
The Framework and
Roadmap for Smart Grid
A Presentation
by David Sorensen
of WestCAMP at the
September 13th Meeting
of PNCECE in Spokane
Some Background on
NIST’s Role in Smart Grid
NIST has been responsible for establishing
the Smart Grid Interoperability Standards,
including cybersecurity (George Arnold).
 NIST (the National Institute of Standards
and Technology)has worked closely with
DOE (the Department of Energy).
 Input has been sought from hundreds of
organizations, agencies, universities, etc.
 NIST has funded this activity to date.
Some Background on NIST’s
Role in Smart Grid (cont.)
A Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
(SGIP) is being formed to manage the
standards beginning in 2013.
 There are about 20 major organizations
such as IEEE & NEMA that will be serving
on the panel.
 SGIP membership will range from ~$500
for individuals to ~25,000 for major
Some Background on NIST’s
Role in Smart Grid (cont.)
A Smart Grid Interoperability Standards
activities have been under way for 3
years .
 In January of 2012, release 2.0 of the
NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart
Grid Interoperability Standards was
 The following slides outline some details
of the more than 200 page framework
and roadmap.
Office of the National Coordinator for Smart Grid
Interoperability, Engineering Laboratory in collaboration with
Physical Measurement Laboratory and Information
Technology Laboratory
Table of Contents
1. Purpose and Scope ..................................... 14
2. Smart Grid Visions ...................................... 27
3. Conceptual Architectural Framework .............. 38
4. Standards Identified for Implementation ......... 60
5. Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP)........ 142
6. Cybersecurity Strategy................................ 167
7. Framework for Smart Grid Interoperability Testing
and Certification............................................. 177
8. Next Steps ............................................... 192
9. Appendix: List of Acronyms ........................ 199
10. Appendix: Specific Domain Diagrams .......... 208
Anticipated Smart Grid Benefits
modernized national electrical grid:
Improves power reliability and quality
Optimizes facility utilization and averts construction of
backup (peak load) power plants
Enhances capacity and efficiency of existing electric
power networks
Improves resilience to disruption
Enables predictive maintenance and “self-healing”
responses to system disturbances
Facilitates expanded deployment of renewable energy
Accommodates distributed power sources
Anticipated Smart Grid Benefits (cont.)
maintenance and operation
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by enabling electric
vehicles and new power sources
Reduces oil consumption by reducing the need for
inefficient generation during peak usage periods
Presents opportunities to improve grid security
Enables transition to plug-in electric vehicles and new
energy storage options
Increases consumer choice
Enables new products, services, and markets and
consumer access to them
DOE Smart Grid Investment Grants, 2009
Figure 3-1. Interaction of Actors in Different Smart
Grid Domains through Secure Communication
Guiding Principles for Identifying Standards for
For Release 2.0, a standard, specification, or guideline is evaluated on
whether it:
• Is well-established and widely acknowledged as important to the Smart
• Is an open, stable, and mature industry-level standard developed in a
consensus process from a standards development organization (SDO).
• Enables the transition of the legacy power grid to the Smart Grid.
• Has, or is expected to have, significant implementations, adoption, and
• Is supported by an SDO or standards- or specification-setting
organization (SSO) such as a users group to ensure that it is regularly
revised and improved to meet changing requirements and that there is a
strategy for continued relevance.
• Is developed and adopted internationally, wherever practical.
• Is integrated and harmonized, or there is a plan to integrate and
harmonize it with complementing standards across the utility enterprise
through the use of an industry architecture that documents key points of
interoperability and interfaces.
Guiding Principles for Identifying Standards for
• Enables one or more of the framework characteristics as defined by
EISA or enables one or more of the six chief characteristics of the
envisioned Smart Grid.
• Addresses, or is likely to address, anticipated Smart Grid
requirements identified through the NIST workshops and other
stakeholder engagement.
• Is applicable to one of the priority areas identified by FERC and NIST:
o Demand Response and Consumer Energy Efficiency; o Wide
Situational Awareness;
o Electric Storage;
o Electric Transportation;
o Advanced Metering Infrastructure; o Distribution Grid
o Cybersecurity; and
o Network Communications.
Focuses on the semantic understanding layer of the GWAC stack,* which
has been identified as most critical to Smart Grid interoperability.
• Is openly available under fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms.
• Has associated conformance tests or a strategy for achieving them.
• Accommodates legacy implementations.
