GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 YR 9 OPTIONS INFORMATION Wednesday 10th December 2014 GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Purpose of this Evening To provide you with further information on how best to help your child express their preferred subject selection for Years 10 and 11. To outline our understanding of the current Government’s position on education. To understand the process required to accurately express your preferred subject selection at KS4. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Aim – To support your child in making an informed subject preference for KS4 Before - discussed your child’s areas of interest and possible vocations. Students should have completed some research prior to attending this evening. Looking at different jobs and the qualifications required to follow this career path. Tonight - visit identified subject stalls and discuss the demands of the subject with staff and student representatives. Attend a presentation to support you in guiding your child to make an appropriate selection of subjects. After – discuss the evening, read through the booklet again, complete the form and get it in on time. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Process so far All students have attended an assembly regarding the options process and received their options booklet. All students should have had a Futures Interview with their Head of House. All parents and students should have received a report very recently, which will have informed you of the current level progress for your son/daughter. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update Since the last election that has been a great deal of talk about the changes required to improve the British education system. English Baccalaureate. A raise in the participation age Linear examinations Loss of retakes A change of assessment criteria part way through courses More recently, we have heard about curriculum and examination reforms, as well as a new grading system. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update Examination reform – All GCSE and A Level courses have been rewritten with new schemes of assessment. Yr9 will be the first cohort who will study the new GCSE courses in English Language, English Literature and Mathematics. The new GCSE specification are much more demanding and the content for Maths has increased significantly, leading us to change our curriculum model. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update - Changes to GCSE Grading The grading system for GCSE is changing. From 2017, the current A* - G grading system will be replaced with Grades 1-9. For our current Year 9, English Language, English Literature and Mathematics will be graded using the new system, with students receiving their results in August 2017. All other GCSEs will be graded A*-G. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update – School Measures • The Government have introduced a new performance measure known as the ‘Attainment 8’, which dictates which subjects students should be examined in. • This potentially could restrict the students to having just two free subject choices. • With some careful curriculum planning we have been able to maintain three free subject choices and one restricted subject choice for all students who are on the Green Pathway (6c+). GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update – School Measures All students who achieve a 6c or above at the end of Yr9 are required to take the following subjects – English Language English Literature Mathematics 3 subjects to include Core Science, Additional Science, plus Geography, History, French, German or Computer Science (Option block A). 3 other subjects (Option blocks B,C,D). GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 National Update – Attainment 8 and Progress 8 Requirements GROUP 1 1 2 English: Double weighted* Maths: Double weighted *Higher score of English Language or English Literature double weighted if a student has taken both qualifications GROUP 3 GROUP 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EBacc qualifications ‘Open group’ (sciences, computer science, geography, history and languages) Remaining Ebacc qualifications and other approved qualifications, including second English GCSE (GCSEs and other approved academic, arts or vocational qualifications) GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 In School Guidance Aim Higher Day All students will have the opportunity to visit the University of Bedfordshire and begin to consider their futures and what qualifications they will need to get there. Job 2022/23 Degree or further training 2022 A level or Equivalent 2019 GCSE 2017 GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Our Approach We aim to provide a flexible curriculum, which provides different pathways for different students; “To help all of our learners to meet the challenges of life in our fast-changing world.” Working in collaboration with school staff and parents, our students will be guided towards a combination of subjects which best suits their individual needs and interests. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 A Curriculum with Pathways The students have all been following a curriculum organised into pathways which have been designed to offer appropriate challenge to students of differing abilities and develop them individually into Confident, Responsible, Independent and Successful Learners. Students of different abilities will continue to follow a slightly adjusted programme and complete KS4 with an expected different number of qualifications. The combinations of subjects offered in each pathway are selected to ensure the maximum potential for success for all of our students and all students will have an appropriate level of challenge. Pathway Entry: Green Subjects Blue Subjects Purple Subjects Level 6c and above in English, Maths and Science Level 5 or above in English, Maths and Science Level 4 and below in English, Maths and Science This curriculum in turn feeds into a selection of pathways at Key stage 5. