MADE IN POLAND presented by: Mrs ILONA ANTONISZYN-KLIK Deputy Minister of Economy Republic of Poland November 6, 2013, Tel Aviv LEADING SECTORS OF THE POLISH ECONOMY ECONOMIC GROWTH AND LABOR PRODUCTIVITY • • • Significant growth potential, Dynamic increase in labor productivity – one of the highest in the EU work management improvements Introduction of new technologies Investment in human capital Over the past 16 years Poland has registered higher GDP per capita growth than the other EU states and the US GDP per capita growth in Poland, EU27 and in the USA in 1996-2014* Source: Eurostat INCREASE IN POLISH EXPORT VALUE • 9-fold export increase over the last 18 yeasr – from 15,5 to 146 billion euro • Changes in export structure: • Key export products: • machinery and electrical equipment – 23,71% means of transportation and parts thereoff – 14, 26% base metals – 11,72% plastics and rubber – 7,08% Main trading partners: • Increasing share of technically advanced goods, Increasing number of knowledge-based services rendered Germany - 25,1% United Kingdom - 6,8% Czech Republic- 6,3% Increase in exports to the East-Central Europe countries is further projected. DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN POLAND • Poland ranks 4th in terms of investment attractiveness in Europe and 14th in the world. • First rank in terms of investment attractiveness in East-Central Europe • The increase of investment project number by 22 % - the highest growth among the European countries • New investment projects mainly in the modern fields: business process outsourcing (BPOs), shared services centers, ITC technologies, automotive industry, R&D, aerospace, *the newst survey of UNCTAD (2013) **Ernst & Young’s report (2013) and Best Countries for Business report, Bloomberg 2013 POLAND’S ATTRACTIVENESS TO FOREIGN INVESTORS • One of the largest European consumer markets • stable internal demand access to qualified human resources low labor costs Stable and innovatine financial sector Warsaw Stock Exchange – the largest stock eschange in the East-Central Europe, one of the world leaders in contactless (by proximity cards) payment systems over 16 million proximity cards users *National Bank of Poland’s data as of 1st quarter of 2013 POLAND IS ALSO THE LARGEST FOREIGN INVESTOR AMONG THE EAST-CENTRAL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES* * UNCTAD (2012) THE MOST PROMISING SECTORS POLISH FOOD SPECIALITIES THE FOOD INDUSTRY • Modernization as well as technical and organizational improvements • Production structure similar to those of highly-developed countries • Competitive and renowned - on many foreign markets - products • 358.000 people employed – 14,5% of overall employment in the industry sector* • 14,2% of the global output of the Polish manufacturing sector *data as of 2012 (Central Statistical Office) THE VALUE OF THE POLISH FOOD MARKET AMOUNTED TO 55 BILLION EUR IN 2012 EXPORT POTENTIAL • Threefold increase in agri-food exports over the last 9 years • Changes in export structure • Most promising sectors: • meat dairy fruit and vegetables confectionary secondary cereals processing Strenghts: The value of exports of selected agricultural product groups in Poland in 2011, in millions of euros Source: The food sector in Poland in 2011, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Promotion Agency decreasing exports of agricultural commodities, growing volume of processed agricultural products cost-price competitiveness high quality taste DEFENSE INDUSTRY THE POLISH DEFENSE MARKET • Centered around the Polish Defense Holding (former BUMAR) 40 companies 10.000 people employed • The ongoing consolidation of the sector • Dynamic growth of the sector is projected • Attractive offer: anti-air raid and anti-missile defense systems, reconnaissance and command systems, balistic protection, different types of weapons: pistols, rifles and sniper rifles armored vehicles, ammunition and rackets EXPORT POTENTIAL • Increasing investments in R&D, • The Polish Defense Holding features second highest– among the Polish companies – spending on R&D in Poland, • 130 billion PLN assigned to the modernization of the Polish Army over the next 10 years • Significant growth in export opportunities of the sector *ranking of the Economics Institute of the Polisf Academy of Sciences/ 2012 MEDICAL TOURISM THE POLISH MEDICAL TOURISM MARKET • • • Modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment Main services rendered: broad range, high quality, short waiting lists, Most popular services: • dental treatment plastic surgery, eye surgery cardiac surgery orthopedics esthetic medicine rehabilitation Medical staff: highly qualified familiar with foreign languages friendly • Attractive prices - often half the price asked by the Western European countries • • 300.000 patients annually annual turnover of 190 million PLN EXPORT POTENTIAL • Anticipated annual growth: 13-15% • Second - after Hungary – most visited country in terms of dental treatment tourism • Export highlights: • Polish sports orthopedics complex heart surgeries treatment of hearing disorders Years of experience in SPA services over 40 health resorts 600 wellness and SPA resorts seaside, lakeside and mountain resorts natural treasure – minaral and healing waters unique microclimate Visitors by country of origin source: THE VALUE OF THE POLISH MEDICAL SERVICES MARKET IS ESTIMATED AT 7,1 BILLION EUR CLOTHING, ACCESSORIES AND LEATHER GOODS CLOTHING, ACCESSORIES AND LEATHER GOODS MARKET • Market structure: • • • • • mainly SMEs