INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (ICS) INTEGRATION AND USE AT SHELL March 2014 Calgary Flood 2013 Photograph by: Adam Klamar , AFP/Getty Images Linda Manka; Manager, Upstream Canada; Emergency Preparedness/Response & Crisis Management INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM USE IN CANADA Agenda • Context • Background: Incident Command System • ICS during the Calgary Floods • ICS use at Shell • ICS Training • Public • Industry • Shell 2 CONTEXT • Incident Command System (ICS) use is being established as the best practice methodology to manage incidents and events in North America and other areas of the world. • The United States has mandated the use of ICS through regulation. • In Canada, there is no national regulation requiring the use of ICS, although the Alberta government has adopted it as the standard for government agencies and is promoting the voluntary adoption of the system. • ICS was used during the recent floods in Southern Alberta and the impetus is growing to create agreement with industry and local authorities to adopt this standard approach. Shell Alaska ICS Exercise 3 LEARNING FROM BP – INCIDENT MANAGEMENT BPs key lessons: 1. Collaboration (required from ALL parties/stakeholders involved including suppliers/supply chain) 2. Systemization (ICS structure/reporting/ R&R – IT – infrastructure, associated training). Common Operating System helped to reinforce the value of ICS 2. Information (communication – media, Information Management, GIS) 3. Innovation (thinking ahead, use of technology and closing knowledge gaps about science/technology) 4 4 SLAVE LAKE FIRES: LESSONS LEARNED • Lessons learned from the May 2011 fires in Slave Lake in Alberta found that “in many ways Alberta’s response to the Lesser Slave Lake disaster met or exceeded standards and leading practices from around the globe”, however… • “At the same time, a number of the coordination challenges were experienced because Alberta had not fully implemented the Incident Command System, or trained all relevant parties on their roles in this new incident command model.” - Lesser Slave Lake Regional Urban Interface Wildfire – Lessons Learned Final Report November 6, 2012, KPMG Photos: 5 JOURNEY TO USING ICS AT SHELL • Early adoption by some parts of the company in the 1990s but over time usage became specialized to lines of business • • Asset modifications had grown over time Shell’s goal was to standardize processes as much as possible. • Concerns expressed by the business were that standardized processes would not address their specific hazards, e.g., sour gas leaks. Needed education on ICS bein an all-hazard approach. 6 7 RECENT USE OF ICS @ SHELL CANADA Shell Crisis Management Team and Shell’s Canada National Response Team activation for June 2013 Alberta floods, including head office closure due to state of emergency. Feedback was excellent from the Incident Command Team, especially on having an ICS Technical Specialist 7 JOURNEY TO USING ICS AT SHELL • First aligned on ONE corporate Emergency Response Plan (ERP) with standard ICS forms internally • Worked with leaders one-on-one to address concerns about ERP & ICS usage • Needed to ensure aligned understanding and terminology: all forms, everything in the ERP and training had to be consistent. • Based on feedback an ICS Program was developed to ensure learning and consistency. • Consultation, addressing concerns, repetition of common terminology, and following up on “changes” were all needed to get alignment. Consistent ICS forms made into posters and used during exercises and training 8 JOURNEY TO USING ICS AT SHELL • Rolled out standardized highquality ICS training with Online introductory modules online and Face to face and then advanced courses ICS for key ICS Positions training • Advanced courses have external experts facilitating paired with a Shell internal expert • Needed to ensure consistency across contractors and internal instructors to again ensure common concepts, terminology usage. ICS Training at Shell Waterton 9 JOURNEY TO USING ICS AT SHELL “Bumps in the Road” included: • • Leaders and Individuals who were concerned that standardization would not take into account hazards of the particular location, site or line of business • Contractors who did not want to learn the new system as it would involve their time or costs • Overall lack of understanding of the value of ICS Corporate ERP with site-specific sections ICS Training at Shell 10 JOURNEY TO USING ICS AT SHELL Addressing “Bumps in the Road” Introducing ICS is a change management issue • • First ensure key leadership support • Convey value of ICS to satisfy ER Governance/Program Site visits Communicate consistently across multiple channels • • Email • Forms • ERP • Training – all