our powerpoint presentation here

Lone Worker Solution
Unified World Communications
0843 216 2323
0843 216 2323
• Section 1: Introduction
• Section 2: Duty of Care
• Section 3: code5 Lone Worker Solutions
• Section 4: code5 Reporting and User Audits
Section 1
0843 216 2323
Our Core Operations
People & Property Protection since 1983
Lone Worker protection
• Dedicated since 2001
• Industries highest accreditations
Response Centre Services
• Anti-social behavior reporting
• 24 hours health & safety and incident
reporting from field staff
Property Protection
• Extensive Alarm monitoring and empty
property management
0843 216 2323
Best in Class Service
“We are committed to protect any worker or person who faces the
challenge of constantly changing environments and the varying
degrees of risk they face.
We want everyone who uses our service to
feel confident and secure, knowing that
whatever they do, SitexOrbis is at hand to
provide a fast, reliable, personalised and
expert emergency resolution service”
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0843 216 2323
Best in Class Service
Using current mobile technologies and products
Quick, easy, uncomplicated service set up
Comprehensive services
Full protection throughout all levels of
Recognised industry leader
Rated no1 for customer satisfaction 2009/10
Experienced, capable, responsive
Highest security rating for Alarm Receiving Centre
Accredited to all industry certifications
Delivering peace of mind - helping you
protect your people
0843 216 2323
A passion for protecting property and
people since 1983
SitexOrbis Cloud
Section 2
Duty of Care
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Your people are your No.1 asset, and have
differing needs
Some examples of staff working alone or unsupervised
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Aggression and Accidents at Work
• Aggression at work
626,000 total incidents of violence on
British workers (2008/9)
• Assaults
of this, 321,000 incidents of assaults
• 65%
number of assaults committed by strangers
• Workplace hazards
144,640 total recorded accidents at work Q3
2009 - Q3 2010
• Fatalities at work
302 workplace related fatalities during April
2009 – March 2010
• 78
fatalities at work April-June 2010
• 4.7million
working days lost due to workplace injury
Source: Health & Safety Executive
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Concern for your staff
protecting your assets
• Demonstrating a caring attitude
Employers have a moral obligation to look after the health,
safety and welfare of their employees.
• Increasing Risks
Pressure on Employers to mobilise greater numbers of their workforce to work alone
• Meeting legal obligations
Corporate Homicide & Manslaughter Act 2008,
Health & Safety (Offences) Act 2009.
• Productivity Gains
Protection services can mean less staff per job
0843 216 2323
Legal obligations
Health & Safety (Offences) Act 2008
This Act amends Section 33 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to:
Raise the maximum fine available in the lower (magistrates’) courts for regulatory offences
Make imprisonment and unlimited fines an option for more serious health and safety
HS&E guidance
“review risk assessments annually….where risk assessment
shows it’s not possible to conduct work safely by a lone
worker, address that risk by making arrangements to
provide help or back up”
Section 3
code5 Lone Worker Solution
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Lone Worker Protection Cycle
0843 216 2323
Keeping it simple using mobile
Recent survey shows top 4 requirements:
• Ease of use
• What the service delivers
• The Alarm Centre capabilities and experience
• Peace of mind
We deliver in all areas, and exceed expectations
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Mobile Devices
Mobile Phone
using code5®
using code5®
Rugged Device
using code5®
Specialist Safety Devices
using code5®
• Easily programmable
• Allows 2 way
• 2 speed dial buttons
• Ability to use existing
• 1 device needed
• No additional
products to buy
• Location based GPS
• Accurate location
• Dedicated emergency keys
• Ruggedized to military
standards - withstands
impacts, submersion in
water, dust and shock
• Extra-long-life battery
• Man down sensor
• Robust identity card device
• Full voice recording
• LBS position
• 3 versions:
» Non-GPS
» GPS & Tracking
0843 216 2323
24/7 Monitoring
SitexOrbis Alarm Receiving Centre (BS5979 / BS8484)
BS approvals critical for gaining Unique Ref No. for 43 Police Forces, giving priority
access to 999 emergency calls
BS7858 security clearance vetting for all staff
ARC manned 24/7, 365 days a year with highly trained
and dedicated staff
24/7 customer support helpline and additional
Technical helpline
Full Resilience and Redundancy
for complete operation
Secondary back up Monitoring Centre
ISO 9001 and Investors in
People accredited
0843 216 2323
How Does It Work?
