEM Bulletin, Oct 2009) • Why Emergency Managers Should Care about Data Standards, (E. Jones, IAEM Bulletin, Sept. 2009) (2) EDXL - 101 References & Resources (3) EDXL General (ctd.) EDXL Product Directory: http://oasis-emergency.org/products OASIS is preparing to launch the Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Product Directory. Now, potential customers will be able to easily locate products that support CAP or any of the other EDXL standards. Listing your product in the directory is simple and free. • Register at: http://www.oasis-emergency.org/user/register • Submit your product listing at: http://www.oasis-emergency.org/node/add/product EDXL - 101 References & Resources (4) EDXL - CAP: CAP Cookbook: http://www.incident.com/cookbook/ Official Standards: http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency#technical DM-OPEN/IPAWS: USGS: http://www.fema.gov/disastermanagement/ http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/catalogs/ National Weather Service: http://www.weather.gov/alerts-beta/ Profiles • USA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Profile Version 1.0 (IPAWS) • CAP Canadian Profile (CAP-CP) EDXL - 101 References & Resources EDXL - DE: Official Standards: http://www.oasis-open.org/ committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency#technical EDXL Sharp: ICBRNE Wiki: http://edxlsharp.codeplex.com https://icbrne.info/icbrnewiki/ Publications • EDXL-DE Primer (White Paper): http://www.oasisopen.org/ committees/download.php/34264/EDXL-DEBasics-White%20Paper-18Aug09-r2.doc (5) EDXL - 101 References & Resources Validating EDXL Implementations: NIMS Supporting Technology Evaluation Program: https://www.nimsstep.org XRay2: http://www.architag.com/architag/xray/ EDXL Sharp: http://edxlsharp.codeplex.com CAM: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/ x-camval/index.html (6) EDXL - 101 Presentation Summary (Werner Joerg) Topic: Introduction to the EDXL family of EM Standards with focus on EDXL-CAP and EDXL-DE Purpose: Inform the audience about the existence of EM Standards, their benefits, practical uses, creation and testing What’s next? More webinars Interoperability Demonstrations (IAEM, ..) → Next: Dee Schur EDXL - 101 Concluding EDXL-101 Webinar (Dee Schur) Q&A EDXL - 101 What’s next for the EM and EMA TC… IAEM 2010 Interop Demonstration Join us as a participant in our next Interop demo and receive... An opportunity to showcase your applications and tools that support the EDXL suite of standards A workstation in our 20x30 show floor demo area – in the front row of the exhibit hall (and next to IPAWS) Exposure to the more than 1,800 EM professionals including: emergency managers, homeland security officials, first response coordinators, private industry risk managers and contingency planners More information: http://events.oasis-open.org/home/IAEMInterop/2010