Advisory Council Training Presentation

Working With Your Advisory Council to
Improve Your CTE Program
Developed by -- Versey Hill, CTE Instructor
Fairley High School
Memphis City Schools
Memphis, Tennessee
1 = Not Implementing
2 = Limited Implementation
(lack of Participation)
3 = Moderate Implementation
(Minimally developed and supported)
4 = High Implementation
(adequately supported and developed and supported )
5 = Full Implementation
(Exceeds expectations)
Scale 1-5
Communication and Development of a Comprehensive Career
Development System
Academic Achievement through Integrated, Contextualized
Appropriate Teaching and Learning through Professional Development
The Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning
Data Driven Decision Making and Research Based Application
Transition to Post Secondary Education and the Workforce
Tennessee Council on Career and Technical Education (TCCTC)
Role of the Teacher
Roles of Local Advisory
Membership and Terms of
Making Decisions
Assessing Delivery of
Assist with a survey of local employment needs.
Assist with a task inventory to determine the
skills needed by local industry.
Advise on changes in industry standards and
recommend acceptable performance standards.
Advise on new developments in technology.
Review the length of CTE programs in terms of
entry-level job skills needed by industry.
Advocate or promote awareness of the CTE
program through news releases, radio and
television announcements.
 Membership
 Officers and their duties
 Meetings
 Program of Work
Business Planning
Health Safety & Environment
Community Issues
Principles of Technology
Personal Work Habits
Technical & Production Skills
1. Business Planning
How an organization plans (includes
goals and objectives), type of ownership (public, private), relationship of the
organization to economic, political, and
social contexts assessment of needs.
Strategic planning
Assessment of customer needs
and expectations
2. Management
Structure and process for effectively
accomplishing the goals and operations
of the organization using facilities, staff,
resources, equipment and materials.
Assessment of customer needs
Mission statement
Employee handbook
3. Health Safety and Environment
Practices and laws affecting the
employee, the surrounding community,
and the environment.
Regulatory issues
Workplace safety
4. Finance
Accounting and financial decisionmaking process, method of acquiring
capital to operate, management of
financial operations including payroll.
Capital acquisitions
Financial operations
Contracts, bidding and estimates
5. Community Issues
Impact of the company on the community
Impact of community on the company
Community activities and issues
Organization’s involvement in the community.
Public perception/image of the company
Accessibility of facility and services
6. Principles of Technology
Technological systems being used in the
workplace and their contributions to the
product or service of the organization.
Technology in the workplace
Continued professional training
Adaptability and learning from
7. Personal Work Habits
Non-technical skills and characteristics
expected in the workplace
Positive attitude
Personal fitness and appearance
Readiness to work
8. Labor
Rights of employees and related issues;
wage, benefits, and working conditions
Job descriptions
Employee rights and responsibilities
Role of labor organizations
Employment contracts and agreements
Cultural sensitivity
9. Technical and Production Skills
Basic skills in math, communications,
computer, time management, and thinking;
specific skills for production; interpersonal
skills within the organization.
Basic academic skills
Team player skills
Specific production skills
Strong justifications exist for the establishment of local Career and
Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committees. Local advisory
committees provide the means for a CTE curriculum to remain
relevant to business and industry needs. Relevance of instruction is
the school's assurance that graduates will be capable of performing
entry-level job skills. Advisory committee members who become
familiar with CTE programs, and are themselves employed in the
field as well as being potential employers of graduates, have a
unique perspective of a training program. They can provide an
informed viewpoint that is invaluable in the educational process.
Local advisory committees create partnerships between CTE
programs and the industries and public in the communities they
serve. Citizens are involved in the operation of their schools, and
school personnel are better able to understand the needs of the
occupations being served.
Local advisory committees promote public awareness of CTE
programs. Community members are given the opportunity to
become familiar with all the programs offered by schools. Both
formally and informally, advisory committee members communicate
the operation of CTE programs to others in the community.
Consider selecting or voting on groups of
people in your advisory committee:
 Business owners
 Employee supervisors
 Employees
 Personnel directors
 Alumni from that CTE Program
 Parents
 CTE Students
It must be decided the length of appointments for advisory committee members. Many effective ways
to determine length of terms are in use. Mostly, it is preferred to set a time limit for both occupational
and general advisory committee terms and to define the size of the committee in writing. This
procedure promotes a continuing flow of new ideas that helps keep the committee's advice current and
relevant. The most common organization is three-year terms of service staggered so that one-third of
the members are replaced each year. Advantages of this organization include the following:
Terms are long enough for members to become thoroughly familiar with the committee's purposes and
Members in the second or third year of their terms add the benefit of experience while newly appointed
members add fresh ideas and perspective.
Members are more likely to give their time freely when the term of service is predetermined.
