Let’s START! • We warmly welcome you to the OSU School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering! For simplicity, it is called the School of CBEE. • In these fields of study, you will learn how to apply chemistry, math and economics to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful and valuable forms. • We will help you learn how to apply science & engineering to improve the quality of our water, air and land. CHE/BIOE/ENVE Curriculum • Students generally earn their B.S. degree in 4 or 5 years. There are many reasons that the program may take longer than 4 years. For example, the CHE/BIOE/ENVE programs require 192 credits, and other programs on campus require only 180 credits. Some students may start out in the Academic English program, which adds a few terms to the completion of the degree. Students might study abroad or do an internship, which may extend the degree completion date. • Baccalaureate Core courses (highlighted in yellow in following slides) are required for each program at OSU, in addition to courses in major. • Courses highlighted in gray are required for admission to professional school (300/400 level courses in the major). The programs in CBEE are “capacity restricted” and the minimum required combined GPA for these courses was 2.9 in 2012. • AP and IB credits are accepted as detailed on the OSU admissions website. • All three programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Chemical Engineering (192 Credits) First Year = 47 credits Cr. Second Year = 50 credits Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter Chemistry CH 231 (4F) Chemistry CH 232 (4W) Chemistry CH 233 (4S) O Chem CH 331 (4F) O Chem CH 332 (4W) CH Lab 261 (1) CH Lab 262 (1) CH Lab 263 (1) Spring Third Year = 47 credits Fall Winter Fourth Year = 48 credits Spring Fall Winter Spring 1 2 3 Tec Rpts WR 327 (3FWS) P Chem P Chem P Chem CH 440 (3F) CH 441 (3W) 442 CH CHE Lab CBEE CHE Lab CHE CHE Lab CBEE (3S) 414 (3F) 415 (3W) 416 (3S) 4 5 6 7 8 Diff MTH 251 (4FWS) EE Fund ENGR ENGR 201 (3FWS) 1 Mtrx & Pwr MTH 306 (4FWS) Integral MTH 252 (4FWS) COMM 111/114 (3FWS) 9 11 Orient CBEE 101 (3F) Prob Solv CBEE 102 (3W) 12 Physics PH 211 (4SF) Physics PH 212 (4FW) Physics PH 213 (4WS) Transport II Transport 1 Heat Fluids CHE 331 (4F) CHE 332 (3W) Thermo I CHE 311 (3F) 15 Life Fit HHS 231 (2FWS) 16 HHS 24* (1) BioSLabc (4) Mat Bal CBEE 211 (3F) Design CHE 431 (3W) Energy Bal CBEE 212 (3W) Process Data Anal CBEE 213 (4S) Engr Ethics CHE 320d (3F) Persp 5 (3) Design 432 ENGR Topics 2 (3) Synth 2 Adv Chem 2 (3) ENGR Topics 3 (3) Persp 2 (3) Adv Chem 1 (3) Synth 1 (3) Free Electives (4) Persp 4 (3) Persp 1 (3) 17 CHE (3S) Unit Ops CHE 411 (4F) Thermo II CHE 312 (3W) Persp 3 (3) Eng Comp WR 121 (3FWS) CHE (4F) Transport III Mass CHE 333 (3S) Transport Lab CHE 334 (2S) Statics ENGR 211 (3FWS) 13 14 Rxn Engr 443 Diff Eqs MTH 256 (4FWS) Vector Calc MTH 254 (4FWS) 10 Proc Dyn Topics Proc Ctrl CHE (3) CHE 361 (3W) 461 (3S) 18 Notes: Technical Electives a. Only Persp, Syn, HHP 231, and FREE can be taken on S/U grading (# of S/U credits are limited to 3X # of terms at OSU, up to 36 max). b. "Shaded" courses = required for admission to professional program and contribute to "core" GPA used for admission (also 80 credits minimum completed). c. Must satisfy the OSU-BACC "Biological Science (with lab)" requirement - see list of acceptable courses in current Schedule of Classes. d. CHE 320 satisfies the department Ethics Requirement. Univ & College Core (3) Bioengineering (192 Credits) First Year (48 credits) Second Year (49 credits) Fall Winter Spring *Differential calculus MTH 251 (4) *Integral calculus MTH 252 (4) *Vector calculus MTH 254 (4) *General chemistry CH 231 (4) CH Lab 261 (1) General chemistry CH 232 (4) CH Lab 262 (1) BIOE orientation CBEE 101 (3) Perspectives (3) Fall Third Year (48 credits) Fourth Year (47 credits) Winter Spring Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter Spring Lifetime fitness HHS 231/24X (3) *Applied diff equations MTH 256 (4) *Matrix & power series methods MTH 306 (4) General biochemistry BB 450 (4) General biochemistry BB 451 (3) Biomedical Engr Principles BIOE 340 (3) Biochemistry lab BB 494 (3) Biochemistry lab BB 493 (3) Synthesis General chemistry CH 233 (4) CH Lab 263(1) Organic chemistry CH 331 (4) Organic chemistry CH 332 (4) *Statics ENGR 211 (3) Transport I CHE 331 (4) Transport II CHE 332 (3) Transport III CHE 333 (3) Bioreactors BIOE 457 (3) Engineering selection2 (3) *Engr problem solving CBEE 102 (3) *General physics PH 211 (4) *General physics PH 212 (4) *General physics PH 213 (4) *Electrical eng fundamentals ENGR 201 (3) Thermodynamic s CHE 311 (3) Social ethics in engineering BIOE 420 (3) *English composition WR 121 (3) *Speech communications COMM 111/114 (3) *Material balances CBEE 211 (3) *Energy balances CBEE 212 (3) Process analysis CBEE 213 (4) Professionalism & engr ethics CBEE 320 (3) Bioengineering product design BIOE 390 (4) (3) BIOE selection3 (3) Transport Lab Perspectives (3) Reg of drugs & med devices BIOE 470 (2) Perspectives CHE 334 (2) Process Engr Laboratory CBEE 414^ (3) Bioengineering laboratory BIOE 415 (3) Bioengineering process design BIOE 490 (4) Engineering selection2 Bioseparations Perspectives (3) (3) BIOE selection3 (3) 15 15 16 Anatomy & Physiology Z 331 (3) Biology selection1 (2 or 4) 17 17 Anatomy & Physiology Z 333 (3) Engineering selection2 (3) 17 17 Technical writing WR 327 (3) 16 DPD4 (3) (BIOE 459) BIOE 462 (3) Synthesis 14 16 (3) (3) 17 15 Environmental Engineering (192 Credits) Cr. First Year = 47 credits Second Year = 49 credits Fall Winter Spring Fall Chemistry *CH 231 (4F) Chemistry **CH 232 (4W) Chemistry CH 233 (4S) Organic Chemistry CH 331 (4F) CH Lab 261 (1) CH Lab 262(1) CH Lab 263 (1) Winter Third Year = 49 credits Spring Fall Winter Spring Transport II ChE 332 (3W) Tech Writing WR 327 (3FWS) Engr Ethics CBEE 320 (3W) Transport III CHE 333 (3S) Fourth Year = 47 credits Fall Winter W & WW I ENVE 421 (4F) W & WW II ENVE 422 (4W) Spring 1 2 3 GEO 221 Organic Chemistry CH 332 (4W) (3S) Transport I (Fluids) CHE 331 (4F) Sust Water Resources ENVE 456 (3S) 4 5 6 7 Dynamics *ENGR 212 (3FWS) Matrix Power Series *MTH 306 (4FWS) Diff Calc *MTH 251 (4FWS) 8 Integral Calculus *MTH 252 (4FWS) Thermo Prop. CHE 311 (3 FWS) Diff Eqs *MTH 256 (4FWS) Vector Calculus *MTH 254 (4FWS) Strength of Materials ENGR 213 (3FWS) 9 Persp #2 (3FWS) Bioreactors I BIOE Fate & Transport 457 (3F) ENVE 431 (4W) Hydraulic CE 313 (4W) or Geotechnical CE 372 (4W) 10 11 Orientation CBEE Engr Comp CBEE 101 (3F) 102 (3W) Physics PH 212 (4FW) Process Analysis CBEE 213 (4S) Graphics & Design CCE 201 (3F) 12 Transport Lab CHE 334 (2S) Synthesis #1 (3FWS) Enve Lab ENVE 414^ (3F) Enve Lab ENVE 415 (3W) General Microbiology MB 230 (4FWS) Physics PH 213 (4WS) Physics *PH 211 (4FS) Air Poll Control ENVE 425 (3S) Synthesis #2 (3FWS) Persp #5 (3FWS) Intro EnvE ENVE 322 (4W) 13 14 Eng Comp *WR 121 (3FWS) *COMM 111/114 Life Fitness HHS (3FWS) 231 Material Balances CBEE 211 (3F) Persp #1 (3FWS) 15 16 17 HHS 241-251 or PAC (1) Hydrology CE 412 (4WS) Persp#3 (3FWS) Persp #4 (3FWS) Statics *ENGR 211 (3FWS) 18 ^ WIC Engineering Elective (4FWS) Energy Balances CBEE 212 (3W) F,W,S = Multiple terms in which same course is offered course required for entrance to professional school (and used for pre-GPA calculation) Engineering Elective (3FWS) Capstone Design ENVE 490 (3S) STUDENT CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES CBEE CLUB SOLAR CAR OSU EWB-ers Build Meaningful Partnerships Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) AMBASSADORS STUDY ABROAD CBEE Students have recently studied at: •Danish Technical University •University of Nottingham •Tecnologico de Monterrey •Yonsei University •University of Queensland (Australia) •University de Cantabria •University of Auckland •Dun Laoghaire Institute (Dublin) •Your choice! CBEE SCHOLARSHIPS MANY SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS • ARCO Scholarship •Skye Balkwill Memorial •Belknap Scholarship •Frank & Cynthia Biasca Endowment •Chevron Scholarship •Dorsey & Aurelia Edwards Endowment •Georgia Pacific Scholarship •Richard E. Hatchard Endowment •James & Billie Jean Hickman Endowment •Mark Holcom Memorial •David Jackson Memorial •Pete & Rosalie Johnson Scholarships •Milan Knezevich •Shirley Kuse Fellowship •Victor W. Laine Memorial •Ralph McCugh Scholarship •Susan Stutz-McDonald Fellowship •James & Vivian McEwen Scholarship •Robert V. Mrazek Memorial •Erik Muehlenkamp Memorial •Gayle Nichols Memorial •Herbert Nierman Memorial •PBS Scholarship •Don C. Phillips Memorial •PIMA Scholarship •Proctor Chevron Scholarship $93,000 in 2012 •J & T Ringe Scholarship •Charles Rohrmann Memorial •Colonel & Mrs. Scott Memorial •Alan Selker Memorial •Kevin Shannon Memorial •Gerald Sing Scholarship •Kenneth Spies Memorial •Roy Strandberg Memorial •Perry Swanson Fellowship •C.E. Wicks Scholarship CHE/BIOE/ENVE Undergraduate Internships and Research •Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP), two 6month internships in industry (CHE & ENVE) •Summer Internships (on campus and off-site) •Johnson summer internship •Senior Lab and Design Classes Chemical Engineering Is… A branch of engineering that focuses on chemical processes A broad profession that allows people to do many different things throughout their careers A path to opportunities to help society by: Developing new products and technologies Supplying society with thousands of chemical for economic wellbeing EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: CHE The chemical engineering curriculum provides students with a background of fundamental knowledge that prepares them for positions in research and development, design, technical service, plant operation, technical sales, and management. A few of the employers of OSU CHE Alumni are: Battelle Bechtel Boeing Bend Research Boise Cascade Chevron USA CH2M Hill Dow Chemical Exxon Fort James Corp. Frito-Lay Gallo Winery Georgia Pacific – Toledo Hercules Chemicals Hewlett Packard Longview Fibre Louisiana Pacific Co. LSI Logic 3M Company Merck Mitsubishi Silicon NYPRO OREGON ON Semiconductor Cascade Pacific Proctor and Gamble Pyrotek Siltronic Teledyne Wah-Chang Tektronix Union Oil US Bureau of Mines Verdezyne Wafer-Tech Weyerhaeuser Bioengineering Is… A branch of engineering that focuses on the application of biological and chemical processes A broad profession that allows people to work in the