EC2 - EUROPE-CHINA CLEAN ENERGY CENTRE an example of cooperation between Politecnico of Torino and China in clean energies sector Francesca De Filippi Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 POLITECNICO DI TORINO Since 1859, a centre of teaching and research, and one of the most important universities in Europe for Engineering and Architecture studies Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 Facts and figures 28.000 students 700 PhD students 3.500 foreign students Every year: 4.500 new students 2.300 Master of Science graduates Polito students find employment: 70 % within 1 year of graduation (national average: 56%) 2.000 Bachelor of Science graduates 22 Bachelor degree programs (7 in English) 31 Master degree programs (11 in English) 20 PhD programs 27 Post-graduate programs Politecnico di Torino 3 Schools of Engineering 2 Schools of Architecture 1 PhD School 900 Lecturers and Researchers November 3, 2010 The reputation European University Politecnico di Torino * (*) Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities in Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences 2010 Politecnico di Torino Swiss Federal Inst. of Technol. Lausanne University of Cambridge World Rank 15 15 Imperial College London 30 University of Manchester Swiss Federal Institute of Technol. Zurich University of Oxford 32 Politecnico di Torino 51-77 Catholic University of Leuven 51-77 Chalmers University of Technology Pierre and Marie Curie Univ. - Paris 6 Techical University of Denmark University of Sheffield 51-77 51-77 51-77 51-77 41 46 November 3, 2010 Research and technology transfer Permanent relations in research and education with industries Alenia, Avio, ENI Corporate, Ferrari, FIAT, General Motors Powertrain Europe, HP, IBM, Indesit, Italdesign Giugiaro, Michelin, Nokia, Philips, Piaggio, Pininfarina, Pirelli, Siemens, Telecom Italia, Banca Intesa/SanPaolo, Unicredit Banca… 109 patents (until May 2010) 24 spin-offs 192 25 MLN euro research projects funded by the Ministry of Education between 2006 and 2008 Contracts (until 2008) 800 research agreements per year Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 Focus Polito-China: Agreements 20 GENERAL AGREEMENTS 7 DOUBLE DEGREE AGREEMENTS Structure: BS Eng. 2+2 / Arch. 1+3+1 -- MS 1+2 -- PhD 2+2 Tianjin University Harbin institute of Technology (HIT) SouthEast University, Nanjing (SEU) Tongji University, Shanghai Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou Tsinghua University, Beijing Politecnico di Torino ESTABLISHMENT OF CHINESE CAMPUSES AT POLITECNICO DI TORINO A reference point for the Chinese students and a platform of the Chinese Universities for the development of joint activities with Politecnico di Torino Xi’ian Jiaotong University Tongji University Shanghai Harbin Institute of Technology Tianjin University Southeast University of Nanjing November 3, 2010 POLITONG PROJECT Sino Italian campus INVOLVED INSTITUTIONS: Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Tongji University SPONSOR: financed by the Italian Government and private companies AREAS: Mechanical engineering (BSc), Information Technology Engineering (BSc) and Industrial Design (MSc) DEGREE: The Chinese and Italian students obtain two degrees recognized in both countries CYCLES: 3 cycles already launched STUDENTS: 123 Italian students and 140 Chinese students SCHOLARSHIPS: 63 LENGHT: Bachelor of Science: • 4 years for Chinese students • 3 years for Italian students Master of Science: • 6 semesters for Chinese students • 5 semesters for Italian students The Sino-Italian Campus has been recently implemented with the signature of the 4+M agreement: students, after graduation, go on with their studies at the Master of Science level and obtain the double degree Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 Chinese students - Some figures PRESENCE OF CHINESE STUDENTS 2006-2007: 133 2007-2008: 321 2008-2009: 600 2009-2010: 750 STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY THE CHINESE SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED TO CHINESE STUDENTS Annual gross amount: from 6.000€ to 10.000€ Bachelor of Science 2006-2007: 32 2007-2008: 69 2008-2009: 48 2009-2010: 37 Master of Science 2006-2007: 35 2007-2008: 54 2008-2009: 32 (21) 2009-2010: (20) 13 55 Phd 22 Master of Science + PhD Politecnico di Torino From CHINA: 21% November 3, 2010 incoming students countries CSC- Chinese Scholarship Program long-term scholarships financed by China Scholarship Council for Chinese students to study abroad (800€ pro month) duration of scholarship: 3 years (PhD program) or 5 years (Master of Science + PhD program) 7 Chinese University partners: Harbin institute of Technology (HIT) Beijing Institute of Technology Tianjin University Southeast University, Nanjing (SEU) Tongji University, Shanghai Shandong University Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication South China University of Technology (Canton) CSC students at Politecnico di Torino: 55 Phd 22 Master of Science + PhD Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 – a project overview Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 Basic Project data Project Title: Europe-China Clean Energy Centre (EC2) Contract number: DCI-ASIE/2010/222-185 (EC and Polito) Project Location: People’s Republic of China and EU Project Dates: March 29, 2010 to March 28, 2015 Project Budget: 12,389,852.00 [EUR 9,234,652.29 EUR EC Contribution (74,5%), 1,855,199.71 EUR IMELS Contribution (15%) and 1,300,000 EUR other] Project EU co-director: Dr. Alessandro Costa Project Chinese co-director: Prof. Shi Dan Project Manager Applicant: Prof. Antonio M. Barbero (Polito) EU Project Officer: Ms. Virginie De Ruyt Address of EC2: Sino-Italian Environment and Energy-efficient Building (SIEEB), Tsinghua University, Beijing. Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 Project outline The EU-China Clean Energy Centre (EC2) is a EU-funded project (EuropeAid Call for proposal) managed by a Consortium led by Politecnico di Torino (I), supported also by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. It will last for 5 years, then it might reach financial sustainability. EC2’s general objective is to promote an increased use of clean energy in China and to support Chinese Government’s efforts to shape a more sustainable, environmental friendly and efficient energy sector. EC2 will act as a hub of excellence, providing assistance to both Chinese and European energy sector key players. Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 premises EC2 is hosted in the Sino-Italian Environment and Energy-efficient Building (SIEEB) at Tsinghua University in Beijing Premises rental value is offered by IMELS as in-kind contribution Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 Partnership 9 partners: • CEA - Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (F) • Chalmers University of Technology (SE) • CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (I) • ERI - Energy Research Institute (PRC) • IIE/CASS - Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (PRC) • Politecnico di Torino (I) project coordinator • REC - Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (H) • Tsinghua University (PRC) • UNICAL - University of Calabria (I) 5 associates: • CREIA - Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (PRC) • IMELS – Italian Ministry for the Environment Intesa San Paolo Eurodesk (BE) • VIU - Venice International University (I) • ZJLCC - Zhejiang China-Europe Low Carbon Economy Research & Cooperation Center (PRC), Land and Sea (I) co-funder Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 Main activities Fostering and facilitating technology transfer Advisoring on clean energy policy Organizing institutional capacity building initiatives on clean energy policy & policy enforcement Promoting awareness-raising on clean energy and its benefits to the environment Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 Focus areas Clean coal (e.g. CCS, energy efficiency in power production) Sustainable bio fuels Renewable energy sources Energy efficiency in energy consumption Sustainable and efficient distribution systems Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 Target groups Institutions Mainly Chinese and European 2500 Chinese Government and Energy Authorities 2500 energy experts from Chinese private & public clean technology producers and consumers 2000 energy specialists from research and NGOs Policy makers Industry R&D community Academic world Public at large Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 organizational structure Europe-China Energy Clean Energy Centre Organisation Chart ADVISORY BOARD MANAGEMENT BOARD PROJECT COMMITTE SCIENTIFIC BOARD SECRETARIES AND RECEPTIONIST CO-DIRECTORS Head of Division Head of Division Head of Division ADMINISTRATION & HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION (AHR) ADVISORY AND TRAINING DIVISION (AT) INFORMATION, PROMOTION & COMMUNICATION DIVISION (IPC) OPERATIONAL OFFICERS OPERATIONAL OFFICERS The MB will be assisted by two consultative boards, AB (identify priorities) and SB (assess the relevance). The MB will act under the supervision and guidance of a PC: EC, Ministry of Commerce and National Energy Administration of PRC+ independent advisors. OPERATIONAL OFFICERS SHORT TERM TECHNICAL EXPERTS Politecnico di Torino EC2 will be managed by a MB, composed by one member per each Partner. The EC2 activities are coordinated and supervised by two Co-directors. November 3, 2010 EC2 Opening Ceremony in the presence of José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC, Zhang Guobao, Günther Oettinger, Connie Hedegaard 30th April 2010, EC2 premises at Tsinghua University Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2 implementation Work Packages Each Work Package has a WP Leader responsible for the fine-tuning and coordination of all the activities specified in the annual workplans within the budget limits determined in the workplans. WP A - EC2 set up, administration and project management* WP Leader: POLITO WP B - Innovative clean energy platform WP Leader: POLITO WP C - Capacity Building WP Leader: CMCC WP D - Awareness-raising on clean energy* WP Leader: IIE/CASS Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 WP A – EC2 Set up, Project Management WP Leader: POLITO Involved partners: TSINGHUA, IIE/CASS, REC A.1: Designing the Centre Strategic Development Plan* • • Strategic Development Plan Procedures for internal organization A.2: Logistic Arrangements and staff recruiting* • • Refurbish and equip premises Recruit permanent staff – first round- in house call A.3: Management and administration of EC2* A.4: Elaborating an exit strategy • • Legal structure research provided by EU Delegation in Beijing Preliminary external legal consultancy supported by IMELS during the bidding phase A.5: Undertaking the overall project management* Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 WP B – Innovative Platform on Clean Energy WP Leader: POLITO Involved partners: TSINGHUA, IIE/CASS, ERI, CEA, CHALMERS B.1: Building and updating a technology database with dynamic information on available clean technologies relevant to China's energy sector. B.2: Supporting EU-China scientific and technological cooperation. Based on the information in the technology database, the analysis of available Chinese and European technologies will lead to identify needs for collaborative research and cooperation projects. Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 WP C – Capacity Building WP Leader: CMCC Involved partners:ERI, IIE/CASS,TSINGHUA, CEA, CHALMERS, POLITO, REC, UNICAL C.1 – Creating a clean energy policy knowledge base which will host detailed surveys of the status quo of clean energy policy in China, in the EU and in the rest of the world. C.2 – Undertaking Policy Modelling and scenarios to improve clean energy policy choices understanding & consequences. C.3 – Provide advice to policy makers and training to Chinese officers on a broad range of clean energy policy topics C.4 – Supporting enforcement and monitoring, critically assessing the current set of incentives and policy implementation mechanisms in China. Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 WP D – Awareness Raising WP Leader: IIE/CASS Involved partners: ERI, TSINGHUA, CEA, CHALMERS, CMCC, POLITO, REC, UNICAL D.1 – Elaborating Awareness-raising Strategy and Action Plan* (promotional & information campaigns, conferences, events and exhibitions, etc.) D.2 – Preparing Awareness-raising material* (institutional brochure, leaflets, posters, promotional gadgets and multimedia; newsletter) D.3 – Building and operating a website (see A.2.1)* D.4 – Dissemination actions* Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010 EC2@Politecnico di Torino Thanks for your attention Department of International Affairs International Projects and Development Cooperation Unit Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Torino November 3, 2010