When the terms of service are limited and defined, the question of reappointment arises. Is
membership limited to one, two or more terms? Can former members be reappointed after a time
lapse? Establishing policies on these issues avoids potential problems later.
A disadvantage of reappointment is that a member may take it personally when some members are
reappointed and others are not. However, certain members may be so valuable to a program that a
system or school will want to continue their appointments. A policy of reappointment after a time
lapse (usually of one year) can allow for these situations.
Inform members of the length of their term of service before they accept appointment.
Establish the policy for term of service at the time the committee is organized.
Allow for later reviews to assess whether the term of service policy is effective. Change the policy if
members, administrators, and the instructional staff agree.
( )
Article III – Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings of the advisory committee will
be held (day of and months) during the calendar year.
Section 2. Written notices of meetings shall be mailed to all
members at least two weeks before each meeting by the
advisory committee secretary or her designated person.
Section 3. The agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by
the chairperson and the Career and Technical Education
Resource: Dept. of Ed.
Article IV - Officers and Duties
Section 1.
The officers shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary elected from
the committee membership.
Section 2.
The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected annually by a majority
vote of the committee members at the annual meeting.
Section 3.
The chairperson shall be elected from among those members who have served
on the advisory committee for at least one year. The duties shall be:
Section 4.
Section 5.
preside at the meeting of the advisory committee;
serve as chairperson of the executive committee;
appoint special subcommittees, which may include persons other than committee members; and
represent the group at other meetings, as requested.
send out notices of meetings;
keep records and attendance of members at meetings;
maintain a permanent record of advisory committee activities; and
distribute minutes of committee meetings and copies of other committee documents to committee members,
teachers, and others, including concerned instructors. (The secretary shall have the assistance of the school staff and
the use of school facilities in performing the prescribed duties.)
The vice-chairperson shall perform the duties of the chairperson in the
chairperson's absence.
The secretary shall:
Article V - Amendments The by-laws may be amended or added to by a two-thirds majority vote
of active members at any regularly scheduled meeting.
Article VI - Rules of Order The meetings and activities of this committee shall be conducted
according to Robert's Rules of Order, except as otherwise provided by these by-laws.
Resource: Dept of Ed.
Provide advisory committee members with a
handbook explaining the purpose, operation, and
organization of advisory committees;
Send a letter of appointment to each member signed
by the chief school administrator or other
appropriate person;
Appoint members without carefully studying their
potential contributions to Career and Technical
Education (Workforce Development);
Keep advisory committee members informed of
current and pending legislation affecting Career and
Technical Education;
Hold meetings on an organized time schedule and
adhere to the schedule;
Schedule meetings at inconvenient times and dates;
Hold meetings in uncomfortable facilities;
Notify members promptly regarding actions taken as
a result of their recommendations;
Send each member a letter and an agenda reminding
him/her of each meeting at least two weeks in
advance of the meeting;
Solicit the advice and recommendations of members
regarding the effectiveness of the Career and
Technical Education program and the effectiveness
of advisory committee meetings;
Establish an informal atmosphere at meetings and
encourage the exchange of ideas;
Mail each member a copy of the advisory committee
minutes as soon as possible after each meeting;
Encourage members to visit the school's Career and
Technical Education programs as often as they can;
Avoid having members do unnecessary work details
that can be accomplished by the school staff;
Have a school representative attend all meetings;
File copies of all minutes with the school's
Allow members to become involved in administrative
Try to organize the advisory committee without
electing appropriate officers (i.e., chairperson, vicechairperson, and secretary);
Expect members to attend meetings without giving
them prior notice, agenda items, and appropriate
background material;
Discourage members from learning all they can about
the school and its programs;
Discourage members from chatting with Career and
Technical Education students;
Influence members in their selection of officers;
Appoint members for an indefinite term;
Fail to recognize members' contributions to the
school and its programs;
Fail to replace inactive members; and
Fail to carefully consider all advisory committee
recommendations and promptly inform members of
action taken on each recommendation
The School Board (or Board of Trustees) of ____________________________________
authorizes the establishment of "The ________________________ Occupational Advisory
Committee" on this_ day of_______________________ 20[year].
The function of the _______________________________occupational advisory committee
is to provide advice and counsel to the instructional and administrative staff of
the_____________________ program and to its students. It is not given authority for policy
decisions, and it is expected to operate within the guidelines set forth.
The purpose of the ________________________________ general/ occupational
advisory committee is to contribute to the improvement of _________________________in
education __________________________________________through such functions as:
Name of School/or System
verifying the need for instruction in the occupation;
providing input on curriculum, equipment, and facilities that is both current and
relevant to community needs;
assisting with career guidance and student placement; and
promoting community public relations.
