The Great Gatsby
By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Have a seat where you like today
Objective:To turn in our Post
Secondary Plans in three ring
binders. Also, to begin our
warm up activities for our
first book,The Great Gatsby
What needs to be in my folder?
For the correct order, refer to your directions
 Letter of Introduction
 Post Secondary Plan-Clean Copy
 Transcript
 Brag List-clean copy
 Resume
 Proof of upcoming letters of recommendation
 Autobio Essay
 Proof of Scholarship Application
 EDP will be placed in the folder later
In Groups of 3
“Like in the movie, Clueless, certain groups
of people make up the population of our
school. These groups form because the
members usually have something in
 Without assigning a value judgment
of good or bad, what types of groups
exist in our school?”
Tuesday, October 8th
Objective: To perform a mapping exercise
of CAHS and discuss our roles within the
CA community
 Man in the Mirror Exercise
 Writing Assignment
Silent Reflection
“Look at the group you chose to
work with for this activity.
 Take a few moments to silently
think about who you chose and why?
Keep this thought in your mind as
we begin to think about the class
structure of our school and our
School Mapping
Using the school map provided list the
people found in the different areas of our
 Example: Cafeteria-Who sits in each section
of the café? Are there people who hang
outside the café for lunch?
 Groups of 3 and you CAN’T work with
the people you worked with yesterday.
 Locations: Cafeteria, specific hallways, gym,
commons, main office, guidance office,
band/theater area, and bathrooms.
Mapping & Man in the Mirror Exercise
Discussion of differences in views in the mapping
 How do you see yourself in the social classes
of CA? Write it down in the next 2 minutes.
 How do other people see you in the social classes
of CA? Take 4 minutes to talk to 8 people in the
room from different backgrounds to find the
answer. Write their response down.
 You can’t ask the 3 people from yesterday or
today’s mapping exercise.
 Why are there differences? What are the
Writing Assignment
Write one page (college ruled paper, no
skipping line) on the following topic:
 Who am I and what defines me in
the group I belong to within the
 If you have large handwriting, write a little
more. If you write really small, come as
close to a page as you can.
Discussion on Poverty, Middle Class, and
Wednesday, OCTOBER 9TH
Objective: to establish a social class and to learn
about the author before we read the novel, The
Great Gatsby
Survival Quiz: Poverty, Middle Class, and Wealth
Information about the author
Get an SSR book ASAP
Extra credit ends TOMORROW!!!
Poverty, Middle Class and Wealth
Take the Test of Survival-flyer on back
 Where do you fall in the measurement of
poverty, middle class, and wealth?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Annotate the Article
 Answer the following question:
 What are the ten most important facts
you learned about Fitzgerald?
20’s Slang Assignment
You and your friends live in New York City during
the Roaring 20’s, and you are attending a famous
Using a list of 1920’s slang, generate a dialogue
between yourself and two or three of your friends.
You must generate at least 10 lines of dialogue.
You may work with up to two partners, but the
lines of dialogue will need to increase: twenty (20)
lines for two students and thirty (30) for three.
You have to use one word on the sheet in each
Does the type of food offered at school
effect the types of food students eat at
 If the school sold more candy and other
unhealthy foods, would students by and
eat it?
 If the school stopped selling “Hot
Cheetos” would students still eat as many
bags as they do now?
 Does the type of food sold at school have
an impact on the type of food students
eat at school?
Quick Write
Are people judged by the area they live in
within CA or within your community?
Is there a rich side and a poor side or
your community? If so, explain the areas
that are known as the areas that have
money and the areas that don’t have as
much money and how people are judged.
Friday, October 12th
Objective: to begin reading our first novel,
The Great Gatsby (TGG). We will focus
on completing chapter one and doing
character inference.
 Why-Understanding of five major
 Discussion of author
 Discuss main ideas and characters
Chapter 1
Write down these 5 characters: Nick,
Jordan, Tom, Daisy and Gatsby
 Write down 4-5 statements about each
character as you read chapter 1
 Make sure they are relevant statements.
 Chapter 1 is not action-packed, but you
need the information. Be patient, it will
Monday, October 15th
Objective: To check understanding of
chapter 1 and do inference on main
 Why?-Clear understanding of the book
 When will I be tested?-Quiz over chapters
1 & 2 tomorrow
 Focus Question
 Quick Chapter Check
 Characters in Chapter 1-notes
 Read Chapter 2…The Drama is GREAT!!!
