The ReWalk

Ron Perranoski
ITMG 100 10
•Robotic suit, built by Argo
Medical Technologies, ltd
with the purpose to allow
paraplegics to walk again.
•User is strapped into a harness and
to two motorized leg braces.
•Connected to the
harness and the leg
braces is a
computer, which is
located inside a
Attached to the users
wrist is a remote
control with five
settings: standing from
sitting, sitting from
standing, walking
(fixed pace),
descending (stairs),
and climbing (stairs.)
The user holds two crutches to move their upper
body. (Upper body mobility is required to use the
•Motion sensors placed in the chest
and torso region detect the change in
gravity, movement, and direction of
the body.
•The computer takes the
information picked up by the
sensors and computes the motion
that will be taking place,
depending on which setting the
user picks.
The computer then sends the message and directs
the legs in the way they need to function.
ReWalk Components
Backpack Computer
•Backpack holds the computer
•Computer calculates how the body of the
suit should move, based on the body
position and movements detected by the
motion sensors
Motion Sensors
•Placed in the torso/chest region of the
•Sensors contain three axes of angular rate
sensing and three axes of acceleration, which
gives a precise area of where the body is in
space and at what speed and direction it is
Motorized Legs
•Composed of DC motors at the limb areas
•Strong enough to support weight of body
•Move according to the function directed by
the computer
ReWalk Components (Continued)
Function (Continued)
•Held by the user
•Moves the crutches to change
upper body position and gravity
Wrist remote control
•Used to select which setting to
•Settings: standing from sitting,
sitting from standing, walking
(fixed pace), descending (stairs),
and climbing (stairs.)
•Connects backpack computer and
motorized legs to body
•Easily rechargeable/accessible
•Power the ReWalk
Wheelchair users suffer from an array of
problems: urinary, respiratory,
cardiovascular, and digestive system
problems, as well as osteoporosis, pressure
sores and other afflictions.
Even by just being guided through the
motions with the ReWalk, it will lead to better
overall health and fitness and will even
amplify bone density.
The ReWalk cuts costs of health care through
complications caused by wheelchairs and
equipment used to help mobilization, (bed
lifts, standing devices, etc.)
These health care costs can save someone
tens of thousands of dollars annually.
With new technology comes flaws:
- Daunting appearance
- Instability on unlevel surfaces
- Limited to people without control of only
their lower bodies
The first cell phone was
created in 1973
Cell phones Today
•ReWalk Today
•ReWalk in 40 years?
Argo Medical Technologies ltd believes that
the ReWalk will be available for the public
before the end of the year 2010.
The price is estimated to be around twenty
thousand dollars, but when you subtract the
price of annual health costs without it, it will
balance out, if not, save the user money.
"ReWalk Exoskeleton." Medgadget LLC (2008): n. pag. Web. 19 Apr 2010.
"SolidWorks." Dassault Systemmes. Dassault Systems, 13/Apr/2010.
Web. 19 Apr 2010.
"ReWalk Robotic Legs." TFOT. TheFutureOfThings, 16/Feb/2009. Web.
19 Apr 2010. <>.
"VR Interfaces: ReWalk." Virtual Worldlets. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr 2010.
"Advanced motion sensors for industrial applications." DataWeek.
Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd, 2009. Web. 19 Apr 2010.
"Locomotion.", 2010. Web. 19 Apr 2010.
"Paraplegic.", 2010. Web. 19 Apr 2010.