training references ICS in the same way • Personal visits to site to dialogue with people Site Exercises 11 SHELL COMPETENCY PROGRAM 1. Shell CORE ERP 2. Shell Open University: • • • • • OCA (Operations Compliance Assurance) 5. ICS 300 Crisis Management and Shell Americas Exercises ERP Awareness intro ICS 100 ICS 200 Shelter-in-Place Stakeholder Messages in an Emergency 3. ERP Awareness on site including ICS 4. Exercises Fire Leaders and specific Training employees for ICS 300 Level 1 and beyond and 2 12 JOURNEY TO ICS AT SHELL The approach and courses developed in Calgary for Western Canada use were reviewed and adopted by for use by Shell sites in the United States and South America. • ICS 100 • ICS 200 ICS courses online and face to face • ICS 300 • Position-Specific training 13 ICS TRAINING OBJECTIVES ICS Learning Objectives: • Many ICS programs are planned with the needs of professional responders in mind. • The goal is to systematically develop expertise in the ICS system. Industry ICS Learning Objectives: • Private industry has the goal to develop employees competencies to safely and efficiently respond in an emergency. • Employees will need to awareness, knowledge and skill regarding ICS, be able to apply key concepts, especially at the beginning of an incident, and know when to request additional and/or more qualified resources. 14 ICS CANADA TRAINING • Awareness level training presents ICS topics and concepts at an introductory level, with written or computer-based examinations (multiple-choice). I-100 and I-200 are awareness level training courses. This training method relies on reading and answering questions. Alberta Emergency Management makes the 100 level PDF and online examination available through it’s website • Advanced level training is oriented towards skills development and includes more practical exercises as well as a written examination. Courses at this level are geared towards operating within the ICS system in a supervisory function. I-300, I-320, position-specific and I-400 are advanced level training courses. • df 15 ICS 100 TRAINING CONTENT COMPARISON (1) Key Content Shell and ICS Canada ICS Canada only Shell only Purpose of ICS ICS Background & Applications Common terminology Chain of Command Unity of command Unified Command Management by Objectives Incident Action Plan Modular Organization 16 ICS 100 TRAINING CONTENT COMPARISON (2) Key Content Shell and ICS Canada ICS Canada Shell Manageable Span of Control Comprehensive Resource Management Incident Locations and Facilities ICS organizational Chart and Sections Branches, divisions, groups Branches, divisions groups provided at higher levels (200 and above) Facilities Staging Area, Base and Camp Staging Area Integrated communications More detail on technology Transferring Command ICS Emergency Operations Centre – EOC Information and Intelligence Management Map Symbols Shell ICS Use and Policies 17 SHELL ICS 100 AND 200 Shell ICS 100 and 200 ICS 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (online) – an introduction to the basic features, principles and organizational structures of the Incident Command System. Shell’s ICS 100 and 200 meet the learning objectives of the new AEMA and ICS Canada standards, except for the length of time: Shell ICS 100 is 30 minutes, Shell ICS 200 is 40 min vs. ICS Canada 2-4 hours for ICS 100 and 14 hours for ICS 200 18 NORTHERN ALBERTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY • NAIT has developed 100, 200 and 300 level ICS courses which comply with the recent new standards and curriculum approved by Alberta Emergency Management Agency and ICS Canada. • The EMGT100 and EMGT200 courses are delivered through the Internet. • 100, 200 and 300 level ICS courses comply with the recent new standards and curriculum approved by Alberta Emergency Management Agency and ICS Canada. ICS 100 is 5 hours vs. Shell 30 minutes. • EMGT 200 and the EMGT300 courses are provided onsite in coordination with the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association and municipal fire departments. An ICS Canada certificate is awarded upon successful completion of a course 19 OPPORTUNITIES TO ALIGN ICS AWARENESS TRAINING • Alberta agencies could make use of Shell’s training efforts by adopting the online interactive course that Shell developed. This model has already been demonstrated as successful by Shell’s donation of the Shelter in Place training to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), which is now posted on Enform website at no charge. • Taking Shell’s course and removing any references to Shell, adding examples to include other industries, would be an effective use of resources and avoid having to re-build the course. • The course foundation could then be lengthened slightly