Lect.15 - Software Engineering Laboratory

ECE 355: Software Engineering
Part I
Course outline
• Unit 1: Software Engineering Basics
• Unit 2: Process Models and Software Life Cycles
• Unit 3: Software Requirements
• Unit 4: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
• Unit 5: Design Basics and Software Architecture
• Unit 6: OO Analysis and Design
• Unit 7: Design Patterns
 Unit 8: Testing and Reliability
• Unit 9: Software Engineering Management and Economics
Software Reliability
– What Is Software Reliability?
– Basic concepts
– Models
Software Reliability
• What Is Software Reliability?
– Defn.: Probability(failure-free op, specified time, given
environment)  P(t)
– Affected by development process—not ageing/
• Uses
– Criterion for technology evaluation: expensive
– Project management: ready to release? More test?
– Size of change: change decreases reliability
Basic Concepts
• Failure and fault
– Failure: departure of external results of program operation
– Fault: cause of failure that is a defect in the code (localized or not)
• Time
– Execution time (t)
– Calendar time (t): meaningful to managers
• Characterizing failure occurrence in time
Time of failure: instant
Time interval between failures
Cumulative failures up to a given time
Failures in a time interval
Basic Concepts
Software System
Random process
Failure behavior:
- # of faults in the SW
- Exec environment (run types)
• Average Total Number of Failures: μ(τ),
• Failure Intensity – Number of Failures per time unit : λ(τ)
•Mean Time to Failure 1/λ(τ)
Reliability Models
(of Musa)
• Assumptions
• Two models
– Basic
– Logarithmic
• Diff: Change in failure intensity per failure
– Basic: decrement is constant
– Logarithmic: decrement reduces
Assumptions for the Basic
Reliability Model
Faults are independent and distributed with constant rate of encounter
Well mixed types of instructions execution time between failures is large
compared to instruction execution time
Test space covers use space
Tests selected from a complete set of use input sets
Set of inputs for each run selected randomly
All failures are observed implied by our definition of failure
Fault causing failure is corrected immediately otherwise reoccurrence of that
failure is not counted
Basic (Linear) Model
• Assumption: decrement in failure intensity
function derivative w.r.t. number of
expected failures) is constant
• Consequence: failure intensity is function of
average number of failures experienced at
any given point in time failure probability
Logarithmic Model
• Decrement per encountered failure decreases
• Θ is a failure intensity decay parameter
• Comparison of models:
– Basic model assumes that there is a failure intensity logarithmic model assumes convergence to 0 failure
– Basic model assumes a finite number of failures in the
system - logarithmic model assumes infinite number
Reliability Models
Basic model
Logarithmic model
λ: Failure intensity
λ0: Initial failure intensity
at start of execution
μ: Average total number of
failures at a given point
in time
v0: Total number of failures
over infinite time
l: failure intensity
l(m) = l0[1 - m/v0]
l(m) = l0exp(-qm)
q: failure intensity decay
Initial failure intensity, l0
m: Mean failures exp.
Reliability Models
Basic model
Logarithmic model
m(t) = v0[1 – exp(-l0t/v0)]
m(t) = (1/q).ln(l0qt + 1)
l(t) = l0exp(-l0t/v0)
l(t) = l0/(l0qt + 1)
Reliability Models
Example: Assume that a program will experience 100 failures in infinite time.
The initial failure intensity was 10 failures/CPU-hr, the
present failure intensity is 3.68 failures/CPU-hour and our
objective intensity is 0.000454 failure/CPU-hr.
Predict the additional testing time to achieve the stated objective.
We know that l(t) = l0exp(-l0t/v0)
At time t1, l(t1) = l0exp(-l0t1/v0) = lp
At time t2, l(t2) = l0exp(-l0t2/v0) =
t2 - t1 = (v0/ l0).ln(lp/ lf)
v0 = 100 faults, l0 = 10 failures/CPU-hr
lp = 3.68 failures/CPU-hr, lf = 0.000454 failure/CPU-hr
Testing time = (t2 - t1 ) = 90 CPU-hr