Consolidated Federal Programs Application (CFPA) FY 2011 LEA Title I Plan Training Session (Section 1112) April 20, 2011 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF INNOVATIVE SUPPORT ABC’S OF LEA TITLE I PLANS ESEA: Federal Statute Section 1112 LEA: Local Educational Agency (district) SEA: MAARS: Mississippi Assessment and Accountability Reporting System Schools: Schoolwide Plans Targeted Assistance Plans Mississippi Department of Education © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 2 ESEA: SECTION 1112 (A) The local educational agency (LEA) may receive a subgrant only if such agency has on file with the State educational agency (SEA) a plan, approved by the SEA, that is coordinated with other programs under the ESEA. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 3 WHAT IS A TITLE I PLAN? The district describes how it will ensure lowachieving children meet challenging academic standards through a coordinated effort of Title I, Part A and other programs funded under the ESEA . © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 4 COORDINATION OF SERVICES Title programs Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Preschool Programs Homeless Assistance Act Other Acts as appropriate © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 5 COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT Describe the process used to collect and analyze data across the five schoolwide planning dimensions: Student Achievement School Context and Organization Professional Development Curriculum and Instruction Family and Community Involvement Note: The LEA needs assessment should, at a minimum, include a review of data across the five dimensions listed above. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 6 COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT Strengths and Areas in Need of Improvement Use data based on five dimensions List all strengths and weaknesses of the program Compile district and school assessment into formal summaries Summarize key findings of the comprehensive needs assessment © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 7 ALIGNMENT The Title I Plan must align with the following (if applicable): Schoolwide Plan Targeted Assistance Plan District and School Improvement Plans as required by ESEA Homeless Education Plan English Language Learners (ELL) Plan © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 8 DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN Must include consultation with: Teachers Principals Administrators Parents of the children to be served Other appropriate school personnel (including those involved with other programs defined under the ESEA ) © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 9 DESCRIPTIONS: WHAT IS NEEDED? The descriptions must be specific and written so that the users of the plan: (current and future) District and School Personnel; Parents; External service providers; and MDE and federal auditors are able to understand, implement, and monitor the district’s plan. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 10 DESCRIPTIONS: (CONTINUED) Use the Title I District Plan “Instructional Prompt” for each section (A-O) to assist with the development of the district’s responses. Use “not applicable” sparingly. If a school board policy exists that addresses the section of the law in question, provide a brief summary. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 11 COMPONENTS OF THE PLAN Section I: Instructions, Assurances, and Official Signature Section II: Program Description Section III: Parental Involvement © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 12 Instructions, Assurances, and Official Signature SECTION I © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 13 SECTION I: INSTRUCTIONS, ASSURANCES & OFFICIAL SIGNATURE Review and comply with all instructions and deadlines. Enter the district name in the blank on page five (5) of the general assurance. Enter the date the School Board approved the Title I District Plan. (page 5) Complete the signature section by entering the signature, date and email address of the Superintendent, Board President, and Title I Director/Coordinator. (page 13) © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 14 SECTION I: INSTRUCTIONS, BOARD APPROVAL CERTIFICATION & ASSURANCES (CONTINUED) 1. The district will address each of the listed assurances. [see Section 1112 (c)] 2. The information in the Title I District Plan is true and correct. 3. The Title I District Plan has been approved by the local school board. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 15 ESEA GOAL, INDICATORS, AND STATE PERFORMANCE TARGETS ESEA goals have been provided for planning and development of all programmatic goals. Indicator(s) should be used to drive the process of addressing each identified need as established by the districts comprehensive needs assessment. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 16 Program Description SECTION II © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 17 SECTION II.A.1 STUDENT ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS A. Describe student academic assessments, if any, that are in addition to State required academic assessment used: 1. To determine the success of children in meeting standards and to provide information on the progress toward meeting standards. [See Section 1111 (b)(1)(D)(ii)] Instructional Prompt: If assessments are listed, does the information for each assessment include the name of the assessment, acronym, and describe how the data are used? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 18 SECTION II.A.2 STUDENT ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS A. Describe student academic assessments, if any, that are in addition to State required academic assessments used: 2. To assist in diagnosis, teaching, and learning in the classroom in ways that best enable low-achieving children to meet standards and do well in the local curriculum. Instructional Prompt: If assessments are listed, does the information for each assessment include the name of the assessment, acronym, and a description of how the data is used? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 19 SECTION II.A.3 STUDENT ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS A. Describe student academic assessments, if any, that are in addition to state required academic assessments used: 3. To determine what revisions are needed to projects so that such children meet state standards. Instructional Prompt: If assessments are listed, does the information for each assessment include the name of the assessment, acronym, and a description of how the data is used? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 20 SECTION II.A.4 STUDENT ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS A. Describe student academic assessments, if any, that are in addition to state required academic assessment s used: 4. To identify effectively students who may be at risk of reading failure or who are having difficulty reading, through the use of instructional reading assessments. (See Section 1208) Instructional Prompt: If assessments are listed, does the information for each assessment include the name of the assessment, acronym, and a description of how the data is used? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 21 SECTION II.B EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE B. Describe how additional educational assistance will be provided to individual students assessed as needing help in meeting State Standards. Instructional Prompt: Are the types of educational assistance provided clearly defined, including academic area, district/school personnel involvement, location and time of services (i.e., tutoring during the academic day and/or after-school, summer school activities, length of service)? Does the description clearly define the process used to identify individual students in need of educational assistance? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 22 SECTION II.B EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE Minimum Response: The Keyes County School District will provide additional assistance to students identified as needing extra assistance in meeting State Standards. In-school and after-school tutoring/extended day programs will be provided to students assessed as needing help in meeting State Standards. Tutoring will be done by Highly Qualified staff. Students will be provided one-onone, small group, and computer assisted tutorial using various software programs. Enhanced home-school communications will be implemented and documented to include parent conferences and frequently written progress reports. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 23 SECTION II.B EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE Unacceptable Response: The Keyes County School District will provide additional assistance to students identified as needing extra assistance in meeting State Standards. KCSD will raise the student awareness of the importance in meeting high State Standards. Tutoring will be provided by Highly Qualified staff members to only students who have previously failed the subject area tests. Computer software will be purchased for each lead teacher within the district. The software will enhance home-school communications and document parental involvement. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 24 SECTION II.C PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT C. Describe how the district will coordinate programs under Title I and Title II to provide professional development for teachers and principals, and if appropriate, pupil services personnel, administrators, parents and other staff, including district level staff. [See Sections 1118 & 1119(h)] Instructional Prompt: Is the professional development for teachers, principals, and others determined through a coordinated process that aligns with the requirements of Title I and Title II? How are teachers involved in the process of determining the professional development opportunities? Is the professional development monitored and evaluated to determine if the training improves instructional practices and student learning? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 25 SECTION II.C PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Minimum Response: The Keyes County School District will hire a professional development coordinator for the purpose developing, assessing, and tracking all district level trainings. The KCSD conducted a needs assessment with all teachers, principals and other non-instructional school personnel utilizing “Survey Monkey.” Results were prioritized to develop a districtwide professional development plan. Title I, Part A and Title II, Part D funds will be used to address identified. List needs being addressed. Evaluations will be conducted at the completion of all training sessions and results will be used to improve selection and development of professional development sessions. Follow-up session will be conducted within core teacher groups to ensure implementation of professional development activities. Fast Forward will be used as a progress monitoring tool to measure increases in student achievement. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 26 SECTION II.C PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Unacceptable Response: The Keyes County School District conducted a needs assessment with all building principals. Results were prioritized to develop a school level professional development calendar. Title I, Part A and Title II, Part D funds will be used to address identified needs involving technology. List needs being addressed. Evaluations will be conducted at the completion of all training sessions and results will be used to improve selection and development of professional development sessions. Results of teacher made tests will be used to measure increases in student achievement on district level test. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 27 SECTION II.D.1 COORDINATION & INTEGRATION OF SERVICES D. Describe how the district will coordinate and integrate services provided with other educational services such as: 1. Even Start, Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, and other preschool programs, including plans for the transition of participants in such programs to local elementary programs. Instructional Prompt: How does the district coordinate and integrate its services so that participants in the local preschool programs are transitioned into the local elementary school program? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 28 SECTION II.D.2 COORDINATION & INTEGRATION OF SERVICES D. Describe how the district will coordinate and integrate services provided with other educational services such as: 2. Services for children with limited English proficiency, children with disabilities, migratory children, neglected or delinquent youth, Indian children, homeless children, and immigrant children in order to increase program effectiveness, eliminate duplication, and reduce fragmentation of the instructional program. Instructional Prompt: Does the description provide a clear explanation of how the listed educational programs are coordinated and integrated to meet the needs of individual students? How does the district ensure that its education programs are not duplicating services for students and/or fragmenting an individual student’s instructional program? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 29 SECTION II.E POVERTY CRITERIA Describe the poverty criteria that will be used to select school attendance areas. If an eligible school has a 75% of its children from low-income families and the school is by-passed, the LEA must comply with section 1113 (b)(1)(D) Instructional Prompt: Does the plan identify the poverty criteria used by the district [i.e., a) most recent census data, b) the number of children eligible for free and reduced priced lunches, c) the number of children in families receiving assistance under the State program funded under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act or d) the number of children eligible to receive medical assistance under the Medicaid program, or a composite of such indicators] © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 30 SECTION II.F (TITLE I) PROGRAMS AND SERVICES F. Describe the (Title I) school-wide and/or targeted assistance programs to be conducted in the district’s schools AND services (outside such schools) for neglected or delinquent children living in local institutions or those participating in community day school programs to be conducted by the District’s Title I schools, where appropriate. (See Sections 1114 & 1115) Instructional Prompt: Does the description of the schoolwide and /or targeted assistance programs provide detailed information on the services provided through Title I funding for eligible children (i.e., name of schools providing Title I schoolwide or targeted assistance program(s), type of services and grade served, content (reading and/or mathematics), time and length of services (classroom, pull out, before/after school, summer school, extended year)? Does the district provide Title I services to children living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children and for neglected and delinquent children in community day school program? If yes, does the plan include a detailed description of these services? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 31 SECTION II. G SERVICE FOR MIGRATORY CHILDREN G. Describe how the district will ensure that migratory children and formerly migratory children who are eligible to receive services are selected to receive such services on the same basis as other children who are selected to receive services under Title I. Instructional Prompt: Does the plan include a description of the district’s process or policies(s) that ensure migratory children and formerly migratory children who are eligible to receive Title I services are selected to receive the services on the same basis as other children? (Note: A summary of the district policy providing this assurance may be incorporated in the response.) © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 32 SECTION II.H PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS H. Describe how the district will use funds under Title I to support preschool programs such as Early Reading First, Head Start, Even Start. Instructional Prompt: If applicable, does the district clearly describe how Title I funds are used to support its preschool program(s), including a summary of the services and resources provided to the program(s)? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 33 SECTION II.H PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Minimum Response: Keyes County School District will continue to operate its district-level high-quality Title I preschool program for 4-year old students. The purpose of this preschool program is to prepare children to enter school with the language, cognitive, and early reading skills that will help them meet challenging State academic standards in elementary school and beyond. The salary of the highly qualified preschool teacher will continue to be paid through Title I funds. Additional teaching materials appropriate for preschool student activities will be purchased in accordance with the guidance of the Planning Committee for the Schoolwide Program for J. H. Jones Elementary School where the program will continue to operate. The districts Curriculum Coordinator will continue to work with Head Start teachers, community based preschool programs, and elementary teachers to ensure a smooth transition of all preschool students as they enter elementary school. The districts Professional Development Coordinator will include all preschool teachers in appropriate professional development training for district and elementary personnel. In addition, parents of preschool age children will be included in the KCSD Parental Involvement meetings and activities. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 34 SECTION II.H PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Unacceptable Response: Keyes County School District will invite 4-year old students from the Head Start Center to one visit per year. The salary of the highly qualified teacher will be paid through Title I funds. Additional teaching materials appropriate for preschool student activities will be purchased. The districts Curriculum Coordinator will coordinate the annual visit for all 4-year olds students from Head Start. In addition, parents of preschool age children will be sent a letter indicating all necessary supplies for each incoming kindergartner. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 35 SECTION II.I SCHOOLS NOT MAKING AYP I. Describe actions the LEA will take to assist its low-achieving schools identified under Section 1116 as in need of improvement. (Section 1112(b)(1)(L)) Instructional Prompt: Does the district clearly describe the actions it will take to implement the improvement planning processes described in Section 1116 should one or more of its schools not make AYP? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 36 SECTION II.J SCHOOL CHOICE & SES J. Describe how the district plans to implement, if necessary, public school choice, and supplemental services (SES). (See Section 1116) Instructional Prompt: Does the district clearly define the actions it would take to implement school choice and supplemental education services (SES)? Note: Information on implementing school choice is available at and information on implementing supplemental education services is available at © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 37 SECTION II.K HIGHLY QUALIFIED EDUCATORS K. Describe the steps the district has taken or will take to ensure that all teachers and paraprofessionals in the district are highly qualified. (See Section 1119) Instructional Prompt: Does the district provide a description of the steps and/or processes that are used by the district to ensure all teachers and paraprofessionals meet federal highly qualified requirements at the time of hiring and during their service with the district? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 38 SECTION II.L SERVICES TO HOMELESS CHILDREN L. Describe the services the district provides to homeless children. [See Section 1113(c)(3)(A)] Instructional Prompt: Does the district describe the services it provides to homeless children (i.e., expedited evaluations, instructional support, counseling, school supplies, referral to other programs and services , etc.)? Note: Information on providing services to homeless children can be found at © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 39 SECTION II.L SERVICES TO HOMELESS CHILDREN Minimum Response: It is the policy of Keyes County School District to ensure and verify that each homeless child/youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate, quality education as other students in the district. The designated homeless liaison of the district identifies homeless students by administering district needs assessments, which are completed by all families/students during orientation. District staff, community stakeholders and others also make referrals to the homeless liaison for children/youth that may need services. Homeless students will be provided counseling, tutoring, supplemental instructional services and other educational services that may help them to reach the same challenging State content and student performance standards. Additionally, students may be provided school supplies and other items in extraordinary or emergency situations which prohibit them from attending school and/or receiving a quality education. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 40 SECTION II.L SERVICES TO HOMELESS CHILDREN Unacceptable Response: We have no homeless children. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 41 SECTION II.M EXTENDED SCHOOL DAY/YEAR M. Describe how the district uses funds under Title I to support after school before school, and summer school programs. Instructional Prompt: If applicable, does the district provide the specifics of the program services (i.e., description of the program services, including content, time and length of program, identification of students to be served, and instructional staff)? © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 42 SECTION II.N IDENTIFIED NEEDS N. Describe the identified needs, including the baseline data, which will be addressed through Title I, Part A, funds. General Response: The 2007/2008 MCT2 Reading/Language Arts test scores for the Keyes County School District (KCSD) indicated that 33.5% of students in fourth (4th) grade scored proficient or better. Based on the data, HSD has identified a need for intensive support and effective interventions with fourth (4th) grade students. During the 2009/2010 school year, the KCSD has set a goal to meet or exceed the state standard of 50% proficiency or above. The increase of Title I, Part A, ARRA funds will be used to support this 17% increase. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 43 SECTION II.O STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS GOALS O. Describe the strategies and/or actions for meeting each performance goal and indicator that the LEA will be using with Title I, Part A funds. General Response: Intensive support and effective interventions will be implemented in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade Reading/Language Arts. Tutorial programs will be offered during and after school for students that have been identified as in need of assistance according to the most recent Reading/Language Art scores as identified by the MCT2, DIBELS, and teacher referrals. The KCSD will also implement intensive professional development with prescribed follow-up to ensure effective execution of training. Students with the greatest academic needs will be given priority. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 44 Parental Involvement SECTION III © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 45 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 1. An LEA must reserve funds for parental involvement activities for parents of private school children who participate in Title I, Part A activities from the amount the LEA has reserved for parental involvement. These funds must be reserved by the LEA before any funds are allocation to its respective school attendance areas and schools. The amount of funds reserved for these activities must be proportionate to the number of private school children from low-income families residing in participating public school attendance areas. Please describe the process used to determine the set aside amount for private schools, if applicable. (Sections 200.65 and 200.77 of the Title I Regulations) Instructional Prompt : If serving private schools, each LEA will describe the process they used to determine the set aside amount for private schools served. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 46 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT EXAMPLE #1 Acceptable Response: Keyes County School District reserves one and a half percent of its Title I allocation for parental involvement activities. The number of public and private school children from low-income families residing in participating Title I attendance areas is 25,000 (see equitable services sheet). Five percent of the 25,000 children attend private schools; thus, five percent of the District’s reservation is available for parental involvement activities for parents of private school participants. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 47 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 2. Section 1118(a)(3)(A) requires an LEA to reserve not less than one percent of its Title I, Part A allocation to carry out parental involvement programs, activities, and procedures, except this requirement does not apply if one percent of such allocation is $5,000 or less. Section 1118(a)(3)(B) requires LEAs to involve parents in the decisions regarding how funds reserved under Section 1118(a)(3)(A) are allotted for parental involvement activities. Describe how the school has involved parents in the decisions regarding how funds reserved under Section 1118(a)(3)(A) are allotted for parental involvement activities. Instructional Prompt: Each LEA will give a brief description of how each school has involved parents in the decisions regarding how funds reserved under Section 1118(a)(3)(A) are allotted for parental involvement activities. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 48 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT EXAMPLE #2 Acceptable Response: Keyes County School District is required to set aside at least 1% of its Title I funds for the purposes of parental involvement. Those funds will be divided among the Title I schools. An advisory committee at each school consisting of “xx” parents, “xx” community members, “xx” teachers, staff, and “xx” principals or administrators will provide input regarding how the Title I, Part A, reservation for parental involvement activities are used. The advisory committee will solicit suggestions from parents of Title I children, through surveys, meetings, telephone contact, PTA/PTO, school councils, committees and other parent organizations. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 49 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 3. Please describe the strategies and programs the LEA and schools use to implement effective parental involvement in programs assisted under Title I, Part A, as required in Section 1118. Attach copies of LEA’s Parental Involvement Policy Instructional Prompt: Each LEA will give a brief written description of the strategies and programs used by the LEA and school(s) to implement effective parental involvement in programs assisted under Title I, Part A. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 50 TITLE I, PART A PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT EXAMPLE #3 Acceptable Response: Keyes County School District and/or School values the partnership of the parents in their children’s education. There are many ways parents can make significant contributions to student success both at home and by volunteering at the school. Activities at School District and/or school (enter school name or district name) implemented for effective parental involvement are; assisting families with parenting skills, understanding child and adolescent development, and assisting parents in setting home conditions that support children as students at each age and grade level. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 51 DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES: ENSURE ACCURACY AND CURRENCY The approved Title I District Plan remains in effect for the duration of the district’s participation in Title I programs. The district is required to periodically review the plan, and as necessary, revise its plan and use the Federal Programs Amendment process for approval of changes. © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 52 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 53 WEBSITE RESOURCES No Child Left Behind Act Schoolwide Programs Targeted Assistance Programs District and School Improvement Planning Resources © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 54 CONTACT INFORMATION Marcus E. Cheeks, Title I Director Pamela Payton Curry, Regional Service Officer 359 North West St., Suite 111 Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 359-3499 or your district contact © Mississippi Department of Education April 2011 55