Engaging Traditional and Religious Leadership in Accelerating HIV

“Engaging Traditional and Religious Leadership in
Accelerating HIV and GBV Prevention through CultureTransformation Strategies: The SAfAIDS “Rock" Integrated
Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information
Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS)
Regional Office: 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood
Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: +27 12 361 0889
Fax: +27 12 361 0899
Website: http://www.safaids.net
tafadzwa@safaids.net and maserame@safaids.net
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
By the end of this Session, we shall ……
Explore and appreciate an interactive and comprehensive
package on engaging traditional leadership in HIV & GBV
prevention responses
Be equipped with innovative skills and tools to engage
traditional leadership in African communities to harness
their role in promoting integrated HIV & GBV prevention
Become familiar with the SAfAIDS Culture Dialogue
Model of community driven mapping of cultural practices
that promote and reduce vulnerability issues, related to
HIV & GBV and strategic engagement of custodians of
culture in reducing these vulnerabilities
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
• Be inspired to effectively utilise and cascade the package
tools – adapted to out country specific contexts – through
strategic advocacy and mobilisation activities that engage
traditional leaders in reducing HIV & GBV in the
communities they lead
• Network and build a broader network of partners
committed to engaging traditional leadership and tackling
harmful cultural practices towards reducing vulnerability to
HIV and GBV in communities being served
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
This Session Comprises….
• Welcome & Overview of session objectives and structure
• The Process : Build-up to the SAfAIDS “Rock” HIV Prevention Programme
Engaging Traditional Leaders – fresh frontiers being pushed forward as we
revolutionalise “Getting to Zero”!
• Exciting Explorations: The “From Past to Future – Traditional Leaders as
Prevention Champions” Package
• Translating Tools into Creative Application: Activities in Groups
• A Story of An African Queen (DVD show)
• Sharing our Rich Experiences
• Keeping the Fire Burning & The Wheels Turning : Paving the Way
Forward – what next
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
General Justification
• Prevailing high statistics & structural imbalance of power and
inequality factors fuelling GBV and vulnerability to HIV. Majority of
current interventions are timidly addressing ‘root’ => CULTURE
• Risk and vulnerability factors of the twin epidemics often
perpetuated by traditional structures established and practiced
• Traditional leaders highly influential, yet omitted from mainstream
responses, unless for tokenistic purposes. Many have desire to
“move with the times”, but need knowledge and skills
• Getting to Zero (UNAIDS) demands pulling out the plug in all
corners of society. It is time to engage TLs. Evidence of pockets of
similar interventions show success! Undoubtedly this angle to
prevention will contribute to meeting national MDGs 4, 5 & 6
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
The Process…..
Needs identification
The need to actively engage traditional leadership structures and
tackle harmful cultural practices, while bringing protective cultural
practices to the fore, was identified by SAfAIDS following:
– Multiple community-based HIV and GBV interventions and operational
research related through programme documentation
– Research conducted in Namibia and Mozambique around the links between
women’s rights, HIV and gender inequalities
– Concerns raised by service providers and community groups, that traditional
structures continued to be excluded from mainstream HIV & GBV responses,
and this has countered progress in behaviour change
– Evidence gathered during policy dialogues revealed exclusion of traditional
mechanisms from mainstream responses was impeding change
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Design of Pilot Intervention
• SAfAIDS (2005) then begun a culture, HIV and women’s rights
programme in a small Zimbabwean Community (Seke) in
partnership with a local CBO, and piloted it through
– Development of Training manual on HIV, gender, women’s rights and
culture and conducting cascade training
– Culture dialogue series
– Campaigns
– Other participatory activities
• This proved effective, open dialogue took place by women/men,
practices were changed and behaviour change evidence, and a
best practice was documented in the area
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Scaled-up Programme
• SAfAIDS rolled out a fully fledge Changing the River’s Flow
(CTRF) programme in 6 southern African countries (Mozambique,
Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe). As a result
10 best practices were documented, evidencing working models of
cultural transformative change in the SAfAIDS Turning the Tide
Book and DVD
• A spin off of the CTRF programme is this “Rock” programme that
offers specific attention to working directly and intricately with
Traditional Leaders as “prevention champions” !
• Programme now being implemented in Lesotho and Malawi since
2011 with the support from UN Women
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Models of Intervention Applied
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
SAfAIDS “Culture Dialogue Series Model”
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
SAfAIDS Cascade Model for Capacity Strengthening
National Trainers
District Trainers
Door to door with families
Church meetings
Community meetings
Schools etc
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
The Rock Programme:
– Package developed and piloted during a Regional
Indaba on HIV for Traditional Leaders (TLs) in 2011.
Confirmed that when TLs are engaged - by civil society
and other partners responding to HIV & GBV - they are
more likely to take the lead and mobilise their
communities towards intended behaviour change
– Evidence gathered during programming that when TLs
engaged – culture is transformed – risks and
vulnerabilities reduced e.g. replace offering of a girl
child bride with a cow; promote condoms; go for testing
and share +ve HIV status to reduce stigma and
increase open dialogue around HIV; balance traditional
court systems to protect women from violence etc
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Hosi Nwamitwa II of the Baloyi
– 1st constitutionally appointed Queen
in South Africa
– MP: influences national policy
– Promotes women and girls rights
through job-and-life-skills trainings
– Facilitates HIV testing service availability and access
by subjects
– Intervenes in domestic violence cases
– Facilitates initiation of PLHIV subjects on ART
– Mobilises local resources (convinces local business
persons to contribute building schools, centres etc)
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Chief Mdluli of Swaziland got circumcised,
openly states he wears a condom during
sex, and went for HIV counselling. He
motivates men/boys to go for MMC
Chief Rangwani of Zimbabwe,
tested HIV positive, overcame
self-stigma & disclosed. Negotiated
with hospital accept PLHIV clients
who cant pay, and offered his time to
the hospital OI unit
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini
"A number of amakhosi have died after taking the oath to
lead their clans, hardly having spent 5 years in office“.
He announced that the Ingonyama Trust Board had taken
the issue upon itself to assist amakhosi cope with HIV.
"The board has introduced an HIV programme aimed at
assisting infected amakhosi. And those who are HIV
positive must come forward for help"
He revived male circumcision in 2010
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service
Thank you…..
HIV/AIDS INFORMATION : the power to make a difference
SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw
Southern Africa
HIV/AIDS Information
Dissemination Service