The School Board (or Board of Trustees) pledges cooperation with the committee's
work. It reserves the right to dissolve the __________________________________
general/occupational advisory committee at any time and for any reason. The term of
the committee will be continuing unless terminated by the School Board
(or Board of Trustees); ________________, Chairperson; ___________________,
Superintendent (or Principal, Dean, Director, or other appropriate school official).
After the committee members have been asked and have agreed to participate on the Committee, the process of planning for the
first meeting can begin. The planning of this meeting rests primarily on the teacher until committee leadership has been
established. Listed below are ten steps that can be used to plan the first meeting.
Set the date and time. The teacher should schedule the first meeting far enough in advance so that members can make
arrangements to attend. In planning meeting times, the teacher must arrange the most convenient time for the majority of
committee members.
Develop the agenda. (Appendix D)
Select the meeting place. The teacher should make arrangements for the meeting room. This involves ensuring that seating is
comfortable. In selecting meeting sites, it is advantageous to consider using the CTE program facility so committee members
can further develop an understanding of the CTE program activities as well as assess the site and equipment.
Plan refreshments.
Create nametags.
Delegate duties. Contact school site and district representatives.
Send committee members the following at least three weeks prior to the meeting:
Notice of the first meeting—include RSVP
Purpose of the Committee meeting
(This document may be a statement from the school or system regarding the mission or goals of a CTE program advisory
Directions, maps, and instructions for parking
Contact committee members one week in advance regarding the date, time, and location of the meeting. This serves as a
welcome and a reminder.
Prepare handouts.
Prior to the first meeting, the teacher should ensure that the meeting room is set up, all equipment is functioning, and supplies
are available.
Conducting the Meeting
The teacher usually chairs the first meeting or delegates the responsibility for chairing this meeting to an administrator or other
informed member of the Committee. At least fifty-one percent (a majority) of the committee membership must be present to
conduct business. The following is a list of suggestions for conducting the first meeting:
Begin and end the meeting on time. This step shows respect to busy committee members.
Make introductions when appropriate.
Ask an administrator to welcome the Committee.
Committee Responsibilities
Time Line
To ensure Advisory Committee representation from all business and industry sectors served by the program.
Review the goals and objectives of the program and serve as a communication link between the high school or
career and technical center and the community.
Review the mission of the high school or career and technical center and the demographics of the community it
Review information about the program’s demographic profile.
Review of current membership and identification of areas not represented on the Committee
October, November
Addition of 2 members
Identify community resources that will help support or contribute to the success of the career and technical
education program.
Provide back-to-industry experiences for the faculty (when appropriate).
Review the potential for sponsoring student scholarships, recognition programs, foundation programs, and
other program enhancements.
Provide guest lecturers and opportunities for field trips.
Inform the school’s staff of changes and trends in the economy, local workforce, and/or community.
Share information with other committee members concerning changes, trends, and issues in one’s own business
or organization.
Identify job openings within one’s business or organization.
Identify job titles in areas of work related to the career and technical education program.
Identify entry-level and average salaries in jobs related to the career and technical education program.
(Send on School Letterhead)
(School name) is committed to excellence in its (career and technical education program name) program. To help us achieve this goal, we reach out to
leaders in business and industry, to community leaders, to parents, and to students in our community by asking them to work with us in an advisory
capacity to improve our (career and technical education program name) curriculum and facilities.
You have been recommended to us as a person who is interested in (career and technical education program name) and as one who would make a
valuable contribution to the program. We invite you to serve a (length of time) term on this career and technical education advisory committee.
(NOTE – The term should be staggered if a newly formed committee.) By participating on this committee, you will have an opportunity to guide
(school name) in preparing students for their next steps and to promote and improve career and technical education.
The career and technical education program advisory committee meets __________ times each school year. The first meeting will be (date) in the
(career and technical education program area) Department. The meeting will begin at (time) and end at (time). Meetings are usually held (date and
location). In addition, calls to committee members are occasionally made as the need arises.
Please indicate your willingness to serve on this committee by checking the appropriate box and signing where indicated. Return this letter to our
office in the enclosed envelope or fax to
(Fax #) by (date). A duplicate copy of this letter is enclosed for your files. Please contact me at (telephone number) if you have questions.
(Teacher Name)
(Principal Name)
(Career and Technical Education program name)
Reference Initials
 I accept the Committee appointment.
 I am unable to serve on the Committee.
Designate a group or individual in your business to select and recruit other employees for CTE activities.
Serve on CTE steering committees and boards.
Develop and provide mentorship, job-shadow and work experience opportunities, and apprenticeship programs for
Volunteer even if you are involved in a small business; speak in a classroom or offer a job-shadow experience; share your
business experiences; and discuss the tasks involved in running a business.
