School Standards Assembly


Mrs. Greenberger

Welcome (Back) to

Park Dale Lane

Elementary School!

I am SO glad to see you!

Park Dale Lane

Elementary School

Expectations for Behavior

PDL Expectations for

Student Behavior

 Be courteous and respectful to everyone —adults and students.

PDL Expectations for

Student Behavior

 Respect all personal and school property.

PDL Expectations for

Student Behavior

 Conduct yourself in a safe and orderly manner.

PDL Expectations for

Student Behavior

 Be safe by keeping your hands, feet and objects to yourself.

PDL Expectations for

Student Behavior

 Come to school on time, prepared to learn with completed homework.

Dress for Success!

 Be clean and neat in appearance .

 Follow the guidelines in the handbook for appropriate clothing.

 Remove all hats when indoors.

 Make sure to wear appropriate shoes.

 No Flip-Flops!

Lunchtime Rules

If you ’ re buying lunch, stand in line and wait your turn to be served. Be ready with your number.

Remain seated at lunch tables with your class.

Raise your hand and wait to be dismissed by a Noon Supervisor.

Don ’ t play with or throw your food.

Clean your table and look on the ground before you leave.

Recycle your items and put them into the right container.

Lunchtime Rules- cont.

You must have a pass to return to the classroom or other parts of campus.

Follow Noon Supervisor directions the first time.

Address Noon Supervisors politely:

“ Excuse me, can you open this for me, please?

No running to, from, or in the lunch area. Walk at all times.

Playground Rules

Follow adult directions the first time.

Play in designated areas only.

Play Fair.

No “ Cuts ” to anyone.

Play by PDL Rules. (rock, paper, scissors)

Stay in designated areas: don ’ t wander around campus.

Use kind words. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Walk on white and the black top!

Running is only permitted on the grass.

LEAVE at Home

 Toys, stuffed animals

 CDs, IPods, Game


 Jewelry

 Ballsfootballs, tennis balls

 Cell Phones MUST be turned off during school hours!


 Bullying

 Harassment

 Excluding others

 Hurtful words or actions

 Fighting/Hitting

Suspensions from School

Serious Offenses

 Bringing Weapons and dangerous objects to school

 Harassment

 Sexual Harassment

 Physical violence/threats of violence

 Drugs, alcohol

We Need You!

At School Every Day and On Time

PDL Awards

Monthly awards for:

-Building Character



-Effort is

The choice

ALWAYS yours!


 Our PTA created a rewards system called

Park Dale Lane dollars.

It includes an opportunity for purchasing items at the school store, winning raffle prizes and earning treats. It will open in



Our first character trait is citizenship.

How can you be a good citizen?

-Show concerns for others

-Get involved


-Make a difference

-Help others

Have a great year…

 Respect Others

 Take Care of our School

 Be Polite and Helpful

 Be Prepared to Learn

 Follow Directions the first time

 Work hard and do your

Personal Best

Last but not least..

If you need help, ask your teacher, any school staff or

Mrs. Greenberger.

We all care about you and are here to help.

Make it your best year….the choice is always yours!
