IEEE India Office - Update Harish Mysore Director, India Operations IEEE R 10 Meet – Kolkata 4 March 2012 IEEE India Office GIEEE registered as a Pvt. Ltd. company in Bangalore, India Subsidiary of IEEE Inc. and IEEE Registered in Sep 2010; operational in June 2011 IEEE Global Growth Strategy Increase visibility of IEEE and its members in target geographic areas – Measured by perception studies, membership growth, media inquiries, requests to participate in local issues affecting the profession Further local engagement of and collaboration with IEEE Members, industry, government, academia and related organizations – Measured by increased number of participants (individuals and organizations) and the depth of their engagement/collaboration in activities – Maximize IEEE influence and impact locally through valued programs, products and services – Measured by usage, participation, financial results, and documented improvements in local conditions 3 What We Do in India Membership Activities Section Volunteer Support Student Activities Support Educational Activities Faculty Development Program Evaluating “Finishing Schools” Museum Collaboration TISP 4 4/13/2015 Standards Activities Relationship building with BIS SA CAG Outreach program Standards Education INDIC Standard Publication Activities Xplore® Client Services Technical Activities Chapter Volunteer Support Distinguished Lecture Tours Computer Society SWEBOK, CSDA, CSDP and other workforce readiness programs Corporate Activities Global Growth Strategy Engage with government and industry leaders Business Development Coordinate visits of IEEE leaders Humanitarian Activities 2011 India Highlights Office operational and completion of regulatory requirements Launched development of Faculty Training program pilot Initiated promotion of CS SWEBOK, CSDA, CSDP certification programs Four signed MoUs – IIT-GN, IBM India, ACCS, DTU 8 IEEE Leadership visits hosted in 7 months 5 IEEE Presidents and Executive Staff Leaders from Educational Activities, Sales and Marketing and Computer Society Coordinated Distinguished Lecture tours Provided support for IEEE Indicon 2011 and ANTS 2011 Limited local support for Sections, Chapters, GOLD, TISP Developing SA Corporate Advisory Group Outreach Program Also: Thanks to Sales and Marketing, AICTE requires ASPP in 4000 Colleges / universities for engineering programs IEEE Membership in India IEEE Members IEEE Members – India Council with 11 Sections = 37,207 (year-end 2010) • • • • • • • • • • • Bangalore Section Bombay Section Calcutta Section Delhi Section Gujarat Section Hyderabad Section Kerala Section Kharagpur Section Madras Section Pune Section Uttar Pradesh Section IEEE-SA Members Individual = 72 (year-end 2010) Corporate = 3 * AIMT * K7 Computing * Net-O2 Technologies 6 2012 Outcomes: Lay Foundation to Support Rapid Growth Professional staff of 1 grows to 7-8 in 2012 7 By the end of 2012: Office operations stabilized Establish Section 25 not-for-profit corporate construct Faculty development program pilot delivered Skills Development and Training for Workforce Readiness • Channel development for SWEBOK, CSDA, CSDP implemented • Finishing School opportunity assessment complete Standards outreach and education programs are operational IEEE Software Development Team will be in place interfacing effectively with IEEE IT in NJ Define longer-term IEEE business plan for India Start IEEE Software development center Opportunities Abound in India AICTE mandatory adoption of ASPP will enable new IEEE opportunities: Increase IEL penetration New student branches/University Partnership Programs Demand is increasing for high quality international technical conferences as India focuses on improving the quality of its research Membership growth and retention – Introduce local India membership benefit programs – Improve section and chapter programs – Member engagement in humanitarian activities Increasing involvement of Indian government and industry in global standards development Filling gaps in education and workforce development while university education 8 improves IEEE Challenges in India India is ramping up for IEEE at a pace faster than IEEE experienced in China Load balancing IEEE investment in India to maximize influence and impact in India • Developing government relations is complex and requires a long-term commitment (Standards and Education can lead) • Increasing IEEE visibility in India requires a unified local public relations program in the spirit of one IEEE • Increased local support for MGA necessary to grow and sustain membership growth, retention and engagement • Establishing a local ecosystem for IEEE conferences and events could support more rapid local growth and ensure quality control 9 Summary As India builds modern infrastructure, improves education and research, and evolves into a global innovation destination, immense opportunities for IEEE in India will present themselves… In fact, they already are. 10 Ano Bhadraaha Kritao Yantu Vishvataha – ”let noble thoughts come to us from all directions” – Rig Veda