海工建造项目采购合同界面与执行管理案例 CONTRACT INTERFACING MANAGEMENT FOR NEW BUILD OFFSHORE PROJECTS Agenda 内容 公司 简介Company Profile 建造项目特点Peculiarity 合同界面Interfaces 合同执行 Execution 案例介绍Case Study 演讲嘉宾:罗幼安 中海油田服务股份有限公司装备管 理部总经理,负责公司大型装备的 建造和运行管理工作 具备海洋石油行业30多年从业经验, 从事钻井平台、海工船舶的建造管 理10余年 与中外设计公司、设备供应商和船 厂的沟通协调和合作方面积累了丰 富的工作经验。 担任重要角色建造项目有: HYSY941,COSLPIONEER, COSLINNOVATOR,COSLPROMOT ER, COSLPROSPECTOR等 1 公司简介Company Profile 综合型油田服务全面解决方案服务商,有近50年海上 作业经验 Integrated oilfield services provider with 50 years offshore experience 在沪港两地(601808.SS、2883.HK)上市 Listed both in Hongkong and Shanghai stock market 具有物探勘察、钻完井、油田技术、船舶服务四大主营 业务板 4 major business sectors: Geo-survey, Drilling &completion, oilfield technology, shipping 服务于石油及天然气勘探、开发、生产三个阶段 Servicing in oil & gas exploration, development and production 运营和管理36座钻井平台(27座自升式钻井平台和9座 半潜式钻井平台),最大水深3000m Operating 36 MODUs and other offshore and onshore rigs with WD to 3000m 运营100余艘各类工作船、油轮、物探采集船和综合海 洋工程船 Operating over 100 ships including OSVs, Seismic Vessel and Shuttle Tankers 作业区域:中国、东南亚、澳大利亚、中东、美洲、北 非、北欧、英国等国家和地区 Operation areas including China, SE Asia, Australia, Mid East, America, Northern Africa, UK and Norway. 服务客户包括众多国内外国家石油公司和国际石油公司 Clients including various NOCs and IOCs. 全球作业区域 物探勘察 钻完井 油田技术 船舶服务 1 建造项目特点Peculiarity 钻井平台特点Peculiarity of MODU 作业成本高,要求高作业时效、低停工率 Demand highest efficiency and lowest down time due to high operation cost 钻井系统高度集成,高可靠要求 Highly integrated drilling package requires high reliability 高度自动化,系统间界面复杂 Highly automated, complex interfaces between systems 有限空间,系统多,对设备重量和尺寸要求高 limited space and multi -system results in strict requirement for weight and dimensions. 设备来自多个国家,多个公司 Multi sources from various countries as well as companies 设备以设计、供货和服务打包供货 EPC contract for equipment 1 Interfaces 合同界面 界面的重要性Importance 技术界面、商务界面、管理界面交织 Combination of technical, commercial and managerial interfaces. 追求无缝连接 Pursuing seamless interface 避免接口交叉带来的不必要花费 To avoid unnecessary cost due to overlap 避免接口出现缺口导致的意外费用和延期 To avoid surprise of unexpected cost and delay due to gap 1 Interfaces 合同界面 设计合同Engineering Contract 输入:设备基本数据(重量、尺寸、气水电供应需求),…… Input: Basic date of major equipment(weight, dimensions, requirement of supplies),…… 输出:采购规格书 Output: Specification for purchase of equipment 工作范围、供货范围等界面由船东进一步在标书中明确 Scope of Work, Scope of supply and interface to be further defined by owner in its tendering document 1 Interfaces 合同界面 设备采购合同Purchasing Contract 输入:技术规格书、工作界面, 其它系统接口需求 Input: Technical Specification, SOW ,interfacing with other vendor. 输出:图纸、重量、尺寸、技术接口 Output: DWG, weight, dimensions, tech. interfaces 细化商务条款(产地、发货批次、发运港、交货时间等) Commercial requirement need to be detailed , such as country of origin, batches of delivery, port of departure ,delivery schedule) 1 案例介绍Case Study HYSY941建造项目Building Project 第一个在国内建造的现代自升式钻井平台 First modern Jack-up ever built in China 国外基本设计、国外主要设备、国内集成建造 Design and major equipment supplied from overseas but integrated and constructed in China 第一个JU2000E设计(第3艘JU2000系列) First JU2000E design(3rd of JU2000 series) 10多个主设备采购合同,3个月内完成结算付款,无遗留项 Over 10 major purchasing contracts settled and paid within 3 months with no outstanding 同船型目前在国内已建造10余艘,在建10余艘 10+ rigs constructed while 10+ under construction or booked with same design in Chinese Yard so far. 1 标题Case Study 案例介绍 采购合同条款Contract Terms 界面协议(尺寸、重量、接口图纸及时点) Interface Protocol (dimension, weight, interface drawing and delivery date) 工作范围、供货范围(数量、标准、物理界面(原则性)) SOW (quantity, standard, physical boundary in principle) 产地、名称、交货期、发货地点、发货批次、发货顺序 country of origin, description, delivery schedule( batches, sequence and date), departure port 形式发票、保函格式 Proforma invoice , format of bank guarantees 1 Case Study 案例介绍 采购合同执行Contract Execution 建造合同生效后,召集各合同方开工会,根据主合同、技术规格 书和界面协议细化工作界面,建立界面矩阵表 In effective of yard contract, called for a kick off meeting to further clarify interfaces between each party by working out a matrix of responsibility. 审图Drawing review 保证与各方技术接口一致ensure technical interface is right OFE发货前确认Confirmation before delivery of OFE : 产地、名称、交货期、发货地点、发货批次、发货顺序以及发 票格式 country of origin, description, delivery date, place of EXwork, batches and sequence, format of proforma invoice FAT验证技术指标功能满足合同要求,不能把问题留在船厂解决 FAT to ensure technically and functionally accepted before delivery and to avoid errors be corrected in shipyard. 1 Case Study 案例介绍 采购合同执行Contract Execution 安装指导Supervision on installation 对设备安装和保护进行监督和指导 To insure equipment is properly installed and preserved. 机械完工验收Mechanical Completion 确保设备安装、管路清洗、电路连接及测试、仪表校验完毕, 具备调试条件 To ensure equipment installed, pipe cleaned and loop tested and instrument calibrated before commissioning 调试及联合试验Commissioning/Acceptance Test : 单台套设备予调试及系统联合调试,按合同规定的接近实际作 业工况进行验收. Pre-commissioning each equipment, then commissioning of the whole rig system and accepted according to contract specification. 1