 Folders will NOT be in marking period #1
Focus Question
What social class does our narrator, Nick,
belong to?
 Find evidence to support your point of
view in chapter 1.
 When you finish writing your
answer, stand up.
Nick Carraway
His father tells him not to judge (unbiased
 He fought in World War I
 He knows Tom from Yale
 He is a second cousin to Daisy
 He moved to West Egg in a fairly small
house so as to make it on his own and
not rely on his father’s wealth (unlike
Daisy Buchanan
She makes a comment about her
daughter being a beautiful fool
 She appears to be unhappy, bored
 She is described as strikingly beautiful
Tom Buchanan
He is enormously wealthy
 He is apparently restless (having an affair he doesn’t hide)
 He is racist
 He is prone to violence
 He didn’t fight in World War I (unlike
 He is an athlete (football)
Jordan Baker
She is an East-Egger (like Daisy and Tom)
 She is a childhood friend of Daisy’s from
Louisville, KY
 She is a professional golfer
Nick sees him apparently in a private
moment of reverie
 He throws parties
 Various rumors are established about him
 Why is the book have his name in the
Big Events & Questions at the End
of Chapter 2 is…
Nick meets Tom’s mistress
 Nick, Tom and Myrtle go to a party
 There is violence…
 Did Nick have a sexual encounter?
 Was he too drunk to know what he was
Tuesday, October 16th
Objective: To show understanding of
chapters 1 & 2 in quiz format.
 Why? To prove I am reading while Ms.
Mathews is away.
 The option of watching the movie
tomorrow depends on Mr. Loy
The Great Gatsby Chapter 2
 Describe the "valley of ashes." What does it
look like and what does it represent?
 Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they
seem to fit into the setting?
 What more have you learned about Nick in
this chapter? Is he similar or different than the
people he spends his time with?
 Describe the violent act Tom committed
against Myrtle. What does this reveal about
Today’s Quiz: At least 4-6 sentences for each
answer. No books, No talking, No cheating.
Describe the narrator. What was his family
background like?
 Describe Tom’s newfound philosophy based
upon the book he reads.
 What does Jordan do for a living? Why is
her job unique for the 1920’s?
 What is “The Valley of Ashes?” How did it
become this way?
 Describe the Wilsons.
 Extra Credit: What childhood book was
mentioned in chapter two of the novel?
Every culture is divided into social classes. These classes
are determined by factors such as race, religion, level of
education, and income. Think about yourself. To what
class do you belong? What defines that group of people?
Are you satisfied with what your group represents, or
do you envision yourself being part of a different class?
Respond to one of the choice in the prompt below:
 Write about theme: Where will I choose to
 Do one of the following:
 Describe how your life goals reflect the social class to
which you want to belong.
 Tell about a person you admire whose life changed as a
result of moving into a different social class
 Persuade the reader that the class one belongs to does
matter in life.
Literary Fiction
 Foreshadowing
 Allegory
 Cynical
 Ironic
 Peripheral Narrator
 Inference
Character Inference
Write down 5 characters
 Write down 4-5 sentences that you know
about the character
 Take a guess of their role in the book
(protagonist, antagonist, strong
personality, weak personality, etc)
Focus Question
What clues does Fitzgerald give the
reader to let him/her know Myrtle
will never really be able to rise up
from her social class in the Valley of
Answer Plan
Restate the question.
Provide 4-5 examples of what happens to Myrtle or
what she says or does. Include page numbers of where
examples can be found.
Conclude in a sentence or two, what you think this
Wednesday, October 13th
Quick Write
 First 4 Vocab words
 Inference on characters
 Continue working on mapping
Literary Fiction
 Foreshadowing
 Allegory
 Cynical
 Ironic
 Peripheral Narrator
 Inference
 Imagery
Article of the Week-Annotation
Read the questions FIRST!
 Number off each paragraph
 Draw a square around the thesis
 Underline the main ideas in paragraphs
 Circle words you don’t know
 Write a comment in the column or
underneath the paragraph
Quiz Time Number 2
Who is Dr T.J. Eckleburg?
 What clues does Fitzgerald give the reader to
let him/her know Myrtle will never really be
able to rise up from her social class in the Valley
of Ashes?
