- My first year in newspapers

“My first year in newspapers”
Simon Fox
Chief Executive
Trinity Mirror
UK newspapers – strong and resilient
Core strengths…
Quality of journalism
– Distinctive content remains key to
attracting audience
– Newspapers remain the core outlet
of professional journalism
Trinity Mirror plc
UK newspapers – strong and resilient
Significant reach and engagement
– Whilst print newspapers are in
gradual decline, they still reach
72% of UK adults
Notes: (1) Aged 4+ per BARB; (2) Aged 15+ per NRS or RAJAH; (3) Info
extracted from CBS Outdoor and Clear Channel websites, base not specified
Trinity Mirror plc
UK newspapers – strong and resilient
Delivering a highly targeted
– Print brands have a clear
differentiated positioning and
distinctive audiences
– We have in-depth insight into our
readers – their lives, their
behaviour and their expectations
Source: Enders Analysis – National newspapers Print and digital audiences 3 April 2013
(NRS PADD data)
Trinity Mirror plc
An industry facing extraordinary rates of change
Explosion of smart phones and tablets
User generated content
Social media
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And adapting fast…
Rapid and continuous
levels of innovation
– Adoption of technology
– Evolving ad formats
– Content–led
– Digital revenues
starting to mitigate
decline in print
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Trinity Mirror plc
But with some surprising legacy behaviour…
Inefficiencies in ad booking process
– Multiple points of contact
– Costly and inefficient
Inefficiencies in providing accurate /
timely circulation data
– Print
– Digital
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Need for robust and consistent language to describe our cross-platform audience
Take the Daily Mail as example
Website & mobile site
“Real –time”
6 monthly
Print UUs x
Print language
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Digital equivalent?
Source: ABC, NRS; Note: Assumed average pagination of 90 for Mon-Sat Daily Mail
NRS PADD provides a good starting point
NRS PADD (“Print And Digital Data”)
– First industry-wide cross platform data combining NRS
print data and comScore digital data (web only)
– Provides unduplicated reach of a print publication and
its website
– However:
Currently does not incorporate mobile and tablets data
Primarily National titles, limited regionals data
We need a robust and consistent way of measuring our
cross platform audience
Trinity Mirror plc
No single right answer
Paywall vs Free?
Subscription vs
Ad funded?
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We have started to address the legacy issues…
In advertising:
Organised our national ad sales function
into nasa (national advertising sales
Launched “The National” – single ad
package comprising multiple daily titles
across various regional publishers to
achieve national scale
Trinity Mirror plc
We have started to address the legacy issues…
In circulation:
Regionals – Reporting ABC circulation data for our core regional paid daily
titles on a monthly basis from H2 2013
Nationals – Open to sharing our circulation data on a more timely / frequent
basis should advertisers require
Digital – while NRS PADD may be a good starting point, need to
incorporate tablet, mobile and regionals data
Trinity Mirror plc
In print, we remained focused on driving circulation
For eight consecutive months the
Daily Mirror has outperformed the
popular national dailies market
Circulation per issue – yoy %
Note: (a) Market comprised Daily Mirror, Daily Record, Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Star
and Daily Express
Source: ABC Jan 11 to Feb 13
Trinity Mirror plc
Implementing portfolio initiatives
Positioning our brands at the heart of
the business
Increasing relevance of our portfolio
to drive audience, extend reach and
generate revenue growth
Portfolio development initiatives:
– Product redesign
– Extending targeted reach through
– Editionisation
– Weekend editions
Trinity Mirror plc
Recently launched the Paperpay app
Making it easy for consumers to
– Launched PaperPay app in March
– Allow people to buy copies of the
Mirror and Sunday Mirror
newspaper through the use of a
barcode voucher on their
Trinity Mirror plc
Accelerating our digital capabilities
Our audience increasingly adopts new technologies and
becomes multi-platform
Trinity Mirror plc
Off Network
Our Daily Mirror and Daily Record iPad e-editions are free to download
E-editions of Daily Mirror and Daily
Record launched for iPad. Android
versions planned for Q2 2013
– Total downloads from Apple: 120k
Business model and pricing strategy to
vary by title based on audience
demographics and market positioning of
our brands
– Free: Daily Mirror (Mon-Fri), Daily
Record (Mon-Fri), some regional titles
– Paid: larger regional titles with strong
market penetration, business focus
Trinity Mirror plc
Some early insights into our e-edition readers
Long reading time
Average time spent reading of 30 min – slightly behind print
edition (33 min) but well ahead of any website site average time
Offers strong incremental
reach to advertisers
Two-thirds of our readers do not read any other newspaper apps
– offering strong incremental reach and unique user
opportunities for advertisers
Attractive advertising
More ABC1 than our print demographic, but a little less than the
tablet market as a whole
High engagement
translating directly into
Nearly half of all readers have clicked on an ad within the app
Source: based on 4,200 responses, equating to 1/3 of our daily average number of readers
Trinity Mirror plc
Our websites remain free to access
Enhanced image galleries and video;
comprehensive What’s On guides;
weather; traffic and travel; quizzes
and elements of news
Encouraging progress in growing
audience and engagement
– Mirror Online page views up 62%
yoy in March 2013
Trinity Mirror plc
About a quarter of our digital traffic is now via mobile
Mobile usage already accounts for
25% of our monthly digital traffic
and we believe this to grow rapidly
in the next three years
Similarly we are making good
progress in growing mobile
audience and engagement
Mirror mobile page views up 61% in
March 2013
Trinity Mirror plc
In summary
UK newspapers remain strong and resilient
Continuously experiment, adapt and change
There is no one-size-fits-all strategy
Scale audience
Value for
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