Offender Watch - New Mexico Department of Information Technology

Project Planning
DPS SOR Program Manager – Teresa Hernandez
DPS IT Project Manager – John Oliver
Grant funding –SMART 2011-2940 / CFDA 16.750
Project Initiation Certification – 3/2012 for $35,000
Sole Source approval approved through State Purchasing and grant provider
Currently implemented in several southern New Mexico counties
Offender Watch system provided by Watch Systems, LLC.
Current PCC request
Project Planning Certification request – 4/25/12 for $367,287
The New Mexico Department of Public Safety (NMDPS) seeks to implement The Adam
Walsh Act/Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).
The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act is a federal statute that was signed into
law by George W. Bush on July 27, 2006. The Walsh Act organizes sex offenders into
three tiers and mandates sex offender registration into lifetime and annual registration.
The Act also creates a national sex offender registry and instructs each state and territory
to apply identical criteria for posting offender data on the Internet (i.e., offender's name,
address, date of birth, place of employment, photograph, etc.). The Act was named for
Adam Walsh, an American boy who was abducted from a Florida shopping mall and later
found murdered.
DPS received a grant that will address the improvements needed in the registration, data
collection, inter-agency messaging, and information-sharing processes within the state, in
order to meet requirements of SORNA.
Difficulties in the Current Process
Local agencies are on their own to comply with the law to the best of
their ability, and generally are not consistently compliant
Forms were hand written
State registration
forms were printed and
placed in snail mail
‣ Some agencies use an electronic word-processed
form, others have hand written their registration
forms which are then mailed to NMDPS for keying
into the registry often days or weeks after the
registration resulting in delays, errors and/or
omissions in the registrations.
‣ PHASE I: licenses, creation of
personalized web pages, testing of NM
data load, establishment of
Implementation Steering Committee, set
up of NM state-specific parameters and
PHASE II: Complete load of final offender data, completion of state and local
training, counties “live”
PHASE III: Creation of NM OW; NSPOW, Exchange
Portal and NCIC updates functional and operable,
establishment of continuing New Mexico Offender
Watch user committee
Agency Communications
NM CJIS Web Portal
NM CJIS Web Portal (law enforcement agencies only) will announce where
meetings will be taking place within the State of New Mexico for all law
enforcement agencies wanting to participate. The Web Portal will also
provide updates on the progress of Watch Systems implementing Offender
Watch listing it benefits and expectations of participating agencies.
• Electronic registration/management/notification solution for the 33 county
• Multi-jurisdictional collaborations and information sharing by enabling database
access and updates for the key NM collaborators (DA’s, USMS, Corrections,
Probation and Parole, Police Departments and the A G’s Office
• Automated pre-registrations inter/intra state, with messaging and
means to import/copy offender files
• Automated updates and linkage from DPS aggregated state repository to
DPS - CJIS secure database, NSPOW, Exchange Portal and NCIC, and State web page
(if desired)
• A initial setup, offender and map loading, creation of custom web pages, initial
training as outlined
• Help Desk, Mapping Desk, software updates and maintenance, Advisory User
Group, and continuing training as required
Offender Management, Reporting and Verification Services
‣ The Offender Watch® sex offender database is available for whatever law
enforcement related purposes the Sheriffs or Collaborative users may have
‣ Investigative Purposes such as searching the database for offenders who meet certain offense, physical or other
characteristics and then mapping these offenders
‣ You may access
and share data for searching and import/export purposes with your
neighboring regional jurisdictions and all other Offender Watch agencies nationwide
‣ Share data and access with other authorized law enforcement agencies such as
PD’s, adjacent SO’s, probation, DA’s, etc.
‣ Printing reports or Offender Bulletins or maps of offender addresses in or address
‣ Creating color coded maps of offenders convicted of user-supplied
crimes who live or work with proximity to a crime scene and a given proximity of a reported crime
‣ Selecting offenders who meet certain criteria and exporting the data to excel or a csv
file or an XML file
Definition of SOW for vendor contract
Creation and ratification of contract with Watch Systems
Finalization of roll-out schedule
Coordination with all New Mexico counties
PCC Implementation certification
Implementation Phase 1
Initial set-up of 33 counties with Offender Watch license, creation of personalized web pages,
testing of NM data load, set up of NM state-specific parameters and values.
Implementation Phase 2
Complete load of final offender data, completion of state and local training, counties “live”.
Implementation Phase 3
Creation of and testing of NM OW; NSPOW, Exchange Portal and NCIC updates functional
and operable.
System acceptance/Project closeout