Step By Step Writing

Step By Step Writing
Compiled by Karadean Grayson from
Step Up To Writing by Maureen E.
The Five Elements of Expository
• Organization is the key.
• Topic sentences and thesis statements are
the heart.
• Transitions are the glue.
• Examples, evidence, and explanation are
the meat.
• Conclusions tie it all together.
Organization is the KEY.
Pattern: A Train or A Stop Light
Engine = Topic =GREEN
Cars = Reason/detail/fact=yellow
Logs=explain/example/detail = red
Caboose= return/restate
topic/conclusion = green
Topic sentences and thesis
statements are the heart.
• State the subject.
• Tell the reader what
will be proved or
• Start with a topic.
• The topic is the
• The topic is the main
idea of the paragraph
or story.
14 Methods for Writing a Topic
Sentence (or Thesis Statement).
• 1. Occasion/Position
• 2. Power (number) statements
• 3. However statements
• 4. And, But, and Or
• 5. A Few Good Prepositions
• 6. To, Plus a Verb
• 7. The List Statement
8. Get their Attention
9. A Rhetorical Question
10. Side by Side Statements
11. Semicolon Topic Sentence
12. Two Nouns and Two
• 13. Using a Quotation
• 14. Adding the Blues
Practice finding and writing
topic sentences.
• Use a text book and identify the topic
sentence of the first paragraph of a chapter
or section.
• Can you decide what type of topic sentence
it would be? (Refer to the 14 ways to write
a topic sentence.)
1. Occasion/Position Statements
 An Occasion/Position Statement is a complex
sentence and begins with a subordinating
• The Orange/Purple sentence.
• An occasion is the first part of the topic sentence.
• The occasion introduces your reason for writing.
• An occasion can be any event, problem, idea, solution,
or circumstance that gives you a reason to write.
• The occasion is the dependent clause in the complex
• The position is the second part of the topic
• The position states what you plan to prove
or explain in your paragraph.
• The position is the independent clause in
the complex sentence.
Examples of Occasion/Position
• Although my family and I have taken many wonderful
vacations, none was more fun and exciting than our
camping trip to the Grand Canyon.
• After I tried out for competitive soccer, I learned that
there were several things that I had to do for a good
• If you have a guinea pig, you must clean its cage.
• Whenever you have a fire drill, you should follow these
• Even if telephones with picture screens were free, I would
not want one.
Use a magazine or newspaper to
search for O/P statements.
The easiest places to find O/P statements
are in the advertisements and letters to the
List of Subordinating Conjunctions to
create Occasion/Position Statements.
In order that
So that
As long as
Even though
As if
Even if
As soon as
Continue to practice
• Use page 2-41 and 2-43 in Step Up To
2. Power (Number) Statements
• A sentence that
contains a number
• The number word is
the focus of the
sentence; it tells your
reader that a list of
information will
Helpful Number Words
• Two, three, four, several, many, some, a
few, numerous, a couple of, a number of, a
myriad, various, plenty of
Examples of Power Statements
Three cities have serious pollution problems.
In the winter I enjoy watching several high school sports.
The new recruits learned four important procedures.
When my family camps, we always stay at one of our
four favorite campgrounds.
Like most American cities, Los Angeles is faced with
many problems including homelessness, gang violence,
and unemployment.
The parade was wonderful; two exciting things happened.
I enjoy four kinds of music.
There are four steps you should follow for a fire drill.
There are four steps to clean a guinea pig’s cage.
Practice writing Power
• Think of the steps
needed to do
• Write a Power
Statement that would
introduce your
Order in Paragraphs
• Certain words can help make order clear.
• First, next, then, and finally are order
• Use order words with Power Statements to
help the reader follow your ideas easier.
Practice Order
 There are several things to do
when you clean a guinea pig’s
cage. First, take the guinea pig
out of the cage. Put the guinea
pig in a safe place. Next, lift
up the old newspaper and
wood chips. Throw them
away. Spread clean newspaper
on the bottom of the cage.
Then add a new layer of wood
chips. Finally, put the guinea
pig back into its clean cage.
