Quality Through Leadership NPQSL Level 2 Leadership Curriculum Elective Module Day 1 : Improving the Quality of Teaching Shelley Kinteh NPQSL – Level 2 Module Leading beyond a team within an organisation. Educational Excellence Operational Management Strategic Leadership Elective Module By the end of the elective participants should have explored; • effective pedagogy – outstanding teaching and learning, including pupil progress • national and international research and evidence on leading teaching and learning • lesson observation and strategies for improving performance • whole-school data analysis • Ofsted inspection framework • supporting and challenging others to make improvements • classroom management to achieve high-quality teaching and positive behaviour 19 Competencies Strategic Leadership Educational Excellence Operational Management Self awareness and self management Delivering continuous improvement Efficient and Effective Personal drive and accountability Modelling excellence in teaching Analytical thinking Resilience and emotional maturity Learning focus Relationship management Conceptual thinking Partnership and collaboration Holding others to account Future focus Impact and Influence Developing others Organisational and community understanding Break the ice….. Introduce yourself, discuss………. ‘’I believe our students are our future. Each of our students has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. Teaching is an important and honourable occupation that demands commitment. There are miracles, learning, healing, laughter, sharing and love every day in classrooms all around the world. A teacher has the opportunity to impact on students’ lives in a positive way; this is a huge privilege that shouldn’t be taken lightly.’’ Ashley Azzopardi Domestics Protocols: What should the protocols be? Outstanding teaching….. ‘’For a lesson to be deemed outstanding, there needs to be a sense of ‘awe and wonder’ with students totally engaged in, and mesmerised by, their learning. Often we observe lessons that are good, but not outstanding. In outstanding lessons there is a buzz and, as one observer noted, the students seemed to be “under a spell” and “in a higher zone of learning regardless of their ability”. OP: Chris Aitkin, Director of Teaching and Learning, Conyers School Can this be learned as Continuing Professional Development? Outstanding teaching What are the qualities, characteristics and competencies of ‘Outstanding’ teaching? What is your personal philosophy? Together write a 50 word blog that you would be prepared to post on the school website to be read by pupils, parents, staff and the wider world. Outstanding teaching You are a new senior leader responsible for the ‘Outstanding Teaching’ guide. As a group propose an A5 document to stick to the front of teachers planners beginning; Teaching is ‘Outstanding’ when teachers….. Do you agree with the Benjamin Curtis research? Over break….. In pairs, discuss how your school has adopted the Teachers’ Standards and what impact you expect them to have on the quality of teaching. Theories of teaching….. Jug and beaker – Flanders 1963 Child centred approach – 1960 and 70s Monk et al 1999; • Growing the plant in predetermined conditions • Sculptor moulding clay in a rehearsal format • Signpost directing the traveller in learning journey Where do you camp? Theories of teaching….. Social Constructivism – relationship between learner and teacher. “the teacher provides the scaffold for the building, but the building itself can only be constructed by the learning” James, 2007 Brain-based Learning Model - video Theories of teaching….. Theory of multiple intelligences - Howard Gardner 1999 Which are you? Visual-Spatial - think in terms of physical space Bodily-kinesthetic - use the body effectively Musical - show sensitivity to rhythm and sound Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others Intrapersonal - understanding one's own interests, goals Linguistic - using words effectively Logical -Mathematical - reasoning, calculating Pedagogy - impact What are the current approaches to teaching in your school? Consider the theories behind the existing pedagogy. What impact do they have on the teaching? What does the evidence tell you about the impact of that teaching on the learning of your pupils? Continual improvement How do you improve teaching and learning at your school? What approach is taken to develop and implement; • school-wide policies, • models of teaching and • pupil evaluations? Making a difference Hattie – 2009 research into what makes a difference….. Providing formative evaluation Classroom behavioural Comprehensive interventions for learning disabled students Teacher clarity Reciprocal teaching Feedback Teacher-student relationships Spaced vs mass practice Meta-cognitive strategies Self-verbalisation/self-questioning Great pedagogy Chris Husbands and Jo Pearce. Effective pedagogies; • give serious consideration to pupil voice • depend on behaviour (what teachers do), • depend on knowledge and understanding (what teachers know) and • depend on beliefs (why teachers act as they do) • involve clear thinking about longer term learning outcomes as well as short-term goals • build on pupils’ prior learning and experience • involve scaffolding pupil learning • involve a range of techniques, whole-class and structured group work, guided learning and individual activity. • focus on developing higher order thinking and metacognition, and • make good use of dialogue and questioning in order to do so • embed assessment for learning • are inclusive and take the diverse needs of a range of learners, as well as matters of student equity, into account Sutton Trust Toolkit http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/ What makes the most difference in the classroom? What is the impact calculated by months? Watch the video case study on the ‘Feedback’. Over lunch: With a group of 3 people; Plan a 5 minute summary presentation for middle leaders. You will outline the research findings, present your foci for outstanding teaching and persuade middle leaders to adopt this and plan their strategy for the department improvement. Presentations at 1pm Key elements of teaching Ke As a senior leader you will need to have a very clear view on what teachers need to know and be able to do to ensure the key elements of high quality teaching are thought about and addressed in their teaching. Lesson Planning Pp Can you plan on a ‘Post – It’? What is essential? What is important? Plan your CPD strategy for staff who do not plan their lessons. 5 ‘Post-It’ notes maximum. AfLearning Pp Read the Black and Wiliam document. Use you mobile device to listen to Sue Hancock. Section 2 part 1. Recent work scrutiny concludes that pupils do not receive verbal or written feedback for improvement only summative levelling. Plan a 5 minute INSET workshop on the importance of formative assessment structures and strategies in departments to present to your Leadership team. Break Leading Behaviour Leading effective behaviour management. What are your ‘behaviour statistics’? Who collects these and how often by what means? Is the school proactive about this data collection? Could your climate for learning be improved? What steps is the school taking? Do you have a clear behaviour policy? How could it be better? Are all stake holders involved in the improvements to behaviour? Is there a policy of openness and honesty about the strategy to improve behaviour? Does the school monitor staff commitment to behaviour policy and strategy? How do you challenge those who do not buy in to the policy? Leading Behaviour How do you lead and maintain effective behaviour management? Plan for a Full Staff Meeting that responds to the following scenario; A recent Pupil Voice audit on climate for learning indicates that Pupils are acutely aware of inconsistencies among teachers in your school in their reactions to specific behaviour issues including; uniform, bad language, mobile phone use and detentions set. How do you ensure that there is complete consistency in your colleagues’ approaches to your behaviour management policy? Behaviour Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqrug7afH7A Oxford Brookes Research Study. Intersessional tasks Contribution to the online discussion Online Module learning: Reading Think Pieces, Opinion Pieces, Viewing Videos and Websites for further information. Evaluation What went well Even better if