Choose a school in your community to “adopt” and create a plan to work with administrators, teachers, and students on
CTE activities. Plan to involve primary, secondary, and postsecondary CTE interests.
Allow employees time off to speak in classrooms and work with teachers on curriculum development that is relevant to
your business and the broader world of work.
Work with a school to develop mastery certificates that reflect skills students must have for entry into a specific business.
Assist students with obtaining program credentialing.
Offer activities for students such as tours of your business.
Participate in job fairs.
Host a speaker on CTE for a meeting or consider a CTE activity as a future project if you are a member of a business or
civic organization.
Offer summer internships for teachers so they can take firsthand business experience back to their classrooms and
integrate what they learned into their curriculum.
Provide testimonials and encouragement to other employers. Build public awareness by offering employees to speak about
your company’s CTE efforts at business and civic organizations.
Publicize CTE connections in company newsletters, local newspapers, trade magazines, and business publications.
Participate in CTE planning groups in your state and school district. Serve on school boards.
Develop programs to train business/industry members as CTE mentors.
Include articles in newsletters to your members about the benefits of CTE and examples of opportunities created through
employer/education partnerships.
Work with employers to provide work-based learning opportunities for students and teachers.
Involve teacher organizations in the restructuring of education, including integrating academic and work-based learning.
Promote the inclusion of employer involvement in CTE activities in collective bargaining agreements.
Communicate with others about the benefits of career and technical education activities.
School Name
Career and Technical Education Program Name
Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes of the (Date) Meeting
The (CTE program name) Program Advisory Committee met at (location) on (date). The following
members were in attendance:
(List members present.)
(List guests present.)
The meeting was called to order at (time) with the chairperson (name) presiding. The minutes
from the previous meeting were read as the first item of business for the meeting.
The next item on the agenda was. . .
Other business discussed during the meeting consisted of. . .
The Committee agreed that the next meeting would be (date). The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Recorder, (Secretary or Chairperson’s designee)
(Send on School Letterhead)
Committee Member’s Name
City, Tennessee ZIP
Dear (Committee Member’s Name):
Thank you for the time, talent, and expertise you have given to (CTE program name). You have made a difference
through your dedication and continued support of (CTE program name) and (CTSO name). Your ideas, input, and
enthusiasm were most helpful and have assisted us in making valid improvements to our program.
(Personalize this paragraph to include changes that have occurred related to your program through the assistance of
the advisory committee). The minutes from the last meeting are enclosed for your review.
Again, our principal, (Principal’s Name), and I thank you for your contributions, time, and efforts through serving on
this committee.
Teacher’s Name
Program Name
Reference Initials
(Important people who should receive notification of person’s contribution - employer)
(Note: Your central office may have its own policies about who can send information to the
media and the format of that information. The news release should be double-spaced.
Newspapers do not use courtesy titles [Mr., Miss, Mrs.] or commas between the name and a
suffix (Jr., Sr., III). End the release with ### or –30 – centered at the bottom.)
For Immediate Release
For more information, contact (name) at (contact number)
(This is the person the media should contact if more information is needed about the
(Fill in how many) representatives of area businesses, industries, and community agencies
have been named to a committee that will provide input and recommendations to the career
and technical (specify program) at (your school name).
The Career and Technical Education Program Advisory Committee will provide advice and
assistance to ensure that the program curriculum at (your school name) remains relevant by
reflecting current technology and trends in the industry. The Committee reviewed the
Business/Industry Certification standards for the program.
“We will use recommendations by members of business, industry, and community agencies
as part of our commitment to provide fresh approaches to instruction and emphasize new
ideas and technology in the curriculum,” said (your teacher, your principal, or your
Members of the career and technical education program advisory committee at (your school)
are (list committee member(s) name(s) and employer/agency).
For more information on the career and technical education program, contact (teacher’s
(Send on School Letterhead)
Program Advisory Committee Agenda
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program Name
ABC High School
Date: _________________
Location: ______________
3p.m. Welcome
Establishment of a Quorum
Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Treasurer’s Reports
Unfinished Business
New Business
3:15 p.m. Role and Function of the CTE Advisory Committee Teacher
Description of Program
Philosophy and Goals of CTE
Business/Industry Certification (BIC) Standards
3:45 p.m. Identify Needs and Set Priorities
Does CTE course/program content reflect the standards?
What changes are occurring in the CTE program/industry?
How can the CTE program reflect new industry technologies and trends?
4:00 p.m.
Discuss Program of Work
4:30 p.m.
Summarize Discussion
4:40 p.m.
Select Chairpersons
Priorities for Next Meeting
Next Meeting Date, Time, and Place
Thanks and Appreciation
5:00 p.m.
The Five Star Process
Improving Your CTE Program