Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Geographisches Institut
Abteilung Wirtschaftsgeographie
The German dual vocational/educational
training system and Best-Practice
Examples from the Aviation Industry
(Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie i
przykłady z lotnictwa)
Dr. Lech Suwala, Strzyżów 14 Maj 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1. General information
(generalne informacje)
2. Dual vocational training
(dualne toky nauczania)
3. Higher education
(wyższe kształcenie)
4. Cooperation between universities
and aerospace clusters
(kooperacja uniwersytetem/politechnika
i klastry lotnicze)
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Key figures (ważne liczby)
Pupils (wychowanek)
11,105 mn
5,272 mn
Pupils per inhabitant (na głowę)
Apprentices (uczeń)
1,430 mn
Apprentices per inhabitant (na głowę)
Students (student)
2,613 mn
1,676 mn
Students per inhabitant (na głowę)
Education expenditure (wydatki na
kształcenie), in % GDP (PKB)
6.7 %
5.2 %
Research expenditure (wydatki na
badania), in % in GDP (PKB)
2.84 %
0.77 %
Sources: Federal Statistical Office 2014, Central Statistical Office of Poland 2014, World Bank 2014
1. General information
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1. General information
Source: UNESCO 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1. General information
Source: UNESCO 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1. General information
Source: UNESCO 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The German Education System (Niemiecki system kształcenia)
niemiecka szkoła
podstawowa (główna, realna),
Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014
1. General information
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The dual vocational training system (official start 1964)
• vocational school: on two or three days per week
• Company: remaining days
 Apprentices gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience
• Dual vocational training usually takes three years (3 albo 3,5 lat)
• Increasing popularity of the system in other countries
Source: Goethe Institute 2014
2. Dual vocational training
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The The German dual vocational/ educational training system
(Optcje na Wykształcenie zawodowe w Niemiecech)
Source: own diagram based on Dobischat
2. dualne toky nauczania
socjalnie /
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The German dual vocational/educational training system
(proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie vs. zawodowe szkoly etc.)
Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014
2. dualne toky nauczania
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The German dual vocational/educational training system
(proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie vs. świadectwo ukończenia szkoły)
Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014
2. dualne toky nauczania
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The German dual vocational training system, demand/ supply, D 19762005 (proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie, liczby umowy
kształcenia -> popyt --, podaż _), D 1976-2005
2. dualne toky nauczania
Source: UNESCO 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Proporcja zakład szkolny vs. zakład nie szkolny (D), 1999-2012
Source: Federal Statistical Office 2014
2. Dual vocational training
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Proporcja początkujących w dualnym systemie vs. studiach
(D), 2005-2013
Source: Federal Statistical Office 2014
2. Dual vocational training
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The JOBSTARTER programme
• The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been
supporting the development of Germany's training structure since
• Over 280 innovative projects have received funding
 creating additional traineeships
 offering support for companies without experience in providing
 improving cooperation between local stakeholders
 cross-border cooperation in education and training
Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014
2. Dual vocational training
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
The JOBSTARTER programme
• Supported by the European Social Fund
• Until 2013:
 Secured 62,600 training positions (stanowiska kształcenia) ,
especially in SME (małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa)
 Provided funding worth 125 million EUR (2007-2013)
Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014
2. Dual vocational training
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Dual study programmes (dualne programmy na poziomie studium)
• Students study at university / college and work in a company
 combination of theory and practice (teoria i praktyka)
• Contract between student and company (umowa student / firma) ,
cooperation between company and university / college (kooperacja)
• Official recognition in Germany (nostryfikacja) since the early 1990s
• More than 96% of the programmes are offered in the following
sectors: economics, engineering and informatics
Source: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014
3. Higher education
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Development of dual study programmes (rozwój studium dualne)
* Initial training only
3. Higher education
Source: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Hamburg Aviation (1)
• Hamburg is the third biggest location
in the civil aviation industry worldwide
• Companies in the cluster: Airbus,
Lufthansa Technik AG
and more than 300 SME
• Various scientific and technological
research institutions as well as
• More than 40,000 spec. employees
Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Hamburg Aviation (2)
• Aviation Industry Qualification Initiative:
 network in which companies, universities, authorities and training
institutions exchange information and expertise
 Development of qualification programes suitable for the needs and
demands of aviation
 Best Practice recognition from the EU
Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Hamburg Aviation (3)
• Universities of the region offer the following specific education and
research programmes:
 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences – Bachelors and Masters
programmes in Aeronautical Engineering
 Hamburg University of Technology: major programme in Aircraft
 Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces: Aviation
is a central component of various engineering programmes
Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Bodensee AIRea (1)
• Companies, universities and research institutions
have initiated the cluster Bodensee AIRea (Triple helix)
• Industry focus: satellites, military and
civil aviation technology, zeppelins
• Aim: enhancing competitiveness by
interlinking the regional stakeholders
• The cluster is supported by the European Fund for Regional
Development (ERDF)
Source: Clusterinitiative Bodensee 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Bodensee AIRea (2)
• The participating universities offer
specific education and research programmes:
 Dual College (Dualne wyższe uczelnie)
 Campus Friedrichshafen:
 Aerospace electronics, Aerospace systems
 Konstanz University of Applied Sciences:
Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Source: Clusterinitiative Bodensee 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Alliance (1)
• Represents more than 100 regional companies, research institutions
and universities (100 regionaly firms, instytucje badania)
• Main objectives:
 Broadening the industry‘s added value
 Securing long-term availability of a skilled workforce
 Preserving and developing the region‘s competitiveness in the
aeronautics industry
Source: Brandenburg Economic Development Board 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Alliance (2)
• Participating universities (uniwersytety uczestniczyły) :
 Technical University Cottbus: Aerodynamics, Jet Engine
Design, Combustion Engines and Aircraft Propulsion
 Technical College Wildau: Aeronautics and Aviation Logistics
 Close collaboration with regional companies
Source: Brandenburg Economic Development Board 2014
4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Whats next?!
1. General information
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
1. General information
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Federal Statistical Office 2014:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014:
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014:
Central Statistical Office of Poland 2014:
UNESCO 2014:
1. General information