Conformities to the law of growth and development of child`s

Conformities to the law of growth and
development of child's organism.
Hygiene of labor, physical, and
education of children and
adolescents. Hygienic bases
of planning and equipment
of preschool and schools
establishments, method
of their hygienic estimation.
Age periods
• Social periods, based on experience with child
and adolescent contingents, establishes the
following age periods:
• Pre-preschool to 3 years;
• Preschool from 3 to 7 (6) years;
• primary school from 7 (6) to 10 years;
• secondary school from 11 to 14 years;
• Teenager from 15 to 18 years .
Biological periods
• • newborn, 1 to 10 days;
• chest age from 11 days to one year;
• early childhood from 1 to 3 years;
• first childhood from 4 to 7 years;
• second childhood: boys 8 to 12 years, girls
from 8 to 11 years;
• adolescence: boys from 13 to 16 years,
girls from 12 to 15 years;
• Youth age: young men from 17 to 21 years,
girls from 16 to 20 years.
Types of higher nervous activity
Optimal stimulant, balanced, fast (reaction
force adequate stimuli, the bark of the brain
is in a state of optimal efficiency, conditional
reflexes stable, are easily and quickly,
children friendly, optimistic, disciplined).
• Optimal stimulant, tranquil, indolent (slow
and conditioned reflex formed slowly but is
stable, the children have sufficient
linguistic reserve, quiet, persistent,
• Strong, raised-inflammatory, unbalanced
(reduced function of adjusting the brain cortex,
the processes of excitation substantially
predominate over the process of braking
reaction quite often inadequate, there is
heightened emotions, sometimes even
• The weak, reduced-inflammatory
(conditional reflexes are formed slowly,
internal braking weak, strong stimuli cause
rapid fatigue, there is a tendency to
nervous disorders.
Criteria for evaluating health
• presence or absence at the time of the
survey of chronic diseases
level of functional state of the basic body
degree of resistance, adverse effects of
environmental factors;
level achieved by physical and neuropsychological development and the degree
of harmony.
• The first group includes children and
adolescents with no chronic disease, not
sick, or rarely sick, have normal physical and
neuro-psychological development, which
corresponds to their age and articles.
Training, employment and sports activities for
the children to organize without restriction.
The doctor holds only a routine preventive
examination and generall measures.
• The second group include children and adolescents
who have chronic diseases, but have some
functional and morphological deviations that affect
their health and work, and who often suffer longterm. These are children at risk and for them the
doctor creates a set of health measures aimed at
prevention of chronic diseases. This package
includes recommendations to improve hygiene
body resistance through non-specific measures.
This hardening of the body due to natural factors,
rational mode of the day, additional vitaminization.
Tests conducted on an individual basis.
• The third group includes children with chronic
diseases or offset innate pathology with
particular chronic diseases, mild, a little
disturbed when the general condition and
health. This ill children and adolescents in a
state of compensation. They are at the
dispensary observation of doctors in different
profiles and receive appropriate treatment
and prevention need help. The peculiarity of
the learning process for them is the soft
mode of day, a long rest and a good night
sleep, limit physical exertion.
• In 4 of the first group includes children with
chronic or congenital defects in the state
subcompensation in which disturbed general
condition and health. These children should
be special attention, the doctors of various
specialties should children's health according
to current guidelines, and in children's
institutions for these children creates a
special regime.
• In the 5th group enrolled children and
adolescents with serious chronic diseases in
the state of decompensation and significantly
reduced functionality. They are under
constant supervision of doctors.
Mechanisms of rank distribution of diseases in different age
Diseases of the
nervous system and
sense organs
Diseases of
the digestive
Diseases of the
endocrine system
Diseases of skin
and subcutaneous
Diseases of the
nervous system and
sense organs
Diseases of the
nervous system and
sense organs
Diseases of skin and
subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of
the digestive
Diseases of
Diseases of the
blood and organs endocrine
Infectious and
Diseases of the
parasitic diseases
Diseases of the
nervous system and
sense organs
Diseases of the
digestive system
Diseases of the
Diseases of the
Occupational physical
1) Somatoscopic criteria
Condition bone muscle apparatus
Forms chest, back
The degree of sexual maturation
The main types of attitude
The main types of attitude (a - lordosis b - kyphosis;
in - correct d - stooped, D - straightened)
Gradually FORMATION arch axis due to the child seat (1), holding
PRESIDENT (2) and stand (3).
Methods of measuring the depth of the
physiological curves of the spine and the main
types of scoliosis
Methods of measuring the depth of the physiological curves of the spine (1)
and the main types of scoliosis (2)
(1-4 - length of the spine, 2 - cervical curve, 3 - lumbar curve;
and - December rightside b - total nearside c - S-shaped)
Curvature of the spine
Type chest
Type II flat chest. Second cone. III cylindrical
Determination of
the flat foot
Forms of foot extremities
Forms of lower extremities
(a - a normal, b - X-shaped, and in - like O
2) Somatometric criteria
The length of the body and its individual
Diameter and stroke
3) physiometric criteria is blood preassure ,
muscular strength, pulse.
Evaluation of physical development
• 1) method sygmal deviations
2) evaluation of physical development on a
scale regression
3) complex method
Profile of physical activity
Factors that shape health
• Among the favorable factors include:
Rational treatment of daily activities.
Adequate and balanced nutrition.
Compliance with environmental hygienic
Optimal motor mode.
Availability of hygienic habits and a
healthy lifestyle.
• Among the adverse factors include:
the educational process.
Shortcomings in the food.
Violation of hygienic requirements for the
gaming environment, training and
Insufficient or excessive motor activity.
• Unfavorable psychological climate in the
family and the community.
Lack of hygienic habits, the presence of
harmful habits.