• Allows for additional functionality and innovation through:
o Symmetry – facilitates bidirectional flows of energy and
o Transparency – supports a transparent and auditable chain of
o Composition – facilitates building of complex interfaces from
o Extensibility – enables adding new functions or modifying
existing ones.
o Loose coupling – helps to create a flexible platform that can
valid bilatera land multilateral transactions without
o Layered systems – separates functions, with each layer
services to the layer above and receiving services from
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
Priority Action Plan
Meter Upgradeability Standard
Role of IP in the Smart Grid
Wireless Communications for the Smart Grid
Common Price Communication Model
Common Schedule Communication Mechanism
Standard Meter Data Profiles
Common Semantic Model for Meter Data Tables
Electric Storage Interconnection Guidelines
CIM for Distribution Grid Management
Standard DR and DER Signals
Standard Energy Usage Information
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
Priority Action Plan (cont.)
11 Common Object Models for Electric Transportation
12 Mapping IEEE 1815 (DNP3) to IEC 61850 Objects
13 Harmonization of IEEE C37.118 with IEC 61850 and
Precision Time Synchronization
14 Transmission and Distribution Power Systems Model
15 Harmonize Power Line Carrier Standards for Appliance
Communications in the Home
16 Wind Plant Communications
17 Facility Smart Grid Information Standard
18 Smart Energy (SEP) Profile 1.X to 2.0 Transition
19 Wholesale Demand Response (DR) Communication
20 Green Button Energy Service Provider (ESPI) Evolution
To date, the Standards subgroup has produced detailed
reports that contain analysis and recommendations for
improvements in the following standards:
Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) Metering
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C12.1: American
National Standard for Electric Meters Code for Electricity
Metering; ANSI C12.18: : American National Standard Protocol
Specification for ANSI Type 2 Optical Port;
ANSI C12.19: American National Standard For Utility Industry
End Device Data Tables; ANSI C12.21: American National
Standard Protocol Specification for Telephone Modem
ANSI C12.22: American National Standard Protocol
Specification For Interfacing to Data Communication Networks;
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-6/ 23
Inter-Control Centre Communications Protocol (ICCP): Control
Center to Control Center Information Exchanges;
IEC 61850: Communications Networks and Systems for Power
Utility Automation;
IEC 61968: Common Information Model (CIM) and Messaging
Interfaces for Distribution Management;
IEC 61970: Energy Management System Application Program
Interface (EMS-API) (also referred to as the “Common
Information Model for Wires Models”);
IEC 62351: Power Systems Management and Associated
Information Exchange - Data and Communications Security,
Parts 1 through 7;
North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Energy
Usage Information;
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Upgradeability Standard (NEMA SG AMI 1-2009);
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS) Web Services (WS)-Calendar;
Role of Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in the Smart Grid, an Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF)-proposed document;
SAE J1772-TM: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE Electric
Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge
SAE J2847/1: Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and the
Utility Grid;
SAE J2836/1: Use Cases for Communication between Plug-in
Vehicles and the Utility Grid;
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
C37.238/D5.7, Draft Standard Profile for Use of IEEE Std. 1588
Precision Time Protocol in Power System Applications;
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850-90-5, Use
of IEC 61850 to Transmit Synchrophasor Information According to
IEEE C37.118; and
IEEE 1588, IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization
Figure 3-1. Interaction of Actors in Different Smart
Grid Domains through Secure Communication
The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
(SGIP) Governing Board voted on July
10, 2012 to support the new business
sustainment plan for the SGIP. The
plan outlines the SGIP's transition to a
self-sustaining not-for-profit legal entity
that will continue its partnership with
the government, a move that NIST
envisioned when it established the
SGIP in 2009.
The decision represents a major
milestone in the implementation
of the Smart Grid Interoperability
Framework coordinated by NIST
in carrying out its responsibilities
under the Energy Independence
and Security Act of 2007.
"NIST supports the plan and
commends the SGIP and its
leadership in taking this important
step forward," said George Arnold,
the National Coordinator for Smart
Grid Interoperability. "NIST intends
to continue undiminished its
engagement in the SGIP at both
technical and leadership levels."
Figure 3-1. Interaction of Actors in Different Smart
Grid Domains through Secure Communication
The Future
The Smart Grid Program is not a 1 or 2 year
activity. It will take 20 or 30 years to fully mature.
As it gets implemented, we will realize new and
better way to accomplish its objectives and there
will continue to be significant improvement in tools,
technologies and methods.
We need to consider seriously what part we
want to play. What are our specific strengths and
weaknesses? What can we do better than many
others? What are some unique needs of the
program that we can specifically address? Now is
the time to plan for our future participation in the
Smart Grid Progarm.
The End
I mean…
The Beginning!