 Describe the party in this chapter. (People,
conversations, etc.) Must have at least 5 detailed
events in your answer.
Read chapter 2
 Nick goes to a party
 Example of him being a Peripheral
 Strong use of Imagery with setting
Thursday, October 18th
Objective: To prove knowledge of chapters
1 & 2 by classroom discussion and
questioning. Also, to begin reading chapter
 Why? Ms. Mathews has been gone, so I
need to show comprehension.
 When will I be tested? Another quiz will
come in the next three days over chapters
 Focus Question, discussion, and
You are retaking a quiz today due to the
excessive talking and poor behavior
You will be doing reading on your own for now
on. No reading in class.
If you were not responsible and did not get
your book the last week and a half, you will
need to read it online.
As a class, will not be attending the field trip
next Thursday (invitation only.)
You will have to do the majority of the EDP on
your own time since you have lost computer
You won’t be doing the traditional group
assignment at the end of this book.
Quiz retake due to talking and lack of
cooperation with the sub-50 points
Answer each with at least 5-7 sentences for full
 What clues does Fitzgerald give the reader to
let him/her know Myrtle is failing at moving up
from her social class in the Valley of Ashes?
 Choose 4 adjectives for The Valley of Ashes and
explain them.
 Describe Nick Carraway’s family.
 Discuss the personality of Daisy Buchanan.
 Some literary reviewers believe that Nick has a
unique sexual encounter and is confused on his
sexuality. Do you agree or disagree with this
belief? Explain your answer.
Focus Question-due in 5 minutesminimum of half a page for credit
What clues does Fitzgerald give the reader
to let him/her know Myrtle is failing at
moving up from her social class in the Valley
of Ashes?
Answer Plan
1. Restate the question.
2. Provide 4-5 examples of what happens to
Myrtle or what she says or does. Keep imagery in
3. Conclude in a sentence or two, what you think
this means.
Tuesday, October 22nd
Objective: to discuss the first three
chapters of TGG, focusing today on the
relationship of Tom, Daisy, and Myrtle.
 Tomorrow: Gossip and Gatsby’s Parties
 Wednesday: Quiz Chapter 3
Focus Question
“Man may have discovered fire, but
women discovered how to play with it.”
-Candance Bushnell, Sex in the City
Why do many women make such bad choices
with affairs of the heart? Do men make
equally bad choices in matters of love?
Nick’s Adventures
Explain the relationship between Tom and
 Explain what happens at Tom and Myrtle’s
 Is Nick bisexual? What events in the book
might prove that he is or isn’t?
Wednesday, October 23rd
Objective: to discuss key events in
chapters 2 & 3 and to prepare for quiz #2
 Discussion time, movie clip, then time to
examine and read TGG
 Why? Quiz on chapters 3-4
 Field Trip tomorrow-handouts on front
Small Group Discussion
How does gossip affect our
perceptions of others?
 Is gossip a problem at CA?
 Why do people gossip?
 Discuss for 5 minutes
Today’s Work
Writing Assignment: Let’s watch the party scene in
the newer version of TGG.
Write your reactions to the imagery of the party.
What things do you see? Would you want to
What do the attendees say about Gatsby?
Describe who you believe the real Gatsby is based
on the rumors spread by the party-goers.
What do you think of Gatsby?
Is he a killer?
A German spy?
A shady character?
Monday, October 28th
Objective: To display knowledge of TGG,
chapters 1-4, in a quiz format. Students will be
allowed to use their books for this quiz, but
have the time limit of 25 minutes.
 Why? College students must prove
knowledge of content with lots of detail
and examples. Failure to display this will
result in a low grade.
 Announcements: College Application Week,
& application deadlines are upon you.
1. What might Fitzgerald be symbolizing by having a giant pair of
eyes looking down from above? Explain your answer.
2. Relate communities in Michigan to the settings of East Egg,
West Egg, and the Valley of Ashes. (Detroit, Flint, Royal Oak,
etc.-use imagery examples to answer this question) Use
examples from the book and personal knowledge to prove your
3. Fitzgerald highlights Nick’s honesty by surrounding him with
many dishonest characters. The end of Chapter Three features
Nick’s revelation about himself. “Every one suspects himself of
at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of
the few honest people that I have ever known.”