• What is the topic sentence
of the paragraph?
• What is the main idea?
• Every step does not need
to have an order word.
• How many steps are there
in cleaning the cage?
More practice with order. These steps are out
of order. Write them in order, as a paragraph.
 These are the steps for a
fire drill.
 Follow these instructions
for a fire drill.
 Next, form a straight line.
 Leave the room when
your teacher tells you to.
 First, stand up and push
in your chairs.
 Walk quickly and quietly
 How to Peel a Banana
 Pull it down gently.
 First, take hold of the
 Then take hold of the next
strip at the top.
 Keep pulling until the
strip is all the way down.
 Pull it down gently, too.
 Do the same with the
other strips.
Keep Practicing Power
Statements and order words.
 Choose one thing to
explain to a classmate.
o How to peel an orange.
o How to make a telephone
o How to draw a stick
 Tell your instructions to a
classmate. Then work
together to make your
instructions even better.
3. However Statements
• However is one of several conjunctive adverbs that will
help you organize your thoughts into a topic sentence or a
thesis statement. Use however in the middle of the
sentence. You will need a semicolon (;) before the word
however and a comma (,) after the word however. This
creates a compound sentence. Usually, the first part
(independent clause) will be the occasion (reason for
writing); the second part (independent clause) will state
your position (what you plan to prove or explain).
Examples of However
• The new rules for the school cafeteria seemed unfair to the students;
however, the rules have made the cafeteria a better place to eat lunch.
• Some of the citizens in Springfield protested when the city council
voted to close the old theater; however, one man was able to settle the
argument by suggesting a way to rebuild the theater without having
to ask the taxpayers for more money.
• My father is very strict; however, he has good reasons for all of his
• Ants are very small creatures and may seem insignificant; however,
scientists around the world study these insects.
Other Conjunctive Adverbs to
in fact
as a result
4. And, But, Or Statements
• This method of topic
sentences also creates a
compound sentence.
With the coordinating
conjunctions-and, but,or,
nor,so,yet,and for- you
can easily write a topic
 Hint: Use the words
BOY FANS to help you
remember these
• B = but
• O = or
• Y = yet
F = for
A = and
N = nor
S = so
Remember: You need a
comma before the conjunction.
Examples of And, But, Or
• Some people find it difficult to program a VCR, but most
will succeed if they just remember to follow these
• Reptiles are all alike because they have backbones,
breathe with lungs, and have scales, yet reptiles come in a
variety of sizes and shapes.
• My grandmother likes to help others, so she volunteers at
church, at the hospital, and at my school.
• I enjoy most music, but jazz is my favorite.
• School boards should not cut art and music programs, nor
should they sacrifice the industrial arts electives offered
in most high schools.
5. A Few Good Prepositions.
• See list of prepositions on next slide.
• Once you have learned to write Occasion/Position
Statements and However Statements, try this list. Like
the Occasion/ Position list, these words can jog your
thinking and push you into a good topic sentence.
• Not all prepositions will work for your topic. Read your
sentence out loud and make your decision once you hear
the sentence.
• Remember that your topic sentence gives your audience a
quick glance at your reason for writing and tells the
readers what you intend to prove or explain.
As for
•Because of
• but
•Due to
For from
In addition to
In back of
In case of
In front of
In regard to
In spite of
Instead of
•Out of
•Up to
• Past
•Throughout •With the
exception of
Examples of “A Few Good
Prepositions” statements.
• According to Current Events magazine, many high
schools have banned pagers.
• Without my computer my life would be a disaster.
• With the proper training and the best equipment, high
school football players can enjoy the sport and avoid
• In case of a fire, all families should make an escape plan
and practice it.
• Like most teenagers, my cousin Fred disagrees with his
parents on several issues.
• Since the first Olympics, thousands of athletes have
challenged themselves and set world records.
A Note:
• Some of the words on the prepositions list are the same as words on
the Occasion/Position list. Words like since, until, before, and after
are prepositions if there is no verb (action word).
• Preposition– After the game there were several fights in the parking
• Clause – After the game ended, fights broke out in the parking lot.
