Mix Presentation - Alliance for Health Reform

Commonwealth of Virginia
Puzzle: To clarify or solve (something confusing) by reasoning or study
David E. Mix, PMP, MBA
HIT/MITA Program Manager
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Commonwealth of Virginia
Puzzle Pieces
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Health Benefit Exchange (HBE/HBX), Eligibility Systems, Medicaid expansion looking for better user
experience and coordination of services
DHHS efforts towards simplified enrollment standards and Federal verification service with IRS, DHS,
Enhanced funding for eligibility systems to support HBE/HBX
Other factors
HITECH: Health Information Exchange (HIE), certified Electronic Health Record (EHR), Provider
Incentive Program, meaningful use looking for better outcomes and coordination of care
X12 5010/NCPDP D.0, ICD10, NCCI, Provider screening regulation
State mandates
State budget challenges
State assets (as-is)
Executive support
Multi-Secretariat collaboration championed by Dr. Bill Hazel, Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Technology, Jim Duffey and the Virginia IT Agency (VITA)
HIT Advisory Commission, Health Reform initiative, and HIT Standards Advisory Committee
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles technology modernization efforts
State Agency legacy system silos
Puzzle Picture
To assemble a complex puzzle, a picture of
the completed puzzle is helpful
Medicaid IT Architecture (MITA) V2.0 Concept
of Operations (COO) document provides a
picture of the assembled puzzle
Includes HIE, EHR, and eligibility systems (basis
for HBE/HBX)
While focus is on Medicaid/CHIP it does reflect
interoperability with other social service programs
Technology base is program agnostic
Business case: one of cost avoidance
Virginia’s Strategy
Leverage MITA as core strategy to address both ARRA and PPACA
Adopt MITA vision (self-directed services)
Look at requirements from an enterprise perspective
Use MITA State Self Assessment process to align efforts to Federal direction
Maximize Federal funding assistance
Leverage Virginia’s existing assets
VITA provides enterprise infrastructure
Governance, standards, competency centers (new), hosting, disaster recovery,
strategic planning, help desk, cost allocation/rate setting, IT procurement/project
approval, project management
Strategic planning at Secretariat level with State Agency alignment begins
to reflect migration path to enterprise interoperability
Legacy systems can interoperate on the enterprise using standards-based
Enterprise technical infrastructure becomes an enabler of business
Work In Progress
Federal funding approved
Establishing HIT/MITA program office
Secretariat level
Fund and manage multiple HIT/MITA projects
Data sharing/trust initiative
IT strategic planning initiative
Establishing a common physical technical architecture
Compliant with MITA Technical Architecture Standard
Pay-for-use environment – available to all Federal/State/local programs
Foundation for HIE and HBE/HBX interoperability with State systems
Includes a Master Data Management (MDM) product for
person/organization information
Targeting significant improvement to Medicaid enrollment accuracy
Establish Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and MDM competency centers
Establish authentication service
Tied to MDM product
Used for public facing portals (HIE & HBE/HBX etc)
Developed by Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
Planning In Progress
Federal funding requested for interfacing
Health Department and State Lab systems to
the enterprise for access by HIE
Planning for replacement of multiple eligibility
systems with an integrated solution
Reflected in MITA Transition Plan
Meets CMS seven conditions and standards for
Virginia MITA transition plan
Virginia State Medicaid HIT Plan
Virginia HIE Strategic and Operations Plan
Virginia IT Agency (VITA) Enterprise standards
 http://www.vita.virginia.gov/oversight/dm/default.