Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments Group Members: Mr. Tushar Panchal Ms. Mitika Mahajan IT INDUSTRY: Study, Design, Development, Application, Implementation, Support Or Management of Computer-based Information Systems The global IT services market Grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% by 2017 Market value of US $1,147 billion by 2017 North America dominates the global IT market with 42% of market share India, China,Vietnam and Philippines are major outsourcing drivers of world because of their lower cost and skilled talent pool. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments CHALLENGES FOR IT INDUSTRY: Volatility in currency exchange rates Shrinking Talented pool High labour cost in developed countries Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments CURRENT TRENDS IN GLOBAL IT MARKET Emerging verticals for IT New economies are emerged as the IT adopters such as Asia Pacific and EMEA For global sourcing Tier II locations are the most attractive due to Healthcare, government and utilities are the highest IT adopters nearly twice than previous year. Higher savings in administration Lower infrastructural costs Large pool of talent in the form of skilled professionals Companies have become more ‘customer focused’. The contracts are now for shorter term Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments OVERVIEW OF INDIAN IT INDUSTRY Contribution in GDP 7.5 % Value of IT domestic Market Rs. 786 bn(2010-11) Value of IT domestic Market Rs. 918 bn (2011-12) Growth Rate 16.7 %( From 2010-11) Direct Employment 2.8 mn People Indirect Employment 8.9 mn People Within Global Sourcing 58% (2011) Industry Market Share Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments PRESENT INDUSTRY STRUCTURE Tier I Players Tier II Players Offshore Global Services Provider Pure Play BPO Providers Captive BPO Units Emerging Players Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments ADVANTAGES TO INDIA Technically Skilled Professionals English speaking population Robust Telecom Infrastructure Rendering Customized, end to end and Niche Services/ Solutions Lower costs of offshore outsourcing Favorable Governmental Policies Quality Orientation Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments CURRENT TRENDS IN INDIAN IT INDUSTRY Accepting emerging technologies Increased customer-centricity Deepening focus on new markets Adopting new business models Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments PESTEL ANALYSIS OF IT INDUSTRY POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT Government rules and regulation toward a particular business environment. National Task Force(NTF) on IT & software development Fiscal incentives IT committee has been set up Indian government has strengthened the IT act, 2000 to provide a sound legal environment. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments ECONOMICAL ENVIRONMENT Inflation is rising Contract availability is decreased from US and Europe Decreased working pay Decreased Employee Utilization Rate Retrenchment Pressure on employees Downsizing Pressure on Companies Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT The social factors affecting IT industry ranges from employee right, language barriers, race nationality of company or other issues. Second largest English speaking scientific professionals are there in India after U.S. Great number of institute and universities offer IT course creating room for availability of IT professional at lower cost since there is job competition. 4 million technical workers train 67,785 professionals every year Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT TELEPHONY: India now second largest mobile cellular users after China (1,091.9 million) Cheaper 3G services and Smart phones. Total: 906.6 million Mobile Cellular users. Active users : 699 6% of population, around 70.6 million use 3G services Indian cellular consumers were enjoying the cheapest tariffs but after 2G scam the tariffs may rise. India has the second largest telephone network after china. Enterprise telephone services, 3G, wi-max and VPN are to grow. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments INTRNET: India had as on 2011, 100 million active internet users. 10.2 % of population use internet services India now third biggest internet user 137 million after China (538 million) and US (245 million). NEW IT TECHNOLOGY: Web 3.0 represents the next transition in the evolution of web applications Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments LEGAL ENVIRONMENT IT Act 2000: Email would now be a valid and legal form of communication in our country that can be duly produced and approved in a court of law. Companies shall now be able to carry out electronic using the legal infrastructure provided by the Act. Digital signatures have been given legal validity and sanction in the Act. The Act now allows Government to issue notification on the web thus heralding e-governance. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments Indian Copyright Act (10 May 1995): The right of a copyright holder. Position on rentals of software. The right of the user to make backup copies. Most importantly the amendments imposed heavy punishment and fines for infringement of copyright of software. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Environmental conservation and protection is an issue which has gained prominence because of deteriorating environmental balance which is threatening the sustainability of life and nature. Energy Efficient Process and Equipments: Companies are focusing on reducing the carbon footprints, energy utilization, water consumption etc. Being a major player in the global IT market Infosys has introduces measure to help in the reduction of carbon emission by trying to reduce its water consumption, electricity utilization, carbon emission and partnering with other companies in troubleshooting this global dilemma. Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments PROBLEM STATEMENT As Information Technology Industry is facing crisis in terms of projects from USA and Europe, the organizations need to adopt some innovative practices. The benefits for these innovative practices ranges from retaining the employees whose expertise is most important for ongoing projects to train and motivate them for further innovations for growth and sometimes for survival. What are the innovative HR practices organizations are adopting in IT Industry, in Gujarat? Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To identify traditional HR practices To identify responsible factors for innovativeness To evaluate relationship between high tech culture and innovative HR practices To investigate scope for innovations available in HR practices To evaluate whether OCB plays an important role for innovations or not To identify whether leadership style encourages innovations in HR practices or not Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design: Descriptive and Exploratory Sources of Data: Secondary and Primary Data Collection Method: Survey Sampling Method: Stratified Random Sampling Data Collection Instrument : Structured Questionnaire Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments REFERENCES Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments Innovative HR practices in IT industries and IT based departments