Report of the ED 0208


IEEE Student Membership

Serving and Preparing our Next Generation of Leaders






Student Membership—Growing Worldwide


• 116,224

Dec 2012

116,224 Student members

2,354 Student Branches

Students represent 27% of total

IEEE membership

63% graduate students, 37%% undergraduate


Asia/Pacific – 40%; U.S. – 28%;

Europe, Middle East, Africa – 21%;

Latin America – 8%; Canada – 3%

Student Transition into Workforce

Entrance into Workforce

25,000+ student members now enter workforce annually

143,500 student elevations over past six years

Local, Global & Virtual “Professional Home”

Student membership is the beginning of your IEEE relationship

Multiple vectors for benefits and opportunities: e.g.,

Student Branches, Section meetings, myIEEE / IEEE memberNet

IEEE provides professional development support and recognition throughout your career

333 worldwide

2,354 worldwide




2,000 visits daily

Your Career

Student Member Sr. Member Fellow

Engaging Students’ Interests

Technical Programs

& Opportunities

 Technical chapters

 IEEE Xtreme contest


Robotics contests

Paper contests ‘

 Project showcases

 Technical speakers

 IEEE Spectrum

 IEEE Potentials

 Student member discounts

 Student tracks at conferences

 Society Membership


Developme nt



Volunteer Development

 Regional Student


 Face to Face


 Public Programs

& Opportunities

Humanitarian initiatives

President’s Change the

World competition

Future Cities/E4C

Engineers w/o Borders

Pre-University activities


Awards & Recognition

Career Programs

& Opportunities

 Job Fairs/Career


 ‘Soft-skill’ seminars

 Industry connections

 Engineers Week

 Professional Awareness


Student Branch Activities

IEEE Student Branch is the operating organizational unit of IEEE constituted by a minimum of twelve (12)

IEEE student members

Goal: Engage students in the mission, benefits, and opportunities of the IEEE

Sponsors activities and events technical, professional, and humanitarian aspirations

– Guest speakers

– Paper contests

– Local public imperatives

Fun, too!

– Social events to bring together students with faculty

– Pi Day

Exciting Contests

IEEE Xtreme Programming


Worldwide, 24-hour programming challenge for IEEE Student Branches

Teams of Student members, advised and proctored by an IEEE Member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

Provide Student branches with an exciting new competition

Increase activities that appeal to computer, programming and information technology fans in IEEE

Exciting Contests (cont)

IEEE President’s “Change the World” Competition

Recognizes students or teams of students who develop unique solutions to real-world problems using engineering, science, computing and leadership skills to benefit their community or humanity

Opportunity to win US $10,000

Are you working on a project with a team of students that will change the world or a corner of it? Then you or your team can enter

Student Enterprise Award

Does your Student Branch have an idea for a community service program, robotics project or other idea?

Submit your proposal in the IEEE Student

Enterprise Award

Topics may be of technical or non-technical, ranging from research on state-of-the-art technology to community service programs

Competition encourages IEEE Student members to work with others on an engineering project of their choice - teamwork

Request up to US $1,500 in your project proposal

Congratulations Winners

Region 3:

University of Technology, Jamaica-Recycling


Region 8:

Cairo University-Robotics Program

Arab Academy of Science and Technology-

Automatic Waiter-Graduation Project Proposal

Region 10:

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and

Technology-Passenger Safety System

Kongu Engineering College-Synthetic Vista

Dhirubhai Ambani Inst of Information &

Technology-Mesh Network

Government Engineering College-Thissur-

FPGA Based Project

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University-

HOPE: Wireless Gadget for Home Bound


Vimal Jyothi Engineering College-Borewell

Rescue & Inspection Robot

Student Development Through Volunteering

Through the Student Branch:

Develop professional networks

Enhance presentation skills in low risk environments

Develop management skills, e.g., leading without authority

Committee experience

– Managing projects

– Managing people

Next Generation Benefits is an internet television network that produces and delivers specialinterest programming about technology and engineering, for the benefit of

IEEE's members and the public.

Goal: Introduce video as a member benefit and public relations opportunity

– “Made possible by the members of IEEE”

Add dimension to the ‘IEEE experience’ Member Basic is an exclusive benefit of IEEE membership

Over 50 programs now available

New Student Channel

Financial Rewards

Help your Student Branch grow, and be rewarded and recognized

All student members receive personalized membership referral cards through IEEE’s

Member-get-a-Member program

Earn incentive rewards (money) by recruiting other IEEE members

– US $2 for each student recruited; US $15 for each professional grade recruited

– Top recruiters recognized in IEEE’s membership development report, circulated to 2,000+ IEEE Volunteer leaders worldwide

More about member-get-a-member program at


Student Transition and Elevation Program

(STEP) Events

Sponsored by IEEE Graduates of the Last

Decade (GOLD)

Allows students to network with other young professionals

Linkage to another local entity other than student branch/chapter

Student Graduation Kits

Mailed to every graduating student

Recommends benefits for a beginning professional – Job Site, Mentoring Connection,

IEEE memberNet

Overview of members-only discounts

Incentives to update mailing address info

Your Career

Student Member Sr. Member Fellow

‘Professional Home’ After Graduation

Connectivity via the IEEE Network

IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade


Local IEEE Section & Technical Chapters

IEEE Societies

Beginning Career Benefits

IEEE memberNet directory

IEEE Job Site

IEEE Mentoring Connection

Many more…


Your Career

Member Sr. Member Fellow

Bringing it all together… myIEEE

Personalized, Customizable, Portable

• Library of myIEEE modules/gadgets

• Layout selection , 2 or 3 columns, with dragand-drop gadget placement

• RSS tools to import feeds from IEEE or other content sources

• Choice of several technology-based themes for the interface

• IEEE memberNet

• Only directory of all 400,000 IEEE members

• Enables online, peer-to-peer networking with technical expertise worldwide

Thank you !
