ISTE 2012 Poster Session

Integrating Digital
Citizenship in a Web 2.0
World – Poster Session
Dr. Mike Ribble
Author of Digital Citizenship in
Schools and Raising a Digital
Lester B. Pearson School Board -
Digital Citizenship Program
Tanya Avrith - Itinerant Ed tech and Digital Citizenship Program Teacher, Lester B.
Pearson School Board. Michael Chechile - Director of Educational Services.
Jill Galloway - Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Irving Independent School
District, Irving, TX
Kelly Dumont – Interview
Elementary EdTech Team Lead,
Canyons School District, Sandy, UT.
ASTE Video–It’s About(
Dr. Jason Ohler
“what it means to be a citizen in the
Digital Age”
Cable in the Classroom
Digital Citizenship is a holistic and positive approach to helping children learn how to be
safe and secure, as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world. That means
helping them understand their rights and responsibilities, recognize the benefits and
risks, and realize the personal and ethical implications of their actions.
Stephen Balkam – Family Online Safety Institute
My Definition:
The norms of
behavior with
regard to
technology use.
Three Broad Areas
Respect Yourself and Others
Educate Yourself and Others
Protect Yourself and Others
Respect Yourself and Others
Digital Access: full electronic participation in
Digital Law: the legal rights and restrictions
governing technology use.
Protect Yourself and Others
Digital Rights and Responsibilities: the
privileges and freedoms extended to all digital
technology users, and the behavioral
expectations that come with them
Digital Security (self-protection): the
precautions that all technology users must
take to guarantee their personal safety and
the security of their network.
Digital Health and Welfare: the elements of
physical and psychological well-being related
to digital technology use.
Educate Yourself and Others
Digital Communication: electronic exchange
of information.
Digital Literacy: the capability to use
digital technology and knowing when and
how to use it.
Digital Commerce: the buying and
selling of goods online.
YouTube Video on the 9 Elements
Foothills School Division - Canada
Users of district based network services will have the knowledge, skills and abilities that
allow users to:
• Consider others when using digital technologies.
• Be able to responsibly participate in a digital society provided to them when they
access district network resources.
• Abide by the laws, rules, and district policies that govern the use of digital
• Protect the rights of others and be able to defend their own digital rights.
• Be custodians of their own information while creating precautions to protect others’
data as well.
• Consider the risks (both physical and psychological) when using digital technologies.
• Digitally communicate safely and appropriately through multiple methods.
• Use digital technology collaboratively and demonstrate critical thinking in its use.
• Provide the self-protection required to buy and sell in a digital world.
Microsoft Next Project 2012
My Big Campus Digital Citizenship Pledge
• I will not share personal information online about myself or others such as home
address, telephone number or age.
• I will not use bad language including acronyms or abbreviations.
• I will not have conversations or create posts that would be inappropriate in the
• I will not threaten, insult, gossip, tease or be mean to others.
• I will respect the feelings and ideas of others.
• I will not add pictures or videos that would not be appropriate to share in the
• I will flag any inappropriate content I find.
• I will not share my login information with anyone or allow anyone else to use my
account because I will be held responsible for anything that they do.
• I will not spam others.
• I will try to use correct grammar and spelling.
• I understand that using ALL CAPITALS is considered yelling and may offend others.
• I will check with my teacher whenever I have questions about any of the rules.
Students’ Pledge – Raising a Digital
1. I will remember that not all people have access to or utilize technology in the same way. I will not
treat others differently if they do not have the same options.
2. I will tell my parents or other responsible adult right away if I come across any information that
makes me feel uncomfortable. I understand that to have technology rights that I have to be
responsible in my actions as well.
3. I will tell my parents if I experience any pain or discomfort when using technology. I will
remember that I need to balance technology use with other activities.
4. I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is
not my fault if I get a message that is not appropriate. If I do I will tell my parents or responsible
adult right away so that they can contact the proper groups.
5. I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for making purchases online. We will decide
upon if and when online purchases can be made and secure sites for me to use.
6. I will treat others the way that I wish to be treated when using technology. I will keep in mind that
my technology use affects others.
7. I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that
could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family’s privacy. I will also keep programs
such as anti-virus, spyware and adware up-to-date to protect our information.
8. I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.
9. I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things
about the Internet, computers and other technology.
Safer Internet Day 2008 - PSA
New Research – One Year in the Making
Results from Pew Report
-More teens report positive interactions on social networking sites – 78% good vs 41%
-Those with negative do report specific issues that result: 25% Had a face-to-face argument
or confrontation as a result, 22% ended a friendship, 13% were nervous about going to
school the next day.
-90% witnessed online cruelty have ignored the behavior, while 80% defended the victim.
-86% online and cell phone using teens have received general advice from parents, 70%
received advice about Internet safety from teachers or adult at school, 45% received advice
from friends or classmates. Another 18% said that “no-one” has influenced them.
From Anne Collier’s Notes from the Sixth Annual IGF Meeting was held in
Nairobi, Kenya on 27-30 September 2011 at the United Nations Office at
Nairobi (UNON).