to meet ICS Canada and agency training requirements of a 2 hour completion time. • These modifications would ensure • courses are standard ICS, are industry and company-agnostic, and20 applicable to a wide range of situations JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA • ICS 100 online, self-paced: Students will gain a basic understanding of the Incident Command System, its organization, principles, basic structure and common responsibilities. This course is the first in a series of ICS training courses and will be of particular interest to first responders and those who have a sitesupport role in an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). • Offer Level 200 and 300 as part of the Emergency Management Certificate. 22 ERP FORM: INCIDENT BRIEFING ICS 201 • Form to help anticipate, make decisions and document incident events, information and decisions: page 1 23 ICS 201: Page 2 • Form to help anticipate, make decisions and document incident events, information and decisions: page 2 24 ICS 201: Page 3 • Fillable Organization Chart 25 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM OVERVIEW ICS was originally developed in response to wild fires in the 1970’s that killed 16 people, destroyed 772 buildings and cost $233 million (1970 US) dollars. Learning from the fires was that a system was needed to address: Lack of accountability, including unclear chains of command and supervision. Poor communication due to both inefficient uses of available communications systems and conflicting codes and terminology. Lack of an orderly, systematic planning process. No methods to integrate inter-agency requirements into the management structure and planning process effectively. Freelancing by individuals with specialized skills during an incident without coordination with other first responders No common terminology during an incident. ICS USAGE: UNITED STATES In the United States, ICS became a national model for command structures at a fire, crime scene or major incidents. By 2003, all federal, state, and local agencies were required to know NIMS or the National Incident Management System, which uses the Incident Command System, to manage emergencies in order to receive federal funding. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) came about as a direct result of the terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York on September 11, 2001. Twin Towers attack (Photo: 27 ICS USAGE: CANADA ICS is also used by agencies in Canada, although there is no national requirement to adopt ICS. At a provincial level, Alberta “has adopted the Incident Command System (ICS) as the emergency management system for use by government organizations” and “At the same time government is promoting the adoption of ICS by local authorities, industry, and other organizations within Alberta on a voluntary basis.” When Enbridge had a large spill in in 2010 near Marshall, Michigan, “As the federal agency in charge of the response to the spill, EPA assumed a leadership role in the Unified Command and mobilized an Incident Management Team made up of federal, state and local agencies.” 28 ICS CANADA • ICS Canada is the network of organizations working cooperatively to maintain a standard Incident Command System that enhances incident management response through improved interoperability. • ICS Canada material includes an operational description of the system, training materials as well as policy documents that outline processes and responsibilities for managing the material, training, certificates etc. • coursestudentandinst73159.pdf 29 COMPARISON OF ICS TRAINING OPTIONS Delivery Methods Shell and ICS Canada ICS Canada Shell ICS 100 – Adobe Document (PDF) plus online exam ICS 100 Online narrated, learner interaction and online exam ICS 200 – Online Not specified on website if online or F2F ICS 300 and above - Face to Face ICS 300 - Face to Face with Practice Opportunities ICS 400 - Face to Face with Practice Opportunities 30 LEARNER EXPERIENCE: ICS 100 COMPARISONS Training Modality: Visual: Shell ICS 100 AEMA/CIFFC - ICS Yes – Online course with pictures and diagrams Yes – some diagrams - around 20 throughout course material Auditory: Yes – Course material presented with or without sound. Can use microphones. Clicking on tabs, pause, rewind etc. None. Kinesthetic/ Handson/Interactive: Self-Tests and review Time Frame: Examples Can print course, make notes, highlight etc. Yes, knowledge challenge at the end Yes. Reviews throughout, review of course. questions throughout, and final test at end of course. All selfpaced/administered. 30 Min minimum to get through course material Test your understanding, examples in course. 2 – 4 hours self-study Test your understanding scenario questions throughout the course. 31