traditional, family-operated companies 39.000 pleople employed in textile production, almost 79.000 employed in garment production, nearly 20.000 in leather goods production, 6,8% of the overall employment in the Polish industry sector the growing importance of the Eastern Poland macroregion: production of popular on Western markets underwear a wide range of designs, decorations, colors, styles, prices and sizes, EXPORT POTENTIAL • ability to compete effectively with foreign companies • qualified staff, increasing quality of products, investment in modernization of production lines modern machinery changes in production patterns growing customer awareness, demand for quality products of niche manufacturers Export highlights: jackets hosiery for men dresses and skirts throusers and shorts for men two-piece dresses ensembles for women and suits for men THE POLISH CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR MARKET WAS WORTH 6,9 BILLION EUR IN 2012 MINING EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY THE MINING EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY MARKET • One of the traditional, innovative, and sustainable sectors of the Polish economy • More than 1000 enterprises • Four major capital groups, listed on Warsaw • Stock Exchange: Famur S.A., Kopex S.A., Fasing S.A. Bumech S.A. EXPORT POTENTIAL • Supplies to the major mining operations throughout the world • Varied offer: machinery and equipment for open-cast and underground mining transportation systems, hydraulic and pneumatic drives, gas detection systems, ventilation systems, air conditioning systems, mine rescue equipment, POLISH COSMETICS INDUSTRY COSMETICS INDUSTRY • The most commercially sucessful products: • • beauty products for men, dental care products, hair-removal products, make-up removers, High-quality educational institutions Poland is one of the two European countries that offer Cosmetology as a degree course (at a university level), THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE POLISH COSMETICS INDUSTRY WAS ESTIMATED AT 3,4 BILLION EUR IN 2012 EXPORT POTENTIAL • 6th rank in Europe in terms of export value – 5fold increase over the last 10 years • Products available on 130 markets, even remote ones, such as: • Alternative to established brands: • Trinidad and Tobago New Zealand Chile United Arab Emirates innovation attractive prices high quality Extensive R&D microbiological and physico-chemical tests dermatological tests Destinations of the Polish cosmetics exports in 2011. Source: Central Statistical Office PROTECTION AND PRESERVANCE OF MONUMENTS THE POLISH PROTECTION AND PRESERVANCE OF MONUMENTS MARKET • The industry includes conservators of historic buildings archeologists manufacturers of stone and building materials EXPORT POTENTIAL • Highly-specialized companies: comprehensive service and support rich experience • The Polish archeologists and conservators working all over the world, participated, inter alia, in the renovation of: Merefnebef’s tomb, reliefs and paintings discovered in Saqqara, Egypt, several churches in the Old Dongola, Sudan virtual reconstruction of the destroyed temple of the Pharaoh Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahri in Upper Egypt CONSTRUCTION THE POLISH CONSTRUCTION MARKET • • • • Main development drives: road investment projects rail infrastructure investments construction of sports facilities Significant contribution of the European Football Championships in 2012 (hosted by Poland and Ukraine) to the development of construction market Many Polish construction materials and services recognizable around the world Highly competitive, innovative products: high quality attractive prices CONSTRUCTION IS A KEY SECTOR OF THE POLISH ECONOMY, CONSTITUTING 12% OF THE NATIONAL GDP AND PROVIDING JOBS TO 12 % OF ALL THE EMPLOYED. EXPORT POTENTIAL • Most appreciated abroad Polish construction products : ceramics and fittings construction chemicals woodwork (floors, stairs) plate roofings mortars finishing materials • Large export potential of heating elements improving the energy efficiency • Most wanted services: of geodesists and geologists repair and assembly works works on the building facades and on electrical installations construction works photovoltaic and solar services interior design Main recipients of the Polish exports. Source: Central Statistical Office WOODWORK (WINDOWS AND DOORS) INDUSTRY THE POLISH WOODWORK (WINDOWS AND DOORS) MARKET • one of the most innovative sectors of the Polish economy • 14,4 million windows and doors sold in 2012 products with identical quality to those offered by leading global companies, yet with slighly lower prices EXPORT POTENTIAL • • • • 1st rank in the EU in terms of export value 50% of sector exports – PCV doors and windows, Leader in roof windows - about 40% of the global production Strenghts: ever increasing quality broad range of products innovative solutions • ecology and energy efficiency Structure of the Polish woodwork exports in 2011. Source: ASM, Centre for Research and Analysis • safety IN 2012, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, THE VALUE OF THE POLISH EXPORTS OF WINDOWS AND DOORS EXCEEDED 1 BILLION EUROS. PRODUCTION OF MEDICAL AND MEASUREMENT DEVICES THE POLISH MEDICAL AND MEASUREMENT DEVICES MARKET • Competitive products: • • • • high, certified qulity advanced technology high reliability long life only certified materials used (surgical instruments) 1,2 billion EUR – the market value in 2011 r. Dynamic growth rate at 22% annually 36 industrial and technology