medical, pharmaceutical and bio-production fields. A path to opportunities to help society by: Developing new medical products and technologies Advancing the biological production of new products and materials EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: BIOE The biological engineering undergraduate program provides a solid background in biology (anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology), chemistry, physics and math, in addition to the engineering sciences. A few of the employers of OSU BIOE Alumni are: Acumed Acrymed Amgen Anheuser Busch Bayer Beaver Biodiesel Bend Research Berlex Laboratories Biotronik Boston Scientific Dimera Electrical Geodesics Inc. Entek Gallo Winery Genentech Hemcon Hewlett Packard OHSU Oregon Freeze Dry Oregon Medical Laser Center Sarepta (AVI BioPharma) Siga SolarWorld Environmental Engineering Is... A branch of engineering that focuses on physical, chemical, and biological processes to limit environmental impacts A multidisciplinary profession that allows people to deal with a wide range of environmental problems A path to opportunities to help society by: Developing new sustainable practices Reduce impacts to air, water, and soil Promoting reuse, recycling, reduction EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: ENVE The environmental engineering program provides undergraduate students with the background necessary to study air, water, and subsurface environmental problems. Coursework includes analysis and design of water and wastewater treatment systems, sustainable water resources, and air pollution control technologies. A few of the employers of OSU ENVE Alumni are: CH2M Hill Weber Elliott Engineering CH2M Hill Hanford Group W & H Pacific City of Troutdale WRG Design ET Technologies Inc. Geo Trans Inc. JE Dunn NW Professional Services Industries (PSI) SCS Engineers Shaw Environmental, Inc. US Department of the Navy US Forest Service US Public Health Service Wallis Engineering CHE/BIOE/ENVE: IMPORTANT WEBSITES-1 Student On-line Services-Registration, Student Records Register for classes, Use MyDegrees, View and Order Transcripts http://oregonstate.edu/main/online-services Catalogs & Schedules course catalog-major and baccalaureate core courses listed by section http://catalog.oregonstate.edu CBEE Advising Page Advisors (Who is my advisor? 1st year students-Dr. Skip, Transfer students-Kristin Rorrer) Make Advising Appointments On-line: http://cbee.oregonstate.edu/undergraduate-advising Kristin Rorrer Head Advisor, School of CBEE Kristin.Rorrer@oregonstate.edu Blackboard Class lecture notes, syllabus, calendar, other information from instructor https://my.oregonstate.edu CHE/BIOE/ENVE: IMPORTANT WEBSITES-2 Registration dates and deadlines (add/drop/withdrawal) Deadline to drop a class: 11:55 p.m. Friday of 2nd week Deadline to withdraw from a class or change to S/U grading: Friday of 7th week Full time student status is 12 credits! See all important dates at this site: http://oregonstate.edu/services/registration/academic-calendar.htm ONID student e-mail account and file storage http://onid.oregonstate.edu/ Engineering TEACH login (create engineering account, receive newsletter, computing service) http://engineering.oregonstate.edu/my-coe Admissions-transfer credits http://oregonstate.edu/admissions/transfer-credit Degree Partnership Program (application) http://oregonstate.edu/partnerships/application-deadlines Kristin Rorrer Head Advisor, School of CBEE Kristin.Rorrer@oregonstate.edu