“Asked how they’d rank ‘digital citizenship’ on a scale of 1 to 10 – with
10 representing ‘very relevant and meaningful’ – a youth panel from
Egypt, the US, and UK ranging in age from 15 to 22 gave it a 1, two
3’s, a 5, a 6, and an 8.”
“The British teen who gave it a 1 said it ‘sounds distant and abstract,’
and people shouldn’t distinguish between citizenship and digital
citizenship anyway. Another UK teen said, ‘Maybe ‘participant’ is a
better word than ‘citizen’.’ An American university graduate newly living
in Nairobi gave it a 6 saying she hopes it’ll catch on but ‘it’s not
relevant to our generation yet.’
To me, digital citizenship means….
-Being a good, thoughtful person online.
-To me I think it means to use your technology responsibly.
-I think digital citizenship is how you use your computer overall. If you mostly go on Skype or Facebook to
chat, or if you go on youtube to watch videos, or even if you download stuff illegally. Digital citizenship is how
you spend your day with the computer, do you do the right things or the wrong things?
-I think digital citizenship basically means being good and responsible online, which includes tons of different
things. They can be from not revealing personal information, to being nice to people instead of cyber bullying.
It means being a part of a community where you get to know people that live in a different place/country than
the one you live in.
-To be a good citizen online and offline and to balance your time on an electronic device with your time you
spend with family and friends.
-To me, digital citizenship means to behave properly on the internet. Digital citizenship is basically general
citizenship, although the only difference is that it’s online. It’s saying something over the internet that you
would say face to face. Digital citizenship is being responsible for your actions online.
-Being responsible, caring, sympathetic, and open minded for you actions online and what you write and
considerate of other peoples feelings. As well as the amount of time you spend online.
-Taking care of each other
-Your reputation online and how you act online.
-Being in a community and respecting each other on internet.
-To be responsible and respectful online to other people, what they have created and what belongs to them. -Also to be aware of the consequences and dangers on the internet.
to me, digital citizenship means to be a responsible and balanced user on online.
…being an online member of the internet community and using the powers of the web responsibly.
From Yokohama International School, Japan (Digital Citizenship Week Activities-May 2012)
Parents’ Pledge – From Raising a
Digital Child
1. I will get to know the services and Web sites my child uses. If I don’t know how to use them, I will
take the time to learn how.
2. I will teach my children to understand that other people do not have the same access to
technology. I will demonstrate to my child that all technology users should be treated the same.
3. I will work with my child to understand the issues around online purchases. I will show my child
which sites are safe and secure for buying goods online. I will also help to explain how to search
and find the best deals online.
4. I promise to teach my child when and how to use digital communication methods. I understand
that technology may not always be the best way to interact with others.
5. I will help everyone in our family to understand that our technology usage affects others. I will help
my child to understand they need to act the way they want to be treated.
6. I will try to get to know my child’s “online friends” just as I try get to know his or her other friends.
I will explain that to have rights online there are certain responsibilities as well.
7. I will teach my children that there are some material that is available online that is protected and
cannot be taken without permission. Children need to understand that this material is owned by
others and they have rights to be protected.
8. I will explain to my children when using technology they need to be at proper heights for their size
to keep from causing physical harm. I will also make sure that my children have limits on the time
they can use technology as not to become addicted to the technology.
9. I will spend time to teach my child to protect their technology and data by having adequate virus,
spyware and adware software. I will also show that that having protection is important for all
Digital Citizenship Mission
As a technological society it is our responsibility to
provide all users the opportunity to work,
interact, and use technology without the
interference, destruction, or obstruction by the
actions of inappropriate users. As digital citizens
we pledge to help create a society of users that
strive to use technology appropriately. We will
work with others to identify the needs of
technology users and provide opportunities to
make them effective.
Marshall McLuhan – The Medium is the Message
Technology as Extensions of the Human Body: …various ways
human beings extend themselves, and how these extensions affect our
relationships with one another.
An extension occurs when an individual or society makes or uses
something in a way that extends the range of the human body and
mind in a fashion that is new.
Every extension of mankind, especially technological extensions, have
the effect of amputating or modifying some other extension. The
telephone extends the voice, but also amputates the art of penmanship
gained through regular correspondence.
“Frankenstein Syndrome – One creates a machine for a particular
and limited purpose. But once the machine is built, we discover –
sometimes to our horror, … that it has ideas of its own.”
According to Postman technology created childhood (the creation of the
printing press) and technology is taking away childhood through the
sharing of information with everyone and the lack of secrets to our
His example was television about this eroding between childhood and
adulthood but the same could be said about any digital technology today:
First, it requires no instruction to understand its form
Second, it does not make complex demands on either mind or behavior
Third, it does not segregate its audience
1st Question – “Why are you online?, What is the reason
to have a Twitter or Facebook account?”
2nd Question – “Is now the right time?”
3rd Question – “Where is your line between public and
Why are actions like cyberbullying happening even after grade 12?
1.) Abstraction – it doesn’t feel “real”
2.) Invisible Impact – not aware of visual cues
3.) Shaming – very little recourse in the virtual world
4.) Anonymity – do not need to come face-to-face with other person
5.) It’s the Norm – “Everyone’s doing it”
My Belief…
“If you don’t stand for
something, you will fall
for anything!”
Thank you again for
your attendance and