parks (creation of additional 28 parks is planned) Projected annual growth rate at 25% (since 2013) The value of the Polish medical market in the years 2009 – 2014 in mio EUR. Source: PMR Publications, 20 EXPORT POTENTIAL • • Main trading partners– Germany (148 million EUR annually) and the other EU countries most desired products: Structure of the Polish medical equipment exports in 2011. Source: UN Comtrade bioelectronic apparatus, electrosurgical, telemedicine and audiovisual communications systems infusion pumps operation room lamps cardiomonitors defibrillators with monitoring function medical furniture radioisotopes software THE VALUE OF MEDICAL DEVICES EXPORTS INCREASED FROM 13,73 TO 387 MILLION EUR OVER THE YEARS 1992-2011 YACHTS AND PLEASURE CRAFTS THE YACHT AND PLEASURE CRAFTS MARKET • • • 900 companies offering employment to 35.000 people (2011), production capacity – 22.000 vessels per year main products: • motor boats 6 to 10 meters in lenght motor boats up to 9 meters in lenght – Poland is second only to US in their production Strenghts: modern and innivative technologies and designs high quality and perfect finishing attention to details modern trends latest designs THE POLISH LUXURY YACHTS CAN BE FOUND IN MARINAS OF MONTE CARLO, MIAMI AND MANY MORE EXPORT POTENTIAL • 90% of production is meant for export • Most desired boats: • economic vessels- up to several thous. EUR luxury yachts- several million EUR Main markets: Western Europe Scandinavia Mediterranean countries Value of the Polish exports in 2006-2011 in mio EUR Source: Central Statistical Office, 2012 r. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY • • • THE POLISH BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET Growth factors: highly-qualified staff over 8 thousand students at 36 colleges and univeristies R&D innovation protected by patents infrastructure development Research in biotechnology and molecular biology - 111 scientific institutions, 2.8 thousand scientists 6 dynamically operating biotechnology development centers main groups of innovative products developed by the Polish biotechnology companies. Source: BIOTECH & PHARMA, Sector Promotion Programme Leaflet, 2013 THERE ARE 70 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MORE THAN 140 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES IN POLAND EXPORT POTENTIAL • One of the most promising markets in Europe • Numerous innovative research centers • Highly-qualified staff • Well-developed resource base • Competitive labor costs IT/ ICT SERVICES THE POLISH IT/ICT SERVICES MARKET • Market segments: • Strenghts: • hardware software IT/ ICT services household electronics mobile applications, video games highly-qualified staff innovation creativity IT project designed for: health care sector telecommunications financial institutions defense industry automotive industry The sectors with the companies featuring the largest share of IT sales Source: TOP200 Computerworld, 2012 POLAND IS THE FIFTH LARGEST ECONOMY IN EUROPE IN TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT IN ICT SERVICES. MORE THAN 5 % OF INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS IS EMPLOYED IN POLAND. EXPORT POTENTIAL • • One of the major IT/ ICT solutions provider in Europe Export: • Main markets: • hardware (mainly to the Czech Republic) software video games mobile applications consumer electronics (ICT) Germany France the USA Successes in international competitions: ImagineCup Code Jam Central European Programming Contest (CEPC) JEWELRY (AMBER) THE POLISH JEWELRY (AMBER) MARKET • • Polish jewelry appreciated all over the world unique designs: • • modern trends long tradition and rich experience attention to details, high quality latest production technologies 60% of turnover is generated by SMEs Dynamic growth – amber sector currently employs nearly 10.000 thous. people (while only 480 back in 1990) modern design original amber jewelry collections very fashionable (true „renaissance” of the sector) POLAND IS THE WORLD LEADER IN AMBER JEWELRY MANUFACTURE, AS WELL AS THE THIRD EUROPEAN AND THE SEVENTH GLOBAL IN TERMS OF SILVER GOODS PRODUCTION EXPORT POTENTIAL • 12th rank in the EU in terms of value of jewelry sales (400 million EUR) • 70% of shares in global market of amber jewelry • Main markets the USA Western European countries great opportunities for exports to Asian countries, particularly to China increase in exports to former Soviet Union countries - Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan mainly FURNITURE INDUSTRY THE POLISH FURNITURE MARKET • One of the most dynamic and competitve sectors of the Polish processing industry innovation and the pioneering production techniques use of modern materials attractive design high quality competitive prices well-established cooperation among entrepreneurs, scientists and designers POLAND IS ONE OF THE GLOBAL LEADERS IN THE INDUSTRY - THE FOURTH EXPORTER OF FURNITURE IN THE WORLD AND THE THIRD IN EUROPE. EXPORT POTENTIAL • • • • The value of furniture exports accounts for 5% of total Polish exports Almost 90% of furniture manufactured in Poland is exported The industry generates incomes of approx. 6,42 billion EUR The EU member states are the main buyers of the Polish furniture (85% of exports), • Germany - (39%) France – (9%) others, maninly the Czech Republic, the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands Main exports: upholstered furniture (21% of exports) dining and living room furniture (20%) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION