SPEECH & REPORT BY MR. GOLIATH MUNRO, CHAIRPERSON ON THE OCCASION OF THE SWD SPORT COUNCIL. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8 JUNIE 2012 KING GEORGE, PROTEA HOTEL GEORGE DELEGATES OF DCAS THE WCSC REPRESENTATIVES - SWDSC EXECUTIVE MEMBERS, FEDERATION PRESIDENTS AND CHAIRPERSONS, REPRESENTATIVES OF FEDERATIONS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN / GUESTS. • • • • • Dear delegates, our first democratically elected President set the example for all of us when he discovered that sport is a vehicle to unite our deeply divided country. We can only build upon the foundations which he has laid. It is upon us to build on his legacy of tolerance . Listen to his wise words “Those who are ready to join hands can overcome the greatest challenges” (Nelson Mandela). The only thing I have discovered in sport that is a constant is change, because it brings renewal about and therefore we will have to make some sacrifices for the good of our cause. You will discover ,as I go deeper into my report, how the sport landscape has changed. The NSRP has changed the status quo of the sport landscape as we know it forever. By implementing it, we will succeed in building a new “Active and Winning Nation” we all believe we shall. The landscape of sport and school sport in particular has changed forever. And so is the role that the Regional Sport Councils will play as agents of government . You have therefore a choice to come on board or stay behind. Reflection of this report • This report will focuses mostly on the status of sport in our Region and secondly sharing information of a national nature , which will have an impact on your federation and ourselves as a Sport Council. FUNDING 1. 2. 3. Funding Handover The handover ceremony took place in Mossel Bay on 12 April 2012. In attendance were the MEC, Dr Ivan Meyer and the Chief Director, Adv. Lyndon Bouah. A total amount of R635 000-00 (R 110 000.00 more than last year) were handed over to 23 federations. Summary of funding allocations to federations: R 635 000.00 Administration - R 205 000.00 Transformation – R 60 000.00 ( 4 federations benefit and will only be supported for 3yrs) Development - R 230 000.00 Capacity Building – R 140 000.00 ( 12 federations benefited ) Major Events: ( 8 Federations applied) Funds requested was R 1 917 468.00 Funds recommended was R 150 000.00 Trilateral - 1 / 2 February 2012 at the Wilderness Beach Hotel It went well overall. Some federations came well prepared while others did their federations a disservice. The main reasons were: They did not use the prescribed template, Their Manco members not present. We need the decision makers of the organization present to do the talking. STATUS OF FEDERATIONS 1. Affiliation We have currently 51 48 Federations and 4 Municipal Sport Councils on our books. Some need still pay their affiliation fees for 2012 We have been contacted by a few Municipalities like George, Mossel Bay ,Knysna and Central Karoo, after the MEC`s Indaba with all Municipalities in the Western Cape, and are busy to engage them 2. TMC & Women in Sport – 16 May 2012 A new Transformation committee was established, because the previous one was inactive. It is very important that they monitor the Transformation in accordance with Transformation Charters Score Card, which is due in October 2012, of all federations within our region. Our TMC is Chaired by Mr Barries Barnard. The women's committees executive was broadened to share the load, because they are quite busy.Their Chairperson is Ms Amanda Stripp. We wish them well and hope that they will be of great assistance to the Executive. 3. Disputes Federations are requested to try and solve any grievances within their respective federations, according to your federations dispute resolution procedures. Please inform your members not to send any complaint to the MEC`s office , because it will be sent back for the SC to investigate and to report on. I further want to plea with you to give your membership the opportunity to air their views irrespective whether you agree or not. SA COACHES COMMISSION & FRAMEWORK • • • • The Coaches Framework was excepted at the National Coaches Conference on 18/19 November 2011 at the Burch wood Hotel, Johannesburg. It suggests ONE recognized structure for coaching roles (for all SA Coaches) at four (4) Levels appropriately aligned with a National Qualification. The NQF Progression makes provision for Assistant Coach / Coach / Senior Coach / Master / Coach The Framework includes: a). LTAD - Long term Athlete Development b). LTCD - Long term Coaches Development c). LTTD - Long term Tutor Development • • • • • • The Aim of the PCC structure To develop a central technical support system To reduce duplication of coaching process To eradicate the racially marked landscape in coaching / address Gender imbalances which still exist. The emphasis will fall on transformation and excellence. • • On the Home front I am glad to report that out RCC structure has been launched on 16/17 October 2011 with Mr. Abrie De Swardt as Chairperson. The committee consist of 9 Portfolios (Data/statistics ,Education & Training, Women & Girls in Sport, Sport Academies, Sport Science and Sport for the Disabled) Their first task was to build up a database of all registered and qualified coaches in the Region . • • MINI & NATIONAL INDABAS • The National Minister of Sport Mr. Fikile Mbalula has called for a National Indaba, on 20 November 2011 at Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, where the National Sport & Recreation Plan (NSRP , has been adopted, which will serve as an Road Map for Optimal Performance and Functional Excellence in SA Sport. Its slogan embodies the TWO outcomes of the White Paper, “An Active and Winning Nation” • The forerunner of this Indaba was all the inclusive Mini Indabas with all stakeholders across the Western Cape. At the NSRP 68 resolutions were taken on the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transformation School Sport Institutional Mechanisms Mass participation Recreation Funding • • • The emphasis of the NSRP is to allow people to have access to sport and recreation. The NSRP will only be reviewed in 2020. According to the NSRP our biggest challenges will lie in: (1) aligning our boundaries to those of our District Municipalities and (2) Integrating/aligning School (Codes of) Sport with Federations It will take engagement and meaningful discussions between SWDSC, Eden DM ,Central Karoo DM, Federations and the current School Sport structures.. • RELATIONSHIP WITH MUNICIPALITIES • • • • • • • SWDSC maintained very good relations with the following Municipalities without / which assistance we cannot do – Eden DM (District) George and Oudtshoorn Municipalities We are in the process of forging relationships with Knysna, Mossel Bay as a consequence of our involvement in their Festivals. (Seeing that Government money is spent well will be Mr Desmond Speelman (Mossel Bay), Mr Dave van der Walt (Oudtshoorn) and Mr Goliath Munro (Knysna) George Municipality is in the process of formulising their Sport Council. Knysna has a proper constituted Sports Forum which I will meet in the next month. . We are also in the process of advising Local and District Municipalities wtr their Roles and Responsibilities. (eg. Funding and Facility Management) RELATIONS WITH DCAS : HEAD & REGIONAL OFFICES • • • • We maintained good relations with all DCAS staff at Head Office & Regional Office. We want to thank them for their support throughout the year. Thanks to your (federations cooperation), our Region has been complemented by the MEC, Dr Ivan Meyer for good work our administrators are doing with the few rands their Federations are receiving. SCHOOL SPORT • • • • • SASCOC the National Federations SRSA, & DBE have agreed on plans to launch a new school sport structure – 26/27 May 2011 and to start in 2012. School Sport is acknowledges by SASCOC and SRSA as a means to transformation and fast track development in sport. Schools will form from grassroots level (within schools) sport code structures (Primary & High School) These code structures will have representation , as associate members ,on Executive level of the Federation No Sport Council , SRSA or DECAS can in terms of the NSRP acknowledge any other School Sport Structure . The current structures have played a valuable role in the past, but we have moved on in this country, -eg set new goals for school sport. • The school sport code committee will be represented by 4 people in each senior Sport federation Subcommittees – The Convener however on the executive plus one (1) delegate from the disability sector. • • • • • Point of departure: To align School Code Committees with those of the federation. The focus: To set up Leagues and to Building Capacity. The Declaration on the NSRP Indaba (22November 2011) and signed by all MEC`s envisaged School Olympics and National Top School Competitions. DEMARCATION: THE WAY FORWARD • • Affiliation – All Provincial federations must be affiliated to the PSC.( SASCOC directive ) As is with the 74 National Federations to SASCOC, Provincial federations must be affiliated to the PSC. • • Resolutions taken at the last SASCOC Presidents Council: All Federations must align and organize their sport structures according the 53 Districts of the country by March 2013. PSC should do the same. Instead of 4 we will have 6 District Sport Councils. The SWDSC should divide into EDEN and CENTRAL KAROO SC`s. This matter will be debated at our next Members Meeting, which will be a Special Meeting. We just as SASCOC will then have to re-evaluate our federations membership – to see if they are in compliance. • • • • SRSA – Minister of Sport (Parliament) is the custodian of SA Sport (They ensure that sport is regulated and implemented) SASCOC and PSC – regarded as agents of Government (Eyes and Ears) hence their mandate to monitor, evaluate and to implement. SWDSC PROJECTS PRESENTED The SWDSC successfully presented the following Projects. 1. Women in Sport – Ms Amanda Stripp Is the leaders in the Western Cape – organizing activities. 2.. Riaan Loods Campaign - Mr Dave van der Walt Held a very successful workshop on Drug Abuse on the 25 May 2012 . 3. Crowd Control between – October – January 2012 We be presented in co-operation with Eden DM and WP Cricket Date to be determined. 4. Sport Awards - November 2011/12 It remains the highlight on our calendar thanks to the support received by Eden DM and the George Municipalities As from this year the WC Legends Ceremony will include the Stalwarts Awards. ( all teachers made a contribution in sport will be honoured). I WISH TO REMIND YOU THAT IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY FUNDING FROM DCAS YOU ARE COMPELED TO MAKE NOMINATIONS FOR THE SPORT AWARDS. THE WAY FORWARD • 1.THE ROLE OF SPORT COUNCILS • Dennis Waitley: “ There are two primary choices in life : to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them”. • It is our role to monitor and to evaluate all sport activities in our Region, which is very time consuming, but we do it because we love sport. All that we ask is your support and understanding. • I must compliment you all, because you are doing our Region very proud in comparison to the other regions. Thank you for that!!! CLOSURE I wish to thank you all for your unselfish offering of time to sports development in the region, especially, my Executive, who always strive to make our region the best in the Western Cape. Please convey my heartfelt thanks to your families, because they are the once who keep you standing. Gods Blessings to you all. I thank you ……………………… G. MUNRO (CHAIRPERSON: SWDSC)