Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo Mayo County Council

Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
A Local Authority Perspective
Iain Douglas
Senior Planner
Engineers Ireland CPD Seminar 20/10/2014
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
“May you live in interesting times”
Gas Terminal
Onshore/Offshore Gas pipelines
BGE Pipeline Bellanaboy – Galway
Biomass CHP Plant
Electricity Transmission Lines Non-SID & SID
2 Gas Powered Peaking Plants
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
“ Its complicated…. “
• Mayo County Council
• An Bord Pleanala
• Health & Safety Authority
• Environmental Protection Agency
to name but a few !!
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Where do you go to get planning
permission ?
An Bord Pleanala - Major energy projects SID
• Electricity Transmission Lines
• Strategic Gas Pipelines
• Section 1 - Seventh Schedule P&D Act
Local Authorities
• Any energy project not SID
Exempt Development - No permission required
• Electricity Distribution Lines
• Domestic renewable energy technologies
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Applications to the Local Authority
Planning & Development Acts 2000-2014
• Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2014
EIA Directive 2011/92/EU (as amended)
Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC
Birds Directive 79/409/EEC
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Planning & Development Regulations
Part 4 – Control of Development
• Documentation with Application
Part 10 Environmental Impact Assessment
Part 18 Strategic Infrastructure Development
Part 20 Appropriate Assessment
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Schedule 5 – Development requiring EIA
Schedule 6 – Information to be contained in an EIS
Schedule 7 – Criteria for significant effects
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
The Planning Application
Pre-Planning Meeting Request - Section 247
• Formal – Minuted/Recorded available after
application lodged
• Regulations
• Development Plan Objectives
• Requirement for Sub-threshold screening
Map/Drawing scales – Large projects usually need
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA Directive 2014/52/EU - amendment to original
Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Reasoned Conclusion by competent authority
Reasoned Conclusion integrated into decision
Changes to form & content of Schedules 6 & 7
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA for Energy Projects – Schedule 5 P&D Regs.
• Part 1 EIA Mandatory
• Part 2 Mandatory with thresholds
Screening also for sub-threshold energy projects
Option to request for scoping of EIS (EIAR) from
LA Article 95 P&D Regs.
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Appropriate Assessment
• Article 6(3) Habitats Directive
Separate & Distinct from EIA
• Natura 2000 Sites
• Conservation Objectives
• Adverse impact on Natura 2000
IROPI (Imperative Reasons of Over-riding Public
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Appropriate Assessment
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
• Significant effects “likely”, “possible”, “uncertain”
• In combination with other projects
• AA required – carried out by Local Authority
• Developer submits NIS (Natura Impact Statement)
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Planning Application Process
Severe Time constraints on LA
Decision within 8 weeks EIA & Non-EIA
If FI requested - 8 weeks EIA & 4 weeks Non-EIA
Applicant has 6 months to reply to FI + option of
further 3 months if requested within the initial 6
month period
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Exception if Major Accidents Directive applies
Time stops until HSA advice is received then 4 weeks
3rd Party Submissions available during process
Planning Report for EIA development – EU Court
Case C-50/09 Planning
Planning decision – Executive Function
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Even then it is not finished !!
Post permission monitoring:Most large scale projects will have a PMC
(Project Monitoring Committee)
• LA
• Developer
• Community
• Relevant Statutory Agencies
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Corrib Gas Project currently has 4 PMCs
• Terminal - MCC
• On-shore Pipeline – DCNER
• Off-shore Pipeline – DCNER (S40 Consent)
• Foreshore Licence – DoECLG
Comhairle Contae Maigh Eo
Mayo County Council
Some Closing Thoughts
Plan for the long haul
Consult early & often with
• LA
• Community
• Statutory Agencies
EIS & NIS the best that they can be
Develop a Community Benefit mentality &
Scheme as part of EIS