Native iOS, Android and Windows Development Microsoft | Xamarin Business challenges Apps on BYOD… enterprise must deliver great experiences for Windows, iOS and Android. Solutions Business value Xamarin accelerates native app development for Windows, iOS and Android using Visual Studio with C# and shared code. Fast time-to-market: Business can go mobile with their existing teams and code virtually overnight. No compromises: Anything you can do in Objective-C and Java can be done in C# with Xamarin. iOS, Android & Windows Apps in C# Cross-platform C# iOS, Android and Windows apps entirely within Visual Studio Accelerate development with code-sharing across platforms Build Windows, iOS and Android apps in a single Visual Studio Solution Step-through debugging on simulators and devices Azure Mobile Services component makes it easy to add AMS with just a few lines of code Bring all the great things about C# and .NET to mobile development including runtime supported generics, lambdas, anonymous methods, delegates, async-await and Portable Class Libraries App UI is built using each platform’s native APIs all made available as standard C# classes for the best possible user experience Business logic, data access, networking code and other app logic is shared across device platforms for fast development Stephanie Schatz VP Sales & Customer Success Anuj Bhatia Technical Key Account Manager David Hathaway Technical Key Account Manager For webinars, videos and white papers visit: To access our Developer Center visit: