Using ICT to develop social and communication skills in university classes Prof. Miguel Nussbaum ( Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Verdugo, R., Claro, M., Nussbaum, M., Escobar, J., Riveros, P, Rendich, S. & Sepulveda, M. Preparing Undergraduate Computer Science Students to Face Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Scenarios, accepted in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Over 4 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Communication and Collaboration Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum The soft skills model we transfer to our students partial observation communication culture representation and modeling Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum culture “Reading an image, like the reception of any other message, is dependent on prior knowledge of possibilities; we can only recognize what we know” Ernst Gombrich Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication culture Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication culture representation and modeling Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication When I was very young, I had a recurring dream in which the whole world was like a show prepared specially for me, and that if I wasn’t present to see things... partial observation culture representation and modeling Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering ...these ceased to exist. Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication partial observation culture representation and modeling Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication partial observation culture Pre & Post Test (n= 62 students) representation and modeling Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Growth Factor p Culture 1.591 0.00116 Communication 2.566 1.95E-14 Representation and Modeling 3.301 6.25E-14 Partial Observation 3.178 1.43E-08 Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum communication One year after the end of the course... If you had to add a tagline to this course, what would it be? partial observation The solution is not always visible from where you are standing. culture An odd course, very weird, therefore... useful. Abilities and knowledge that everyone should have, and not everyone has. You are what you know. representation and modeling Let’s see the world, but let’s really see it. Positive A course about concepts that will give you tags to add to things you already know but will now be able to categorize and organize. The only truth is that there is no absolute truth. We don’t see the world how it is, but rather how we are. A different way to see things. We are the product of our history. Negative Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering A total waste of time. Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Valdivia, R. & Nussbaum, M, Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning in Computer Science Classes, International Journal of Engineering Education Volume 23 (2007), Nº3, Part I, 434-440 Valdivia, R. & Nussbaum, M, Using Multiple Choice Questions as a Pedagogic Model for Face-to-Face CSCL, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 17, Issue 1, Date: March 2009, Pages:89-99 Alvarez, C., Nussbaum, M., Recabarren, M., Gomez, F., Radovic, D., Teaching Communication, Interpersonal and Decision-Making Skills in Engineering Courses Supported by Technology, International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEEE), Vol. 25 (2009), Nº4, 655-664 Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Producing shared artifacts through open ended questions Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum How was CollPad useful? Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Introducing Technology into the Unviersity Recabarren, M., Nussbaum, M. & Leiva, C., Cultural Divide and the Internet, Computers in Human Behavior, 24 (2008) 2917-2926 Bustos, H. & Nussbaum, M., An experimental study of the inclusion of technology in higher education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 17, Issue 1, (2009), pp 100-107 Alvarez, C., Brown, C. & Nussbuam, M. (2011), Comparative tudy of Netbooks and Tablet PCs for fostering face-to-face collaborative learning, Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 834-844. Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Objective: Determine how social differences affect the Internet usage of first-year university students. Findings: Abilities and performance relating to Internet use differs among subcultures not only because of the digital divide but also because of cultural differences. Subcultures tend to converge over time when placed in the same context. Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Which hardware is better? Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Study of Transfer Experience Academic Factors: 2 Universities Pedagogical habits Institutional Factors: The lack of incentives for professors to change their pedagogy 9 professors 5 professors Instability in course assignments Technical resources Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Conclusion Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Soft Skills to Engineering Students Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Teaching Collaboratively in Engineering Introducing Technology into the University Introducing Technology into the University Prof. Miguel Nussbaum Using ICT to develop social and communication skills in university classes Prof. Miguel Nussbaum (