Defense Travel Management Office - Society of Government Travel

Defense Travel Management Office
Traveling Smarter and Thinking Differently
Andrea Carlock, Chief of Program Management Branch
Society of Government Travel Professionals
September 18, 2013
Department of Defense
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
• Key Events
– OMB Memorandum, M-12-12
– OMB Memorandum, M-13-02
• Restricted Fares
• U.S. Government Rental Car Program
• Unused Tickets
• Commercial Travel Office Services
• Data Framework
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Key Events
Office of Management and Budget memorandum
M-12-12, “Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency
Operations” signed May 11, 2012, which included
requirements to:
• Promote the identification and use of non-contract air
carriers that, if used will result in a lower total trip cost
• Expand and leverage purchasing power to reduce travel
costs associated with hotels and rental cars
• Ensure whenever practicable, arrange airfare in a manner
that results in the lowest price available when traveling on
domestic flights
• Ensure agencies have controls in place to collect refunds
for unused or partially used airline tickets
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Key Events (continued)
Office of Management and Budget memorandum
M-13-02, “Improving Acquisition Through Strategic
Sourcing” signed December 5, 2012, which included
requirements to:
• Establish broad strategic sourcing initiative to ensure
acquisitions are effectively managed, whenever
possible, agencies join together negotiate the best
deal for taxpayer
• Eliminate inefficiencies from acquisition processes
• Implement government-wide strategic sourcing
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Restricted Fares
• Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR)/Joint Travel
Regulation (JTR) allows travelers the option to use
restricted fares
• DoD managed restricted fares program would make
this option more effective
• Restricted fares program that considers current DoD
policy to use the Contract City Pair carrier
• Result in opportunities for greater efficiencies and
cost savings
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
U.S. Government Rental Car Program Overview
• Agreement, not a contract – supports the entire Federal
• Sixteen (16) rental car companies participate worldwide
• Competition drives cost
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
U.S. Government Rental Car Program
• Development of “Gold Standards”
Minimizing all costs including base rates
Require standardized data from vendors
Benchmark against corporate rates annually
Policy Improvement Opportunities
• Data Collection
• Stakeholder Engagement
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
U.S. Government Rental Car Program
• Communications Plan
– Materials posted on DTMO website
Rental Vehicle Assistance Tool
• Government Employee Training
• Vendor Training
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Unused Ticket Process Improvements
• Objective
– Improve efficiencies and ensure DoD has standardized
processes to monitor, track, and collect refunds for all
unused or partially unused tickets
• Standardized unused ticket language in CTO contracts
– Identify and cancel all unused or partially unused tickets
– Provide unused ticket reports monthly
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Unused Ticket Process Improvements
Initiating regulatory changes to the Defense Transportation
Regulation 4500.9-R
• Clarified guidance on the process of refunds for
Individually Billed Accounts, Centrally Billed Accounts,
and Government Transportation Requests
• Developed a workflow process to assist in tracking
unused tickets from identification to reimbursement
• Partner with industry to explore emerging technology
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
CTO Services
• DTMO is the single source to consolidate and procure
CTO services for the DoD
• Benefits of consolidating and managing procurement
– Decreases the number of CTO contracts
– Consistent requirements across the Department
– Leverages buying power
– Enables DoD to apply best practices
– Improves working relationships between the
Government and industry
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
CTO Services (continued)
How do we incorporate Government and industry best
practices to travel smarter and meet and exceed the
expectations of our customers?
• Market research to attain an in-depth perspective of the
travel industry, other Government Agencies, and corporate
travel initiatives
• Partnership with industry to exchange ideas, share views
on innovation, and develop mutually acceptable solutions
• Take advantage of innovative processes and emerging
• Drive efficiencies through automation
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
Defense Travel Management Office
Strategy and Performance Management
• Set of integrated management processes which help improve strategic decision making in organizations
• Provides credible, decision ready BI to leadership driving accountability, management decisions, reporting,
compliance, resource allocation, risk management and continuous improvement
Strategy Development
• SWOT Analysis
• Environmental Scan (external
drivers/marketplace changes)
• Review of Products/Programs/
Metrics Development
• Determine & define performance metrics using metrics templates
• Establish KPIs and targets
• Identify metrics owners and data sources
Commercial Travel Information Management (CTIM) Tool
• Integral to Performance Management System
• Enhances analytic capabilities, enabling a more
comprehensive understanding of DoD travel processes
and the development of business intelligence
• Data is gathered, integrated, cleansed and validated
Integrated Business Intelligence Capability
• Evidence based decision making supported by CTIM
• Leverages dashboards, scorecards and reports
• Track, analyze and report performance
– Visual analytics
– Standardized analytical approach for detailed studies
“Establishes and maintains a DoD Travel Enterprise performance management framework that is supported by an
enterprise-wide repository of DoD commercial travel data for the purpose of administering commercial travel
programs, procedures, reporting, and guidance.” – DoDI 5154.31
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)