Lone worker in distress presses a button assigned to code5® on their mobile
This opens a two-way voice channel to the 24/7 response centre
User’s position obtained by LBS (and GPS if enabled) and plotted on detailed maps
SitexOrbis operators monitor the conversation and track worker’s movements
Users are able to summon help without the need to speak
Operator follows pre-agreed emergency procedures
Emergency calls recorded on DVD and are admissible in court
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Enhanced Services
Companion Service
Record your work plan (Schedule message) with an
expected completion time
Schedules can set at minute intervals through to
24 hour periods
Automated system calls the user back to confirm they are OK
If no response, customer’s protocols followed by ARC staff
Emergency call/alert service via one button call
0843 216 2323
Enhanced Services
Quickly and simply locate your staff via any computer/smart phone via our secure web portal
Check work schedules, help you re-direct staff to more urgent activities/support areas
Condition Check’s
Record your work plan with an expected completion time or set a timed Condition Check
Condition Checks set to flexible times
Automated system contacts the user back to confirm they are OK
If no response, customer’s protocols followed by ARC staff
Emergency call/alert service via one button call
0843 216 2323
code5® in action
Your emergency service
code5® user
SitexOrbis ARC
Alert Status
0843 216 2323
Real Life Hazards At Work
Aggression & violence
Community Warden
Local Council
Attended a scene of disturbance
2 gangs hurling abuse
Youths became aggressive to a warden
Threatened with a knife
Field Engineer
National Engineering Company
Attended a refrigeration fault
Secluded and quiet location
Serious shoulder injury after
slipping and falling from height
0843 216 2323
Real Life Hazards At Work - Resolved
Community Warden
Local Council
Attended a scene of disturbance
2 gangs hurling abuse
Youths became aggressive to warden
Pulled out a knife
Situation very threatening,
Red Alert call made
ARC immediate response to audio
and location data - summon police
Police could respond appropriately
and quickly from our advice on the
location and nature of the
Field Engineer
National Engineering Company
Attended a refrigeration fault
Serious shoulder injury after
slipping and falling from height
Schedule missed,
Red Alert status raised
Agreed protocols immediately
Help summonsed within minutes
0843 216 2323
Summary of the code5® Solution
Risk Management
Mobile Devices
24/7 Monitoring
Enhanced Services
• Advice and guidance
on understanding risk
•Mobile Phone
using code5®
•Device training
•Properties & assets
•Critical systems
• Qualifying levels
of risk
using code5®
•Lone Worker
safety awareness
•Passive or direct
engagement to
•Timed staff safety
•Train the trainer
•Rugged Device
using code5®
•Simplified web based
and on site training
•Specialist Safety
•Staff training on
conflict management
and avoidance
•Product support
•Record, respond,
resolve based on
customer needs
•24/7 proactive contact
to confirm
staff ok
0843 216 2323
code5® works on many mobile phones,
PDA’s BlackBerry® or Symbian
Easy to use
One dedicated button activates SOS – no
obvious sign of activation to an aggressor
Easy to set up
It only takes a few minutes to register online
Cost effective
From £2 per week, code5® costs less than
other protection systems, especially where
the purchase of additional equipment and
line rental can be avoided
Equipment lease options
1-3 year bundled payment plans
Faster, safer access to
emergency services
Our Alarm Response Centre filters all calls,
saving time and ensuring immediate
response for genuine calls
True protection
Allows response centre to find workers via
Location Based Services (LBS) or Global
Positioning Systems (GPS), as well as listen
in on what is happening
Industry approved Alarm
Response centre
Accredited to BS5979 Cat II standard
Simple to maintain
Online management reports
0843 216 2323
Device & service Training
Simplified web based training for all remote users
Train the trainer & office / on site training
Risk management training - web based & class room
Personal safety at work
Lone Worker safety awareness
Lone Worker conflict resolution
Lone Worker physical restraint & resolution
Section 4
Reporting and Client User Audits
0843 216 2323
Web based Admin Dashboard
0843 216 2323
Access edit user details, add
or delete users, place further
0843 216 2323
Reporting tool for staff audits
Real time activity reports
This report will display records of all LoneWorker activations whether it be Code5, Code5 GPS, Identisafe, Companion or Cybertrak.
If you click on the resolution link a report of what happened during the activation will be displayed.
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Detailed summary of each Alarm Activation