• Preposition – Since the first of the year I have improved my grades
in math and art.
• Clause – Since the semester started, I have worked hard to improve
my grades in math and art.
6. To, Plus A Verb
Try using an infinitive to start your paper.
• An infinitive is the main verb preceded by the word to.
• Topic sentences with infinitives are clear and direct.
They won’t confuse your reader.
• To win at chess players need to master three skills.
• To impress her guests at our New Year’s dinner, my aunt created the
most incredible culinary surprises.
• To succeed in business a person must establish clear but realistic
• To attract customer, the ice cream parlor hired a clown who did
magic tricks.
• To succeed takes more than just a good idea and a dream.
• To prepare for college, high school students should take several
math, science, and English classes.
• To improve her health, Grandmother made several changes in her
• To keep in contact with friends and family, many teens invest in
• Write a topic sentence
using each of the
previous methods.
• Use a magazine
picture for ideas.
7. The List Statement
List the categories you will address in your
Think of similar endings like ed and ing
when you make your list.
Do not mix words with phrases or clauses
with a series of single words.
Keep the list parallel
A list of words
 All college students need money, courage,
friends, and encouragement.
 Joe’s Café offers the best in service, food, and
 When I set out to buy my new car, I looked for a
vehicle that was reliable, safe, and economical.
A list of phrases
• My grandparents prefer to vacation in Mexico, in
the Northwest, and in the Bahamas.
• Problems with the new school include: poor
ventilation, small classrooms, inadequate
lighting, limited parking.
• The Smiths love their new home but are having
trouble with the garage door and with a new
sprinkling system.
A list of dependent (cannot stand alone)
• When I found my lost puppy, when I won
the trip to Florida, and when I met a group
of teachers from Russia, I realized that life
is great and full of surprises.
A list of independent (can stand alone)
• High school graduates can attend
community college, they can enroll in state
universities, or they can study at private
schools throughout the United States.
• Run for office; join a club; march in the
band. Activities like these will make high
school more rewarding.
8. Get Their Attention
• A declarative statement using a strong
verb- action word.
1. Children will love the new flavored cereals.
2. Aunt Susan’s foolproof holiday recipes saved
me and impressed my family.
3. Clay’s gas station offers the best service.
4. Fourth grade test scores at Lincoln Elementary
5. The restaurant on Main Street serves the best
brunch in town.
6. Teacher’s salaries must be increased.
9. A Rhetorical Question
• This is the kind of question we ask when
we want to get someone’s attention, but we
do not really expect an answer.
• You are going to answer the question in
your writing.
Examples of Rhetorical
1. What is your school doing to improve test
2. Why can’t college graduates find the jobs they
3. How are churches and synagogues meeting the
needs of teenagers?
4. What should parents expect from their child’s
5. How will baby boomers handle retirement?
6. Are you intimidated by the IRS?
10. Side by Side Statements
• Two simple sentences– one for the
occasion and one for the position.
• Especially powerful if your goal is to put
emphasis on your position.
Examples of Side by Sides
1. A little wine may be good. Too much is
2. Young children belong in car seats. The car
seat belongs in the back, not in the front.
3. Throwing a dinner party is a challenge.
Planning ahead can prevent stress.
4. Finances cause stress for many people. Suze
Orman’s book, Nine Steps to Financial
Freedom, offers practical, helpful advice.
11. Semicolon Topic Sentence
Just like a Side by Side Statement; main
ideas are connected by a semicolon (;).
1. The football team deserves the state
championship; the players and the coach are
talented and dedicated.
2. Buying a new car is exciting; it’s also stressful.
3. All of the major airlines have improved
customer service; they have also increased the
number of daily flights.
4. Test scores have fallen for the third straight
year; administrators are scurrying to find
solutions and reverse the trend.
12. Two Nouns and Two
• When we set off a noun or a noun phrase
with commas, we call this an appositive.
• An appositive does not have a verb; it is
simply a noun followed by a description
that tells more about the first noun.
• These sentences help writers put more
important or interesting information in to
one sentence.
• Deckers, a small town nestled in the Colorado Rockies,
is a fishing haven for many serious anglers.
• Snare drums and maracas, percussion instruments, help
keep rhythm in music.
• Two rivers, the Missouri and the Mississippi, are
important to the people in Iowa.
• Ben Franklin, a colonist from Pennsylvania, helped
Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of
• The Broncos’ Quarterback, John Elway, set many
records during his career.
13. Using a Quotation
• Using the words that are on the
Occasion/Position list might help.
• Once you have mastered this, it will be
easy to use However Statements or one of
the other methods suggested for your topic
• Although I usually appreciate the advice I
receive from my grandmother, I wish that she
would follow the advice of Horace: “Whatever
advice you give, be short.”
• If you are tempted to give your best friend
advice, at least be aware of the Arab proverb that
says, “Never give advice in a crowd.”
• When I visited my relatives in Michigan, I
learned very quickly that the old German
proverb, “ Never give advice unless asked,” is
Use these quotations in topic statements.
“It takes time to save time.” Joe Taylor
“Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.” Henry Ford
“There’s only one corner of the universe you can be
certain of improving and that’s your own self.”
Aldous Huxley
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” Frank Lloyd
“What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
14. Adding the Blues
• The Blues are those sentences that give
interesting extra information.
• They are the sentences that precede the
• We say they “decorate the topic.”
• They give the reader the background
information they need to better understand
the paragraph.
The Blues
– In 1955, African-Americans who lived in the
South and rode the bus were required to sit in
a special part of the bus behind the “whites
only” section. When Rosa Parks, an AfricanAmerican woman from Montgomery,
Alabama, broke this rule, she showed courage
and determination. First of all, it took courage
to… Next,…
More Blues
– During the Industrial Revolution some children were
forced to work in order to help their families pay for
food and lodging. Children worked long hours in
factories where they did work that was dangerous.
The conditions in the factories sometimes caused
diseases. Fortunately, from 1830 until the early 1900s
many laws were passed in England and the United
States to protect child workers. One law said…
Another law… A third law…
Practice Writing Topic Sentences. Write an
Occasion/Position Statement or a Power
Statement for each topic.
Family pets
High school sports
Drinking and
• Professional athletes
Your hometown
Roller skating
The movies
Add Some Blues
• Think of some background information
that would help introduce your topic.
• Add a blue statement to each of the topic
Blue Example
• The past few years have been slow
economic times for many states around the
nation. During difficult economic years
school districts often need to reduce costs;
many districts find that eliminating high
school sports could save a lot of money.
High school sports have several important
roles to play in a student’s well rounded
Just The Ticket!
Practice topic sentences every day.
Write a topic sentence about each
content area you study every day this
Completing The Paragraph
• After the engine of a train
we find any number of
cars carrying a variety of
cargo items.
• Complete your paragraph
by adding the cars and
cargo, or sometimes called
the “yellows” and “reds”.
Reason/ Detail/Fact
• The “Yellows” say slow
• Give a reason, detail or
• Use a transition.
• These sentences are the
train cars.
• The main ideas or key
Transitions are the glue.
• In each paragraph the main ideas (key concepts)
are introduced by a transition.
• The transitions are sometimes in the middle of
the sentence.
• Do not use the words is, was,or were right next
to the transition.
• Vary the transitions.
• It is easy to read a paragraph that has clear
• Readers will appreciate papers that you write
using transitions.
Introduce main ideas.
• Example:
– On Saturdays I like to do two things. First, I
like to sleep in because I usually stay up late
on Friday night. I also like to take walks in
the park with my family and our dog, Jake.
Saturdays are great!
Vary & Bury
• Put some transitions in the middle of
• Use a variety of transition words.
A List of Transitions
One way – Another way
First – Another – Next
First – Second – Third
The first – The second
One – Then – Another
One – Also
First of all – In addition –
• One – One other – Along
with – Last
One example – Another example
A good – A better – The best
One - Another – Finally
First of all – Second – Last
First of all – Next – The final
First of all – The next - Another
First – In addition – Equally
Other methods for making a
transition in your writing.