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 The Core Curriculum English Maths Science PRS Green 2 GCSEs Language and Literature 1 GCSE 2 GCSEs for all 3 GCSEs for the most able ½ a GCSE Blue 2 GCSEs Language and Literature 1 GCSE 2 GCSE School Completion Certificate Purple 1 GCSE or other appropriate qualification 1 GCSE or other appropriate qualification 1 GCSE or other appropriate qualification School Completion Certificate GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 My Possible Final Qualifications English Maths Science PRS Options Total GCSE equivalents Green 2 GCSEs Language and Literature 1 GCSE 2 GCSE for all 3 GCSE for most able ½ GCSE 4 GCSEs or BTEC 10 ½ or 9 ½ GCSEs Blue 1 GCSE Language Option Literature for some 1 GCSE 2 GCSE School Completion Certificate 4 GCSEs or BTEC 7 or 8 GCSEs Purple 1 GCSE 1 GCSE 1 GCSE or or other appropriate qualification or other appropriate qualification 3 GCSEs or BTEC 6 GCSEs or other appropriate qualification School Completion Certificate GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 The Next Chapter of Your Child’s Education Raising the Participation Age The Government has increased the age to which all young people in England must continue in education or training, requiring them to continue until their 18th birthday. Full Time Education at Tring School Minimum 8 C Grades at GCSE and meet the entry criterion for your chosen subjects Full Time Education at College Apprenticeship Level 3 = A Level 5 GCSE C Grades including English and Maths 5 GCSE C Grades including English and Maths Level 2 = GCSE (A*-C) 4 GCSE Grade D Level 1 course ( G-D grades) GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 The Option Blocks Block A French Geography German History Computer Science Catering Citizenship Computer Science French Graphics Leisure & Tour Media Catering Citizenship Leisure & Tour Media Block B Block C Business Studies French Geography HSC Media Music RM Art Drama Food History PE Textiles Sociology French Geography HSC Media Music RM Art Construction Drama Food PE Textiles Asdan HSC Media Music Workskills Block D Art Drama Food Further Add Science German Graphics Leisure & Tour PE PRS Art Drama Food Further Add Science German Graphics Leisure & Tour PE PRS Vocational course at West Herts College Art Art Drama Construction Leisure & Tour Drama PE PE PRS GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Things to Consider You will be making some subject selections for next year and they should … 1. 2. 3. 4. Reflect subjects that you already enjoy. Allow you to achieve the most that you are capable of. Be able to be continued onto higher courses in the partnership or at college. Allow for you to enter the career of your choice. Please be aware that: • Russell Universities have advised that studying for more GCSEs at the expense of getting higher grades is not advantageous * Russel Group University guidance – DFE Website You will be making some subject selections for next year and they must not be selected … 1. 2. 3. Because your friends are selecting it. Because you like your teacher this year. Because you think it will be easy. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 An Important Time… We want you to make the right choices: Please use this evening to follow up the discussions you have had so far with your parents, Lifeskills teachers & Heads of Houses. Ask the subject teachers about the courses you are interested in, discuss the topics covered, the methods of assessment and your suitability for the course. The Connexions Team and Mrs Raybould will be available to discuss any individual concerns in the Desborough Hall. GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 An Important Time… Remember: • • All exams for every GCSE subject will be at the end of Year 11 and the style and weighting for coursework are still under review by exam boards BTEC courses will all have ONE exam paper but this can be taken on a range of dates during the course GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Your Option Form A B Geography French Rank 1 – 4 (1=most favoured 4=least favoured) 2 3 2nd Preference (one from each block) PE 1st Preference Media C D History Graphics 1 4 Sociology Music Due to popular course preference the subject allocation may be as follows Option A Option B Geography French Option C History Option D Music GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Key Dates Submit your option choices form to your Head of House – 16 January 2015 Year 9 Exams Week starts 9 March 2015 Provisional options confirmed week commencing 16 March 2015 Pathway re-adjustments made and final options confirmed by 1 May 2015 ALL COURSES BEGIN 8th JUNE 2015 Final readjustments to choices 14 July 2015 GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Frequently Asked Questions •Why can’t I take Resistant Materials and Food Technology? •Do I need to take a language? •What happens if I don’t like my subjects once I have started them? •I want to take two subjects in column A but nothing in column C. •What happens if the subject you want to take is not in your current pathway? GCSE Options at Tring School 2015-17 Make the Right Choices for You!