Australia Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious

Australia Indonesia Partnership for
Emerging Infectious Diseases:
Animal Health Program
Australia Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious Diseases:
Animal Health Program
• Broad program goals
– Sustainable strengthening of Indonesian
government veterinary services
– Focus on capacity to prevent, detect and response
to EID and priority infectious diseases
• Guiding principles
– Partnership
– Sustainable development
AIP-EID: high-level outcomes
1. National Planning and Management
Strengthened national planning and management for disease
prevention and control
2. Operational Systems: information systems,
laboratories & quarantine
Strengthened operational ‘building blocks’ to support national
animal health objectives
3. Sub-national veterinary services
Sustainable delivery of veterinary services in South and West
AIP-EID Component 1:
National Planning and Management
• Systems strengthening and strategic planning—
reviewing current systems and addressing
agreed recommendations of the OIE Gap
Support for development of DAH strategic plan
Supporting work to address recommendation of the OIE
gap analysis
Workshop on the PVS process and international
standards in animal health
• Socialisation, appreciation and practical
implementation of laws and regulations related
to animal health
– Support the socialisation and implementation of
regulations under Law 18/2009 (when finalised)
animal health
policy & strategy
AIP-EID Component 1:
National Planning and Management
Review of capacity to respond to outbreaks of infectious
diseases in animals
Prioritisation of diseases
Development of a framework for disease prioritisation; application to
revise the national priority/strategic disease list
Building capacity of MoA staff—professional
Support for FMD simulation exercise 2012 (Kalimantan)
Review of emergency response capability with a focus on key elements
of planning and management at the national level: response plans,
coordination and emergency management systems, financial
Needs analysis and development of a strategy for long-term
strengthening of human (technical) resources
Support further training and professional development of MoA staff
Harmonisation of development partners (donors)
Support MoA to harmonise the animal health activities of
international development partners
animal health
policy & strategy
AIP-EID Component 2.1:
Animal Health Information Systems
• Review of Indonesia’s animal health information
needs and capabilities
– Holistic, including data collection/surveillance, data
management and IT infrastructure, data analysis and
reporting, use of information in decision making and
policy development
– Recommendations for strategic planning and activities to
strengthen priority capabilities
• Development and operational roll-out of a
laboratory information management system
– Review of progress to date (completed) and
recommendations for future
– Awaiting proposal from CSIRO on further development
and roll-out
surveillance &
AIP-EID Component 2.2:
Strengthening of Laboratory Operations
Review of the Indonesian veterinary laboratories
Training: diagnostic methods, quality assurance,
Anthrax PCR
Training: technical and scientific operations under
enhanced biosafety levels
Capacity and coordination across Indonesia
Technical and Engineering maintenance of infrastructure
Practices and biosafety under BSL conditions
Review of Indonesian capacity for sustainable reagent
Review of current situation
Development of SOPs, training etc to support QA practices
AIP-EID Component 2.3:
Strengthening of Quarantine Operations
• Review of animal and animal product
risk pathways at the national and subnational level
• Workshop on risk analysis
• Quarantine
• Animal health
AIP-EID Component 3:
Sub-national veterinary services
• Transition of PDSR into a sustainable
animal health system—pilot in South
and West Sulawesi
• Strengthen planning and budgeting
capacity for animal health services
•Strengthen disease investigation
•Strengthen technical training capacity
• Sub-national
• Animal health
policy &
• Surveillance/
AIP-EID Component 3:
Sub-national veterinary services
• Pilot district passive disease surveillance
system (village/subdistrict–to-district)
• Strengthen disease recognition and
reporting at sub-district and village level
• Strengthen capacity to use animal health
data at the district and provincial level
• Sub-national
• Animal Health
Policy and
• Surveillance/