• Repeating words
• Using synonyms
Study and Practice
• Search for transitions in the writing
• Search for transitions in the book you are
reading for independent reading.
Complete with cargo!
• The cargo is what the
train is delivering.
• Complete your
paragraph with some
cargo or sometimes
called the “reds”.
• The real “meat” of
your paragraph.
Examples, Evidence, and
The “Reds” say Stop!
Give an example.
Show evidence.
Explain! Explain! Explain!
• Nothing is more important than the
quantity and quality of explanations you
include in your writing.
• Always ask yourself if you have enough
• Check to see if you have included specific
examples or presented enough evidence.
The Red E’s
Information to back up your reasons, details,
or facts.
Everyday life
Effective illustration
Expert opinions
E’s support your topic sentence.
E’s make your writing interesting and believable.
Practice! Use some writing
• Underline the topic sentence
• Underline the main ideas yellow.
• Underline the
example/explanations red.
• Underline in black any sentences
that don’t belong in the paragraph.
• Go Back!
• Remind the reader of
your topic.
• The caboose on the
train is similar to the
Conclusions tie it all together.
• Instead of just stopping and writing THE
END, consider:
– Restating your position; reminding your
readers of your topic. Don’t just copy the topic.
Use synonyms!
– Summarize your paragraph.
– Encourage them to take action.
– Convince the readers of your position.
– Challenge them to think about the issue.
Tie it Up!
• If it fits, try using one of
these words or phrases in
the final sentence:
In fact
To sum up
In conclusion
• Avoid phrases such as
– As I have said
– As I proved
– As you can see
• Vary the sentence
structure. If your topic
sentence was an O/P
statement, use a simple
statement in the
conclusion. If you started
with a Power Statement,
make your conclusion an
More on Conclusions
• Using a quotation in a conclusion is a plus. Make
sure the quotation supports the position.
• Imitate the professionals, teachers, or fellow
• Listen to and look for good conclusions.
• Check out newspaper and magazine articles to
see how their introductions and conclusions go
Accordion Paragraphs
• Vary paragraph length by
adding a variety of
Yellows and Reds.
• Using p.2-88 in Step Up
To Writing, an explanation
of Accordion Paragraphs,
practice different lengths
of paragraphs.
Have you ever heard, “It’s all in the way it
is presented!”
Mastery comes with “polishing” your
paragraph to a “shine”.
Striving for the BEST!
Finishing Touches!
Neat paper
Check Spelling
Know your audience
Neat handwriting
Evaluate yourself with a rubric
Skip a line when writing on notebook paper.
Revise! Revise! Revise!
Finishing Touches: A few revising
tricks to try!
ABC Your Paragraph:
Write a basic paragraph.
Try making the paragraph better by using
the alphabet.
You may start any place and work up or
down the alphabet.
Start each sentence with the next letter of
the alphabet.
“To Be” or “Not To Be”
• Write a basic
• Circle all of the “To
Be” verbs/verb
• Replace with a strong
action verb.
“To Be” Verbs:
 Is
 Am
 Are
 Was
 Were
 Be
 Being
 been
Examples of “To Be” or “Not To
• Weak—Jamie is helping her mom at the
• Better– Jamie joins her mother at the
restaurant every day after school to greet
and serve customers.
• Weak– Karen is a baker.
• Better-- Karen creates beautiful cakes for
weddings and other special events.
Analyze a Paragraph
First word in
the sentence
Number of
words in the
Further Analysis
• At a glance you quickly realize that this
student has a weak paragraph.
• All of the sentences are about the same
• There are very few strong action verbs
• Three of the sentences start with the same
One Perfect Sentence
• Burrito fold your paper. (fold it in thirds).
• Write one sentence.
• Read it and revise it on the next part of the
• Read it out loud and rewrite it for a perfect
Perfection and Beyond!
• Once you have mastered a perfect
paragraph you are ready to expand to
essays and other multi-paragraph writing.
• An essay is just a paragraph that has been
s t r e t c h e d.