Hygiene requirements for the planning, development,
equipment pre-school institutions and schools
• The basic principles of hygienic design of pre-school institutions
- Compliance group isolation;
- Creating a favorable air-thermal;
- Ensure optimal lighting and insolation;
- Ensure the physical activity of children;
- Creation of conditions for sustainable food;
- Of indoor applications.
The basic principles of hygienic
design schools are:
- Providing an enabling environment for the educational process;
- Ensure optimal light regime;
- Creating conditions for physical education;
- Creating conditions for Guidance;
- Ensure the rational organization of food
- Create conditions for recreation for children and adolescents;
- Creation of conditions for organization of cultural and media work.
Children's Institutions
• To child care are:
kindergartens (nursery, kindergarten)
children's education (secondary and
special schools - high school, grammar
school - a different type) and
Extracurricular (palaces, homes of children
and youth, summer camps) institutions.
Radius service child care
• For preschool radius service should be
0,3-0,5 km
for school children - to 0.5 km
for secondary school students - up to 1
for schoolboys - to 1.5 km
in rural areas (subject to the organized
transportation of children specially
selected and suitable transport) - up to 3
Requirements for land
• Land must meet hygiene standards, they
place in an environmentally
• Places at some distance from sources of
air pollution,
Noise and major transport arteries.
• In the land pre-school institutions should
availability of group areas for children of all
general athletic venues,
garden, berries,
the economic zones and walkways.
modern types of schools
• To modern types of schools include:
basic and secondary schools,
school and high school.
• Buildings educational institutions is carried
out in three major systems:
compact (centralized)
block (sectional)
pavilions (decentralized).
Functional Area School
• In areas of the institution should be located
following functional areas:
educational research (educationalproduction)
Housing (if dormitories, sleeping buildings,
recreation area.
• The height of buildings in secondary
schools should not exceed three to four
• Floor height should be not less than 3.6 m.
height of lecture rooms (50 seats or more),
assembly halls, sports and sports facilities
- not less than 4.2 m.
• In school buildings should be included 3
groups of rooms:
basic (training rooms, classrooms,
laboratories, educational workshops, gym)
support (library, recreation room, dining
room, snack bar, conference hall, pantry,
storage facilities, toilets, etc.).
services (for administrative offices,
teachers', medicine cabinet, etc.). room.
Requirements for Classroom
• The best form of classroom - rectangular
(depth 6-6,3 m in length - 8-8,4 m) of
depth to width ratio of 3:4.
The distance from the first row of desks to
the board should be 1.6 - 2 m, ceiling
height - P-3, 5 pm Location ups nearside, consider the angle (angle
between the line of sight and plane
blackboard in the horizontal plane) must
be at least as З0 ° -35 °.
The main dimensions of school
(1 - height of the front end of the table 2 - the height of the rear end of the table, 3 horizontal width of the lid, 4 - the width of the oblique caps, 5 - the height of the seat 6 seat depth, 7 - seat width, 8 - distance back;
9 - seating distance 10 - diferencion)
Distance of seat
• Seating distance (the distance from the
rear end of the table to the front edge of
the seat in the horizontal plane) must be
negative, ie, seat chair has come for an
end table for 3-4 cm (group A), a 5-cm
(group B and B) and 7.8 cm (group
Different kinds of seating
(A - negative; B - zero, V - positive)
• Differentiation (distance between seat and
back) is greater than at 5-6 cm distance
from plane seat to elbow freely lowered
hands schoolboy sitting.
Body position at small (a) and
large (b) the amount
Right and wrong landing
Proper (s) and landing wrong (would-seat lower table, in Mr. seats for the high
Hygienic evaluation of
educational work in school.
• Hygienic evaluation of the NPT regime, the
schedule of classes and lessons.
The research necessary to obtain
information: availability and duration of the
day, the main mode of regime elements
accuracy and physiological and functional
features of the organism and the individual
inclinations of the child.
• Control of educational arrangement
associated with timing of classes in
school, length of lessons, breaks
between them and the changes under
the number of lessons during the year
and week curriculum.
Hygienic evaluation of lesson
• Hygienic evaluation of lessons to study
the conditions for its implementation,
features of presentation of teaching
material, teaching methods and visibility,
degree of fatigue of students during the
educational process of hronometric
observation period of major structural
elements of the lesson (of the
organization, checking homework, most
often the consolidation of new material,
the last part).
Physiological efficiency curve
(I - efficiency period of work; II - the period of sustained highperformance, III - the period of reduction efficiency, and - Area of undercompensation, b - zone final breach, in - core progressive decline of
hygienic assessment of the
lesson of physical culture
• To assess the hygienic characteristics of the
lesson of physical culture and should be
referred for observation hronometric primary
(the formation of motor skills and moving the
game) and the final part), determine the total
motor density and lessons as well as a
physical training of children, creation of
physical and physiological curves load, using
functional tests (canting test, test, MartinKushelevskoho, sample dosed with muscle
strain, a modified test Letunova etc.), control
of air-thermal regime of school environment.
Sanitary-hygienic assessment
lesson employment training
• Sanitary-hygienic assessment lesson
employment training school provides
for hronometric observations,
monitoring the nature, mode and
conditions of training, determine
equipment workshops growth of
students, assessment of functional
status of children and adolescents in
the course of employment.
Sanitary examination process
printing of school textbooks
• Sanitary examination process printing
school textbooks for determination
general information about the manual
characteristics of
laboratory studies
Surgical examination of
children's toys
• Surgical examination of children's toys
leads to the necessity to define the
general information about the toy, its
size, weight, shape and strength,
material from which it is made, smell,
strength of fixation of dyes, the
characteristics of optical properties,
strength, sound, electric power and
tension of bacterial contamination of
the product.
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