What is it about other characters that prompts Nick to say this
about himself? (examples of being a peripheral narrator, can be
used in this answer)
4. How many dinners were served at Gatsby’s party? What does
this tell you about Gatsby’s social class? Explain with detail.
Pop Quiz-Choose 3 Questions
Restate, standard English rules apply toward your score,
and use detail! You may use your book. 15 mins max!
Describe Gatsby’s party in 5 complete and
detailed sentences.
Who was sitting in the library? Describe that
How many dinners were served? What does
this tell you about Gatsby’s social class?
What did Gatsby invite Nick to do?
How did the party end?
What did Nick decide that he had to do at the
end of the chapter? Why?
Tuesday, October 23rd
Objective: to discuss the happenings in
chapter four of TGG. Also, students will
learn and practice literary terminology
found in TGG.
 Why? Terms help with deeper
understanding of the book.
 When is the next quiz? Friday or Monday
Focus Question-You choose three,
be prepared to discuss in 5 minutes
What was the name of the “boarder” at Gatsby’s?
Describe him.
Describe Gatsby’s car. What does it tell you about
What does Gatsby ask Nick that makes him
uncomfortable on their way to N.Y.?
What were some things Gatsby told Nick about his
With whom did the two eat lunch? What was his
claim to fame?
What did Jordan tell Nick in the flashback in this
Literary Fiction
 Foreshadowing
 Allegory
 Cynical
 Ironic
 Peripheral Narrator
 Inference
 Imagery
To show or indicate beforehand
 Prefigure
A representation of an abstract or
spiritual meaning through concrete or
material forms
 Figurative treatment of one subject under
the guise of another
 Disparaging the motives
 Showing contempt to accept standards
 Bitterly or sneeringly distrustful
 Pessimistic
 Contemptuous
 Unexpected
 Example: It was ironic that she was seated
next to her ex-husband at the dinner.
Peripheral Narrator
Reserves judgment
 Invisible narrator
 Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings
of all the other characters
 Very similar to third person omniscient
Tuesday, October 29th
Objective: to review chapter 4 and do a
writing assignment for Daisy’s and
Gatsby’s previous relationship
 Café Rhema is today! 6-8 PM
 Keep Reading, we aren’t going to slow
Reading Check
Everyone stand up
 Everyone needs to give one fact from
chapter 4
 You can have a seat when you answer
 No facts can be repeated
 10 points for giving a fact today
Small Discussion
Daisy has a relationship with Tom
 Daisy has a past with Gatsby
 Tom is cheating on Daisy
 Gatsby wants to meet up with Daisy at
Nick’s House
 Compare and contrast the characters of
Tom and Gatsby. In what ways are they
similar? In what ways are they different?
Writing Assignment
Compose a letter detailing what you think
Gatsby would include in his letter to Daisy.
Maintain Gatsby’s voice (which means you
should be pretending that YOU are Gatsby)
and include references from the text (their
past events, your feelings, etc).
 Standard English Rules Apply and format
your focus question like a letter.
 Keep it clean…make sure it is school
 Must be at least half a page
Monday, October 25th
Find your new seat! Names on are the
note card/note stuck to each desk.
 Revisit vocabulary-I know it’s not Vocab
Wednesday, but you will have a separate
assignment that day with vocab.
 Begin chapter 4
 Complete the questions for chapter 4.
Have chapter 4 and the questions
complete by the start of class tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 26th
If you are attending the college day field
trip, pick up the green and yellow
handouts on the center desk
 Inspirational video for the 2nd marking
 Field trip slips are due today, no excuses!
 Reading check of chapter 4
 Discuss the questions for the chapter
 Writing Assignment for chapter 4
Tuesday, October 18th
Focus Question
 Chapter 5 Questions
 Read chapter 5
 Field trip next Thursday!
Thursday, October 25th
Objective: to attend the MCC College
Fair and make a plan for our futures! To
discuss important issues with the trip, and
to have time to read chapter 5.
 Why? College applications are due NEXT
Wednesday, October 30th
Objective: to use our creative abilities and
knowledge of chapters 1-5 in designing
cover art for TGG.
 Why? Examine covers is an important skill
to have when you leave for college.
