15th IG meeting SWE_TERRE final

Deliverable I.4 Balancing
-TERRE project(15th IG meeting, Paris, April 7th 2014)
ACER’s recommendations to ENTSO-E
Electricity Balancing Framework Guidelines (FWGL)
Promotion of coordination between TSOs regarding cross-border balancing
mechanism as a necessary interim step towards the harmonization of the
balancing markets in Europe and the implementation of the Electricity
Balancing Network Code (NC)
ENTSO-E call of nomination for balancing pilot projects with the aim to
Gain experience in terms of implementation of inter TSO regional balancing
Test the feasibility of the balancing target model identified in the FWGL
Evaluate the associated implementation impact
The experience gained with the pilot projects will be reflected in the future
developments of the NC
TERRE Pilot Project
In this framework, National Grid, REN, RTE and TERNA proposed the TransEuropean Replacement Reserves Exchanges project (“TERRE Project”)
Scope of TERRE pilot project
Design and test the feasibility of a multi-TSO coordinated exchange of
Replacement Reserve - Cross Border Balancing Energy
Terna, RTE, National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc, National Grid
Interconnectors Limited, REN
Swissgrid and REE expressed their interest to the project and could join the
project during the design phase
Project phases:
Design phase (started in 2014) – Currently in progress
Implementation phase (will be started between end of 2014 and beginning of
2015 – it depends on the progress of the whole aspects of the project)
TERRE design phase aims to design a solution compliant with the requirements
The ENTSO-E proposal of standard product
The NC (1/centralized and automatic management of XB capacities, 2/in a first step, offers based on
cheapest internal bids, in a second step, all internal bids offered, 3/improved matching process)
Working axes
Definition of the standard TERRE products (TERNA)
Definition of RR offers and RR needs
Definition of matching process and settlement procedure (RTE)
TSOs’ RR needs netting
FCFS or Implicit Auction
Marginal price or pay as bid
Financial issues (NGET)
Definition of financial settlement between TSOs
Study of the potential financial benefit
Timing and scheduling (REN)
ATC management (RTE & NGIC)
Centralized ATC management
Interaction between the ID market and TERRE process
Governance issues (All)
Updated status of the project – main achievements (1/2)
MoU and NDA covering the design phase
Signature process still in progress
Definition of the standard TERRE products
Based on the requirements of the ENTSO-E ancillary services working group
(WG AS) in charge of the definition of Balancing Standard Products
All TSOs expressed their proposals on the values and constraints that each
characteristic of TERRE product should respect
TERNA is merging all the proposals in order to define a common set of
minimum requirements for TERRE products
1- Request time
2- Preparation period
defined by the
3- Ramping period
4- Min & max bid size
5- Min & max delivery period
6- Deactivation period
(from LFC-R)
Full Delivery Period
Updated status of the project – main achievements (2/2)
Definition of matching process and settlement procedure
A qualitative study has been initiated and is now under review by all TSOs:
both FCFS and Implicit Auction methods are compared according to criteria
Data collection has been launched in order to assess the volumes and
characteristics of balancing offers available in each country
The feasibility of a quantitative study is under investigation
Financial issues
Data collection has been launched in order to assess the potential financial
benefit of TERRE
RTE has developed a balancing simulation facility tool. This tool optimizes
(by applying balancing cost minimization) the selection and allocation of
balancing supply quantities to address a balancing demand, taking some
technical constraints into account
RTE proposed to the TERRE project group to use this for processing
financial simulation. This point is under discussion.