Headteacher Updates

Trafford’s Speech and
Language Therapy Service – an
Nadine Arditti
Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist for
Service Development
April 2013
Referral into SLT for EY
Referral in
Strategies Group
Small Talk
Targeted SLT
sound group
Early Years SLT
Targeted SLT
Speech and Language Therapy
Screening Assessments
 Refer via a written referral into the department.
 Parents can self refer but the information that
professionals supply via a written referral is vital in the
triaging of referrals.
 Referrals are triaged by SLT manager.
 Pre school children tend to go to the screening
assessment or the Targeted SLT Service.
Communication Strategies
 Monthly groups are held at Timperley Health Centre or Woodsend
The groups are for parents only.
There are groups for language (120 minutes) and dysfluency
(stammering) (90 minutes).
The groups are informal and interactive and share information with
parents on how language develops and how to support children’s
speech and language/fluency development. Parents are shown a
PowerPoint presentation and videos and are given written materials
to support their learning.
Unless specified at the screening assessment, children are offered
an 8 week telephone review, followed by a 12 week clinic review, if
Parental feedback has been excellent for the groups.
Attendance at the Communication Strategies Groups is the
precursor to therapy.
Small Talk
 Small Talk is a short course held at CC which has been
planned specifically to address the need for early
language support for two year olds who do not achieve the
expressive language element of their two year check and
who have no other developmental concerns.
 The group takes place once a week for 6 weeks, each
session lasts 90 minutes and is play based. The
emphasis is on parents developing supportive language
skills, activity ideas and strategies that they can continue
at home. Delivery includes the following; the principles of
the EYFS, consistent use of Signalong, use of the ECAT
monitoring tool and ICAN resources.
 Small Talk will enable parents to develop a positive early
home learning environment. This has the potential to
improve outcomes for their child and contribute to
readiness for school.
Referral into Clinic
 Older children or children requiring further
assessment or clinic based therapy are
transferred directly to their local clinics.
 Clinics are now based at:
 Timperley Health Centre
 Conway Road Health Centre
 Partington Health Centre
 Seymour Grove Health Centre
 Delamere Centre
 Woodsend Health Centre
Early Years SLT Service
 For children who present with
significant, complex or specific
speech, language and
communication needs
 Their needs cannot be met through
the community clinic service.
 The children would benefit from
home and nursery visits.
Early Years Assessment Groups
 For children with more complex needs who require
further assessment of their speech and language
development and would benefit from being assessed in a
group setting.
 The group is run by a Highly Specialist SLT, Children’s
Centre teacher and a SLT Support worker.
 Parents are given a detailed written report following the
group and referrals to all relevant agencies are
undertaken from the group.
 The groups were run in the Children’s Centres, however
with changes to the CC, the assessments may be done
during home and nursery visits.
Children with Speech Sound
 Children with speech sound disorders (unusual
patterns) will be prioritised.
 Children with mildly delayed speech sound
systems will not be seen for therapy until the
final term of reception, If required. There is a
strong evidence base to support this.
 Please continue to refer in children where there
are concerns about speech clarity, but please be
aware that these children may be discharged
with advice.
Targeted SLT Service
 This is an assessment and engagement service for
children who:
 Are unlikely to access mainstream services or there is
a history of non-attendance at health appointments.
 For children who are subject to a multi-agency child
protection plan or are deemed a ‘child in need’.
 Where there is likely to be a negative impact on the
child’s educational, social or emotional wellbeing if
the child does not access support for their speech,
language and communication needs.
 Children will be referred on to the relevant department
after initial assessment.
 SLT  Jen Davies (please ensure details re the child’s
social worker are included)
School services
 Special schools; Pictor, Delamere, Longford Park,
Brentwood, Manor High
 Inclusive Nursery – Acre Hall Primary. For children with
SLT  Suzanne Pickstone
 Small specialist classes; Acre Hall (infant & junior),
Moorlands (junior), The Firs (junior), Barton Clough,
Wellfield (infants/ Junior) – support pupils/ teaching staff
via specialised/ targeted training, individual therapy
SLT  Nadine Arditti - juniors (Acre Hall, The Firs,
Moorlands), Penny Moran (Barton Clough/ Acre Hall
infants), Jennie Fleetwood (Wellfield Infants), Jen Wilson
(Wellfield Juniors)
School Services
• Language Outreach Service – For
children with SLI in mainstream
SLTs  Debbie Swift & Lucy McGill
• PIPS – Partington Inclusion primary
Service – SLT Nadine Arditti
School Services
 School Support Team – support for children with
language and communication difficulties that are having
a medium-high impact on their learning. The child has
been placed at School Action/ Plus on the Code Of
Practice or has a Statement of Special Educational
Needs. We offer termly visits.
SLTs  Eleanor Taylor, Rebecca Myles, Lucy McGill,
Nadine Arditti and Penny Moran
 ASD Mainstream Service – To provide assessment to
support in the diagnosis of ASD as part of a multiprofessional team (neurodevelopmental pathway), or for
intervention with children already diagnosed
SLTs  Mali Rashidi (primary), Christine Suddons
Language Outreach Moderation
 A moderation panel meets usually every
half term to discuss pupils and the support
that has been requested.
 SLTs form part of the panel with other
professionals such as Educational
LO Moderation Paperwork
 SLTs and schools complete the request for
Language Outreach support
 Include the SEN criteria checklist for speech and
language difficulties at SA+
 Include additional evidence from the SLT and
school which indicates the child has a
severe/complex speech and language difficulty
with strengths in areas of thinking and
development which do not require language.
 SLT will only accept referrals for children
with Trafford GPs.
 School aged children who live in and
attend a school in Trafford, but have a
Manchester GP, should be referred to
Manchester SLT department for
assessment. Trafford SLT department
then has a service level agreement with
Manchester SLT Department in which
Trafford will provide therapy.
How to refer
 CYPS Complex and Additional Needs Team
SLT Department
Cherry Manor Centre
Cherry Lane
M33 4GY
0161 912 2592
 Need pupil’s details (DoB, address) with signed parental
 Referral form can be accessed on the Trafford learning
ml/Teaching/sen/TraffordSLTpage.htm along with prereferral questionnaires
 Additional SLT time can be commissioned
directly from Trafford’s Speech and
Language Therapy service for specific
project if schools wish to buy this in.
Please contact Nadine Arditti, Clinical
Lead Speech and Language Therapist to
discuss; nadine.arditti@trafford.nhs.uk
0161 912 2592 Cherry Manor Centre