 When will I be tested? Monday
Think You Can’t Judge a Book By It’s
 Well
then you’d be wrong…
 Learn
to take what you need
from the cover…(but you still
need to read the book)
History of the Picture
The cover of The Great Gatsby is among the
most celebrated pieces of jacket art in
American literature.
Francis Cugat
Preceded the novel’s completion
Fitzgerald “wrote it in”
Examinations of TGG Cover Art
The eyes are reminiscent of those of Dr. T. J.
Eckleburg (faded commercial billboard near
George Wilson's auto-repair shop)
 Two nude woman at a slant
 The description of Daisy Buchanan as the
"girl whose disembodied face floated along
the dark cornices and blinding signs".
Your Job…
Design a new cover for the novel, The
Great Gatsby
 You don’t have to be a artist to design a
cover, use events, symbols and colors to
make a work of art.
Pick a scene that sticks out for you or maybe a
Make sure to explain your design on the
back of your paper.
 Make sure to use the storyline we have
read so far in making the cover.
Thursday, October 31st
Objective: to finish the jacket art
assignment for TGG (15 minutes), discuss
the designs, and to watch part of the
newer version of TGG with review
 Why? To show knowledge of the book
(we are at the midway point).
 When will I be tested? Monday!
Cover Art
You have 15 minutes to finish
 If you need colored pencils use the extras
in the supply bin.
 You will have to share your covers in class
 Place your explanation for the design on
the on the back
 You will be responsible to explain it to
the class if called upon.
◦ Pick a scene that sticks out for you
◦ A scene that demonstrates what you feel is
the most important theme of the novel
While watching the movie: Questions for Chapters 4 -5: Restate and
Use Detail in your answers.
1. Why does Nick say Gatsby’s house looks like
the World’s Fair?
 2. How does Gatsby’s gardeners help prepare
for Daisy’s visit?
 3. Describe Gatsby’s suit for the rendezvous
with Daisy. What does this signify?
 4. Describe at least two rooms in Gatsby’s
home. How do they reflect is wealthy social
 5. What symbolism is being used in chapter 5 as
FORESHADOWING for events to come?
Friday, November 1st
Computer Day
 EDPs, applications, or reading
 Have an SSR book for Advisory
 Read chapter 6 over the weekend
 Quiz on 5-6 on Monday
 College Application Week next week
 Senior pictures and applications are due!
 EDPs need to come to me by next Friday,
signed by you and a parent/caregiver
Monday, November 4th
Objective: to examine and discuss the
major symbolism used in The Great
Gatsby in a new quiz format.
 Why? The major drama of the book is
coming. The symbolism and
foreshadowing from this point on is very
 When is my next quiz after today? Friday
 Focus Question for a warm up, then
cooperative learning exercise
How to use Automic
Download the app
on your device
 Open the app, and
when you are ready
to record, hit the
record key
 Make sure the mic is
close to the speaker
and detecting his/her
When finished, hit
the stop button, then
select the rename
button (upper right
 Enter the name of
the members of your
 Select manage
 Send it to my email:
Let’s Practice
What are the advantages/disadvantages of
Daisy and Gatsby romantically reuniting?
 Answer clearly
 State your name at the beginning
 Captains, make sure your are recording
Quiz: Examining the text for the author’s
use of contextual symbols:
The names of the characters
 Colors (Gatsby’s car, suit, etc)
 The weather (seasons, rain, etc)
 Gatsby’s parties
 The green light in front of Daisy’s house
 Daisy’s crying episodes in the book (tears)
 2 symbols on your own-not counting the
eyes on the billboard.
 Use examples throughout the book to
prove understanding of these symbols
Wednesday, October 31st
Objective: to watch a film adaptation of
TGG and compare it to the book.
 Why? Visual representations will help with
 When should I read? You will have some
time today to begin reading chapter 6. It
must be completed before you come to
class tomorrow.
 When will I be tested? Tomorrow
(chapters 1-6)
 Focus Question to warm up class
Gossip! Gossip! Gossip!
Tiger Wood’s mistress leaked this message
and information and reportedly was paid a
six figure amount of money for the story.
 Listen to the Voicemail message
 Question: Is it wrong to sell gossip to
receive a monetary gain? i.e. magazines, TV
shows, websites, etc.
 Restate
 Standard English Rules Apply
Chapter 6: Restate and USE
Who was at Gatsby’s door at the beginning of
the chapter? Why?
