European Modelling Symposium, 21 – 23 October, Pisa

1st International Conference on
Systems Informatics, Modelling and
29 April – 1 May 2014
Sheffield University, UK
• Words of thanks
• Conferences coming up
• This conference
Thanks are due to
• Authors, track teams and reviewers from all countries including (country
of 1st author): Malaysia-16, United Kingdom-12, India-7, Algeria-6, Italy1, South Africa-2, Pakistan-2, Brazil-2, Jordan-2, Iran-2, Saudi Arabia-2,
Greece-1, Kuwait-1, Japan-1, Egypt-1, Vietnam-4, Senegal-1, Russia-2,
Iraq-2, Nigeria-2, Mauritius-1, Indonesia-1, Tunisia-1, Bahrain-2,
Palestine-1, Philippines-1, Canada-1, Ghana-1.
• EUROSIM and its national societies notably in Germany, Austria,
France, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Sweden for active support and
• IEEE: Bahrain Section for support and technical sponsorship, Region 8
and Region 10 for supporting the event and UKSim activities in general
• Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, UniMaP, UTM and other
Malaysian universities for active sponsorship and event organisation
Conferences Coming up soon
CICSyN2014: Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks,
28-30 May, Republic of Macedonia, deadline 1 May 2014
ICAIET2014: International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application in
Engineering & Technology 2014, 18 – 20 June, Kota Kinabalu, deadline 15 May 2014
AMS2014: Asia Modelling Symposium 2013, 23 - 25 July, Taiwan, deadline 10 June 2014
CIMSim2014: Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation
23 - 27 September, Sri Lanka, deadline 15 July 2014
EMS2014: European Modelling Symposium, 21 – 23 October, Pisa, deadline 15 September
AIMS2014: Artificial Intelligence, Modelling & Simulation
18 – 20 November, Madrid, deadline 2 October 2014
Pattern for the 3 days:
Refreshments: Breakfast, Lunch & Conference Dinner: Dining room
Presentations: Single Track: All sessions in this room
3 Keynote speakers, 1 in day-1, and 2 in day-2.
Day-1 Today: full day till 5pm
Prof Frank Wang + 10 papers
7.00 Conference Dinner
Day-2 Tomorrow: full day till 5pm. 2 Keynote speakers:
Dr Athanasios Pantelous and Prof Qiang Shen + 12 papers
Closing remarks and Photo opportunity
Day-3 1 May, Opportunity to explore the culture and history of
Sheffield, see list in your pack.
Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Frank Wang
How will Computers Evolve over the
next 10 years
Fellow of British Computer Society
Chair in e-Science and Grid Computing
Head: School of Computing (formerly known as Computing Laboratory),
University of Kent, UK.
Director: Centre for Grid Computing, Cambridge-Cranfield High
Performance Computing Facility (CCHPCF), collaborative research facility
Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield, ~ £40 million.
Research interests: Future Computing, Green Computing (via memristor),
Grid/Cloud Computing, Biologically-inspired Computing, Quantum
Computing/Communication, Data Storage & Data Communication, and Data
Mining and Data Warehousing
Publication: book "Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing", 67+ journal papers
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing
Co-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Grid and High Performance
on the Editorial Board of 4 other international journals.
Keynote Speaker-2: Dr Athanasios Pantelous
Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems: Nonlinear Dynamic Programming, a
Logarithmic Function and the Concept of Contingency Fund
Reader in Statistics and Probability in the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, Director of the Institute for Financial and Actuarial
Mathematics (IFAM) and Deputy Director of the multi-disciplinary
Liverpool Institute for Risk and Uncertainty (LIRU) in the University of
B.A. degree in Mathematics 2001, MSc in Statistics & O.R. 2003,
Applied Mathematics 2007 the University of Athens, Greece. MSc in the
Statistical methods applied to the Management of Insurance
Organizations 2004, PhD in Statistics (Actuarial Mathematics) in 2008
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. A second PhD
in Systems and Control Theory in 2013 from City University, London
over 50 papers in international journals and 30 peer-reviewed papers in
Springer, IEEE and IFAC international conferences.
Several invited keynote lectures and special tutorials : intersection of
system and mathematical control theory with particular applications to
actuarial science and finance. On IPC in more than 30 international
workshops, symposiums, conferences and congresses.
Keynote Speaker-2: Dr Athanasios Pantelous
co-Investigator in a large scale funding totalling £21 million to
establish a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) on Quantification and
Management of Risk & Uncertainty in Complex Systems &
Environments with Prof. Michael Beer and Prof. John Mottershead
(Engineering), Institute for Risk and Uncertainty.
Jointly funded by EPSRC and ESRC, grant ~ £4 million. University of
Liverpool: £6 million and 36 industrial (such as Munich Re, Lloyds,
IBM, FNA, Rolls Royce etc) and academic partners (University of
Maryland, Rice University, Columbia University, TU Kaiserslautern,
National Tsing Hua University, KU Leuven, ETH Zurich): > £10 million
in access to facilities, models and data.
CDT partners provide workplaces and supervision for PhD students
during industrial placements as well as training at summer schools
and workshops.
Keynote Speakers –3, Qiang Shen
Intelligent Decision Support for Intelligence Data Analysis
PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems, DSc in Computational Intelligence.
Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth
University, a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, a REF 2014 panel member for Computer
Science and Informatics, and a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals
(IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems).
Professor Shen has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences. His
current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty,
pattern recognition, data mining, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g.,
crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis).
Athored 2 research monographs and around 320 peer-reviewed papers, including an awardwinning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper.
Director of studies: > 40 PDRAs/PhDs, one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner.
London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay torchbearer, carrying the Olympic torch in celebration of
the centenary of Alan Turing. The official nomination stated that “Professor Shen, as a worldleading researcher in computational intelligence and ambassador for computer science, would
be a fitting tribute to Alan Turing, and an inspiration to future generations of scientists and
Thank you and have a
good conference!!