GfNA-II-C-COM-LDV-GRU-partnerships-grant agreement-Annex IV-progress report form – version December 2012 LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS/LEONARDO DA VINCI/GRUNDTVIG Progress report form 2013for Partnerships (grantagreementperiod 1.8.2013 – 31.7.2015) N.B. Si prega di compilare il presente modulo in tutte le sue parti e in modo esauriente in italiano oppure nella lingua di comunicazione del partenariato.Il modulo deveesserefirmato in originale. Please send this report to your National Agency, duly completed and signed by 30 June 2014 as requested in Article 7 (Monitoring, Evaluation and Control) of your Grant Agreement. The report will be used by your National Agency for monitoring purposes. GENERAL INFORMATION Grant agreement number Title of the Partnership Acronym (if applicable) Working language of the partnership Name of your institution/ organisation Role of your institution / organisation 2013-1-TR1-COM06-47936-2 Other participating institutions / organisations (name and country) 1. Yahya Kemal Beyatlıİlkokulu – Izmir – Turkey 2. Istituto Comprensivo Galileo Galilei – Montopoli V. d’Arno – Pisa – Italy 3. Kildemarkskolen – Næstved – Denmark 4. IvanchoMladenov Primary School – Vratsa – Bulgaria 5. CeipHumanista Mariner – Valencia - Spain “Buy Healthy Be Healthy” English The coordinator X A partner 1 GfNA-II-C-COM-LDV-GRU-partnerships-grant agreement-Annex IV-progress report form – version December 2012 INSTITUTIONDATA Full Legal Name Type of Organisation Legal Status Commercial Orientation Address Postcode Country Organisation's national ID (if applicable) Organisation's website (if applicable) Istituto Comprensivo Statale “V. Tieri” [In Latin characters - where originals are not in Latin characters] Private Profit X Public Non profit Size Street – Number Via Parini 87064 City CoriglianoCalabro Italy Scope Region Calabria National (N) Organisation's e-mail (if applicable) CONTACT PERSON Title Family name Department Position Work Address Postcode Country Telephone 1 Mobile E-mail address Mrs. First name Mariaromana Minisci Primary School Teacher Street – Number (if different from above)Via Locri 87064 City CoriglianoCalabro Italy 0983 889547 Telephone 2 0983 885279 3339998148 Fax 0983 885279 LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Title Family name Department Position Work Address Postcode Country Telephone 1 Mobile E-mail address Mr. First name Aldo Fusaro Management Headmaster Street – Number (if different from above)Via Parini 87064 City CoriglianoCalabro Italy 0983 885279 Telephone 2 3396531255 Fax 0983 885279 2 GfNA-II-C-COM-LDV-GRU-partnerships-grant agreement-Annex IV-progress report form – version December 2012 PARTNERSHIP CONTENT 1. Please describethe Partnership activities undertaken and the results achieved so far (01.08.2013 - 30.06.2014): The partnership activities began in October 2013 with the partners meeting in Izmir Turkey, where it was organized the schedule of educational activities, meetings and tasks that had to perform the various partners in the project. Everything was done on schedule and meetings in the partner countries took place on dates determined. The results obtained were excellent, both as a relapse teaching on pupils and teachers who participated in the meetings. 2. What problems/obstacles have you met in the implementation of the Partnership, if any? How have these problems been they solved? We did not meet any difficulty in the implementation of the Partnership. The Headmaster and the Administrative Services Director have allowed the meetings and educational activities were held normally. 3. Mobility activities initially planned Minimum number of mobilities planned (please tick as appropriate) 4 8 12 X24 Reduced number of mobilities ___ 4. Mobilities carried out between 01.08.2013 and 30.06.2014 (add rows if necessary) Mobility description (institution, city, country) 1. Yahya Kemal Beyatlıİlkokulu – Izmir – Turkey 2. IvanchoMladenov Primary School – Vratsa – Bulgaria 3. Kildemarkskolen – Næstved – Denmark Total number of mobilities: Nr of participating staff1 Number of participating pupils: 5 people 0 4 people 0 5 people 0 Staff: 14 Pupils: 0 5. Mobilitiesto be carried out between 01.07.2014 and 31.07.2015 1 Including any persons accompanying participants with special needs 3 GfNA-II-C-COM-LDV-GRU-partnerships-grant agreement-Annex IV-progress report form – version December 2012 (add rows if necessary) Mobility description (institution, city, country), if applicable Nr of participating staff1 Number of participating pupils: 1. CeipHumanista Mariner – Valencia - Spain 5 people 0 2. Istituto Comprensivo Galileo Galilei - Pisa 5 people 0 Staff: 10 Pupils: 0 Total number of mobilities: 6. Grantholder's declaration to be signed by the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of your institution/organisation and by the Partnership contact person in your institution/organisation: "We, the undersigned, certify that the information contained in this Progress Report is correct to the best of our knowledge." Date: 24/06/2014 Date: 24/06/2014 Place:CoriglianoCalabro - Italy Place:CoriglianoCalabro - Italy Name and position of the contact person: Name and position of the Head of institution/organisation: MariaromanaMinisci - Teacher Signature of the contact person: Mariaromana Minisci Aldo Fusaro - Haedmaster Signature of the Head of institution/organisation: Stamp of the institution/organisation (if applicable) ****** 1 Including any persons accompanying participants with special needs 4