Describe Gatsby’s real life story.
What is his real name?
Who gave Gatsby his start? What did Gatsby do
for him? (jobs)
Describe the way Tom acted at Gatsby’s home.
What does Tom vow to do in this chapter?
Describe the party and Tom’s reaction.
Today’s Assignment
Pick a partner
 As a pair work on the reading quiz for
chapters 4-6 of The Great Gatsby
 If you would like to work alone, that is
 Write your answers directly on the test
 You may use your book
 Time limit: 15 mins
Monday, October 24th
Article of the Week-Due Friday
 Field Trip Forms due Tomorrow!!!
 Inspirational video to start marking
period #2
 Focus Question
 Writing Assignment-Chapter 6
 Discuss Chapter 6
 Homework assignment
Gossip! Gossip! Gossip!
Tiger Wood’s mistress leaked this message
and information and reportedly was paid a
six figure amount of money for the story.
 Listen to the Voicemail message
 Question: Is it wrong to sell gossip to
receive a monetary gain? i.e. magazines, TV
shows, websites, etc.
 Restate
 Standard English Rules Apply
Today’s Assignment
Pretend you are a news reporter for a
local gossip magazine
 Write an article about the mystery of
who Jay Gatsby really is.
 Use your knowledge of the previous
chapters to help you with the facts and
fiction about Gatsby
 One page in length
 Have a reporter name on your article and
a heading at the top.
Thursday, November 1st
Objective: to show knowledge of
important symbols, events, and inference
on characters in TGG.
 Why? There are only three chapters left
in the book. If you don’t have knowledge
on these key areas, you will not do well in
the final project.
 Socratic Circle tomorrow!!!
 When is the final project? It will be
assigned next week (Friday).
 Focus Questions, symbolism assignment,
Focus Question
To what extent does our society today
allow for more options for females? To
what extent might Daisy’s choices be
different today compared to the
Answer Plan
 Restate
 Use details to prove your point in your
 Standard English Rules Apply!
Join back with your symbolism
partners (Tuesday’s partner).
For Jay Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Nick, Myrtle and George,
please answer the following questions with examples:
What is the character’s strengths (2 examples
with proof from the book)?
 What is the character’s weaknesses (2
examples with proof from the book)?
 Name a defining moment from the novel for
the character. What is so important about this
moment for that character?
 What is the character’s motivations (2
examples with proof from the book) ?
 Create a symbol for the character.
It’s Computer Day for Seniors, so you can
find us in the Media Center during 3rd,
Friday, November 2nd
Objective: to examine the real character
of Jay Gatsby and to read chapter 7.
 Chapter 7-Best…Drama…Ever!
 Focus Question and then time to read
 Monday-First Socratic Circle. Main
discussion will be chapter 7. Be prepared!
 Turn in your article of the week after the
focus question.
Focus Question
Taking all the information you have
gathered from various sources about
Gatsby’s personal life, what do you think
Fitzgerald is trying to illustrate to the
readers about those who try to be part of
a social class different from the one in
which they were born?
Answer Plan
1. Restate the question to introduce the answer.
2. Write several sentences giving examples of Gatsby’s personal life
that illustrate his attempt to move into the wealthy social class.
3. Conclude by writing about Fitzgerald’s intention to illustrate to his
reader’s the possibility of moving from one social class to another.
What caused Gatsby’s parties to stop? Why did he fire
all of his servants?
Describe the driving arrangements at the beginning
and end of the trip into town.
What did Wilson tell Tom when he got gas for
Gatsby’s car?
Explain the major conflict with Tom, Daisy and Gatsby
in this chapter.
What happened on the way home from town?
Describe the way Tom and Daisy acted at home.
What was Gatsby doing at the end of this chapter?
Friday, November 2nd
Objective: to have our first Socratic
Circle-Focus on chapter 7.
 Why? Opportunity to hear different
points of view on the actions of the
characters and key events.
 Review over a proper Socratic Circle and
begin our discussion.
 When is my next quiz? Monday
 Article of the week-due at the beginning
of the hour
Focus Question
How is the lack of people attending
college effecting cities across America?
 Use the article to prove your point
 What similarities do you see with Dayton,
Ohio and Flint, Michigan? How can you
help with improving the cities
 At least ¾ of a page
Socratic Circle-Everyone needs
yesterday’s notes out on their desk
Inside Circle: 10 desk, 8 students
 Outside Circle: All other seats
 Inside circle’s job: To discus the book, to
keep the conversation flowing smoothly, to
include each member in the discussion, to
discuss and not debate.
 Outside Circle’s job: to take notes, to not
talk, to give feedback & to hop in when
necessary to share views.
 The most important job=outside circle
 This will help you with your quiz on Monday
Tuesday, November 6th
Quiz on Chapter 7
 Discuss Chapter
 View the chapter-movie clip
 Baker field trip may be cancelled…
Tuesday, November 5th
To show understanding of chapter 7 and to
complete chapter 8.
 Tuesday Class: Discussion or Quiz. The choice is
yours.Viewing of part of the movie. Read chapter
8 tonight.
 Projects introduced this week
 EDPs to me by Monday
Chapter 7
Describe Daisy and Gatsby's new relationship.
Compare George Wilson and Tom. What did
each man learn about his wife and how did they
each react?
Describe the fight between Gatsby and Tom.
What do these men think of each other? How
are they similar and how are they different?
Do you think that Tom knew Daisy was driving
the "death car"? Why or why not?
What was significant about Nick's 30th
Character Mapping of Chapter 7
Fill in each box with the actions by the
characters in Chapter 7.
 Draw arrows to connect the characters
and label the relationship between them
at this point of the novel
 Example done for you: Jay Gatsby
Chapter 8
What did Gatsby tell Nick in the flashback portion
of this chapter?
What does Gatsby’s gardener want to do? What
was Gatsby’s reaction?
Describe the conversation between Nick and
Jordan Baker.
What was happening at Wilson’s garage that day?
Who did Wilson blame for killing Myrtle? How and
What happened at Gatsby’s house that day? Who
do you feel is ultimately responsible?
Tuesday, November 1st
 Writing an obituary
 Writing an epitaph
 Homework: Finish the book
Quiz-Chapters 7 & 8-Choose 3
Restate, use detail, and use standard English
Compare George Wilson and Tom. What did
each man learn about his wife and how did they
each react?
How are seasons used in constructing this
Who is Dan Cody and what is his significance in
Gatsby's life?
How does Nick's statement "You're worth the
whole bunch put together" show a change in
Nick from the beginning of the novel?
How does T. J. Eckleberg affect Mr. Wilson?
Wednesday, November 6th
Objective: to mourn the loss of our
beloved, Jay Gatsby, and others in the
book TGG. To establish an understanding
of chapter 8 on an epitaph, and to write a
obituary for our fallen protagonist.
 Why? We are coming to the conclusion of
our book.
 When will we discuss the project? Friday
or Monday
What is an epitaph?
 1. a commemorative inscription on a
tomb or mortuary monument about the
person buried at that site.
 2. a brief poem or other writing in praise
of a deceased person.
"That's all folks."
-- Mel Blanc
Murdered by a traitor and a coward
whose name is not worthy to
appear here.
Jesse James
A tomb now suffices for him
whom the world was not enough
Alexander the Great
Quoth the Raven,
Edgar Allen Poe
Dorothy Parker
Focus Question
If you made an epitaph for Jay Gatsby,
what would it say and why?
 Use evidence from the book to create
your tombstone, epitaph, and for the
 Ms. Mathews’s Choice:
 A man who loved with all his heart, but
didn’t receive love in return.
How to write an obituary
Name and/or nickname
 Birth Date and Death Date
 Life: The most detailed section.You should
have at least 5 different things for Gatsby
 Family and Friends of importance
 Service: Usually it was held in people’s
houses during this time
 End
Compare and Contrast
Jay Gatsby vs Dorothy Day
Read over the information on Dorothy
Day, a woman who lived to help the poor
 Read over chapter 9, and learn of the
endings of Gatsby
 Fill out the chart using information from
both sources
 Be detailed with your information
 This is a skill that we will be using in the
next book often
Wednesday, December 9th
Focus Question
 Summary assignment of The Great Gatsby
 Project discussed Friday
 If work is done well, movie tomorrow
Monday, November 12th
Objective: to take a mini quiz on TGG and
to work on our projects
 Why? Show knowledge of the ending of
the book
 When is my project due? Friday
The end of The Great GatsbyChoose 2: 10 minutes Restate and
Explain the funeral scene of TGG. Were
you surprised by the funeral scene of the
novel? Why or why not?
 What is Nick’s final opinion of Tom?
Daisy? Jordan? Use examples from the
 What does Gatsby’s father find amongst
his belongings? What does this say about
his character/personality?
Objective: to complete our TGG
projects. Today is the last day to work!
Grab “Night” from the Media Center
 It’s due at the beginning of the hour FRIDAY!
 Individual-20, group-60 & Review-20
 Make sure your technology works beforehand
 Peer Review at the end of class Friday
 People who chose the paper option-due at
the beginning of the hour-use 3 sources.
 Be productive, I am watching you!
 Lack of work, low attendance, and behavior
effects peer review portion of grade.
Focus Question
Explain how and why Nick’s views about
Gatsby have changed so dramatically. Please
comment on both the negative actions of
East Eggers, Gatsby’s funeral and Gatsby’s
own positive characteristics.
 Answer Plan:
1. Restate the question to introduce the answer.
 2. Explain how Nick’s views have changed.
 3. Explain why Nick’s views have changed, giving specific
details from the text.
 4. Conclude by writing about Fitzgerald’s intentions in
having Nick being willing to change his mind
Thursday, November 7th
Objective: To discuss the project for the
end of TGG. Also, to see examples of
previous projects.
 Why? To show knowledge of the book
 When is it due? A week from Monday
Novel Focus
Character Analysis
 Setting (Time and Place)
 Major Themes (lessons learned from the
 Symbolism in the novel
 Significance of the cover and title
 Vocabulary for the unit
Friday, December 11th
Finish the movie
 Introduce your project
 Project due Thursday
 Computer Time Monday-Wednesday
Tuesday, December 15th
“Hired!” or “Fired!” Day
 Work today will effect a possible change
in the due date.
 Remember, everyone needs their own
individual responsibility.
Objective: to continue work on TGG
project. It’s due on Monday!!!
Performance Day: (Live or Previously
Recorded) Monday
 Look at agenda for the week
 Don’t forget your individual task are part of
your grade
 Spirit Cup is Friday! Yes, it starts early
 Football game is Saturday at 1. Be there and
support, seniors!
Final Gatsby Quiz
How does Gatsby represent the
American dream? What does
the novel have to say about the
condition of the American
dream in the 1920s? How does
this novel relate with today’s
American dream?
 Make sure to use examples
from the final chapters for full
Wednesday, November 13
 Read over the article about the
importance of grammar
 Get your writing notebook organized to
be graded
 Work on your projects that are due on
 Cans for extra credit are due tomorrow
due to NHS pick up after school
 Don’t forget Spirit Cup and Game!
In the very last line of Chapter Three,
Nick Carraway claims: "I am one of the
few honest people that I have ever
known." By the end of the book, Jordan
Baker decides that this statement itself a
lie. Is Nick Carraway honest or dishonest?
Monday, November 18th
Objective: To watch our TGG creations!
After completing our movie viewings, we
will do a peer review and vote for awards.
 Make sure to pick up Night in the media
center on Friday, you will need it.
 Turn Gatsby In on Friday! We don’t want
senior fines!
 When will we start reading Night? After
Turkey Day Break
It’s time to vote!
Best Actor
 Best Actress
 Best Supporting Actor
 Best Supporting Actress
 Best Musical Score
 Best Picture (project)
Tuesday, November 19th
Objective: To have our awards ceremony,
complete a peer review, and to hear
critiques of our work.
 Make sure to pick up Night in the media
center on Friday, you will need it.
 Turn Gatsby In on Friday! We don’t want
senior fines!
 When will we start reading Night? After
Turkey Day Break
Peer Review
Who was in your group?
 What was each person’s job?
 On a scale of 0-10, how successful was
each group member with their work for
the project? Explain your rating
 What problems did you encounter in the
 Is there anyone that you would not work
with again from this class? Why?
Monday, November 19th
Objective: 1st & 5th Hour-To have our
award ceremony for the cooperative
learning projects from TGG.
 4th hour-Also, to watch video examples
from other classes and do a comparison
of effort and praise others.
 What unit is next? Night-an autobio
about the holocaust. Pick up your book if
you haven’t by tomorrow.
 When will we start reading? After Turkey
Day break
Examples of projects